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Rumor: Rubin may be the next cut

The Gipper

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oh for sure, Rubin was worth a heck of alot more than a 3rd round pick. I would have traded him to Indy for Werner and a 3rd or 4th rounder.

no hes not. Mostly due to his contract. They have to take an overpaid player and give up a third or fourth rounder? Slim chance you find anyone to agree to that. Theres better available elsewhere.
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Why is it so inconceivable that we could have gotten a 2nd rounder for the 7th leading tackler in the NFL? I mean it comes down to need obviously and if there's a team out there with a severe deficiency at LB'er why would a 2nd rounder be so ridiculous? DQ is interviewing with the Broncos is he not? One of the best defenses in the NFL is taking a look at him, can you give him some credit for this? Within two days he had one of the best defense's in teh NFL calling him and also have a couple other middle of the road teams with need at LB'er. Would a team give a high 2nd round pick for him? i dunno maybe not....but a team like the Broncos for instnance, who are going to be picking late in every round for the forseeable future i think would gladly give up a late 2nd round pick for a guy like DQ.

You are not going to get a 2nd rounder for DQ I'm sorry. You can pick up a younger guy in the second or third round with twice the upside DQ has. He is on the wrong side of thirty. You pecker heads keep quoting him as the 7th leading tackler in the NFL last year but where the fuck did he make most of those tackles? Just because a guy gets a ton of tackles does not make him a great player. Watch the fucking film from last year abd you will see that a large portion of DQs tackles were made after considerable yardage was alrwdy gained. For fucks sake get your head out of your ass. I would listen to an arguement for his worth from a leadership standpoint but to sit there and prop up his value via his impact on the field is idiotic. Again any team can draft a much mote vauluable ILB in the second or third so why the fuck would it make sense to trade one of this picks for a guy soon to be headed over to the downside of a mediocre on the field career. Great character and leadership, but that doesn't translate into a second or third round pick sorry.

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I said a fourth to sixth rounder or maybe we could trade him for a real fullback. All the same, fuck off.

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Why is it so inconceivable that we could have gotten a 2nd rounder for the 7th leading tackler in the NFL? I mean it comes down to need obviously and if there's a team out there with a severe deficiency at LB'er why would a 2nd rounder be so ridiculous? DQ is interviewing with the Broncos is he not? One of the best defenses in the NFL is taking a look at him, can you give him some credit for this? Within two days he had one of the best defense's in teh NFL calling him and also have a couple other middle of the road teams with need at LB'er. Would a team give a high 2nd round pick for him? i dunno maybe not....but a team like the Broncos for instnance, who are going to be picking late in every round for the forseeable future i think would gladly give up a late 2nd round pick for a guy like DQ.


Because of his contract- please. In a trade, the players contract follows him IIRC. That's the Browns paying at least $5 million to keep DQ around- as opposed to any team now start the negotiating at vet minimum, and working upwards.

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I said a fourth to sixth rounder or maybe we could trade him for a real fullback. All the same, fuck off.


Maybe a bag of chips and a coke, or a bag of T-Rich's sperm?


We love ya PG- we're all waiting when Richardson has a beastly year. :) I just had all kinds of beastly ideas involving Richardson, but I'll refrain in case the kids are reading.

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Rubin holds and sheds lineman as well as Taylor but moves laterally better and gets up field better. Taylor relies heavily on his sheer size to clog up lanes. Overall Rubin is a much better lineman and adaptable to any front whereas Taylor is vastly more suited to the 3-4. Really not sure what you're thinking about Winn and Bryant. Winn is not even close yet to being as good as Rubin and Bryant is a 5 tech DE so I really don't know why you're mentioning him because he plays a different position. This is football 101 c'mon guys.


ok now is this who you are?


disaster browns, mr. doomsday?


i loved DQ too, but ask his agent about that one. rubin hasn't been cut yet so calm the fuck down. let's see what happens before May whatever and our 4th pick. could be anything that you dream of. or a nightmare that you can't wake up from.

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Maybe a bag of chips and a coke, or a bag of T-Rich's sperm?


We love ya PG- we're all waiting when Richardson has a beastly year. :) I just had all kinds of beastly ideas involving Richardson, but I'll refrain in case the kids are reading.


and to follow manziel or carr.


oops i said it again.


i think you and walter white should go to the drive in and have a tug-a-thon.

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. rubin hasn't been cut yet so calm the fuck down.


1) i'm calm bro thanks

2) I know he hasn't been cut, but he likely will be given that we cut DQ for the exact same reason.

3) I'm not so mad about us letting these vets go as I am that we didn't get anything for them. For us some us to say that we couldnt' have gotten any trade value for DQ is absurd and even more absurd for Rubin. Rubin has had high trade value for years. There are so many teams out there that would stab a ngr in the dick for our backup lineman let alone the top two in Rubin an Taylor.

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1) i'm calm bro thanks

2) I know he hasn't been cut, but he likely will be given that we cut DQ for the exact same reason.

3) I'm not so mad about us letting these vets go as I am that we didn't get anything for them. For us some us to say that we couldnt' have gotten any trade value for DQ is absurd and even more absurd for Rubin. Rubin has had high trade value for years. There are so many teams out there that would stab a ngr in the dick for our backup lineman let alone the top two in Rubin an Taylor.

youre wrong. Taylor would have a trade market, because hes on his rookie deal. Rubin and Jackson have ZERO trade value. Nobody is going to trade draft picks for overpaid players pushing 30.
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Rubin's agent released today that he isn't going anywhere. Won't be cut or restructured.


Makes sense. The rumor came from that gay gossip website anyway.



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After meeting with Browns officials at the Combine, the agent for LE Ahtyba Rubin is confident the team will retain Rubin at his current salary.

After an up-and-down 2013 campaign, Rubin is owed a $6.6 million base salary and $300,000 workout bonus. "They're happy to have him on team, no changes to his salary," agent Alan Herman told the Cleveland Plain Dealer. Rubin turns 28 in July. The Browns don't necessarily need cap room -- they're $56.9 million under -- but could lower Rubin's figure by signing him to a long-term extension.

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Same for DQ, we could have gotten a second rounder for DQ, at the least.

I don't know man.....his salaries the next several years were around 7 mil per year. I think that would be hard to trade.


I am sure we didn't go through this process of making the decision to release him without even considering trading him. Why would we not consider that? Answer: We did. Nobody was interested. Why trade for a guy when you think there is a good chance the other team is going to release him? If you really want him, you can always try to make the deal once the other team elects to keep him. Let them pay the massive bonus.


Had we traded for a guy like DQ and had to pay out 5 mil in bonus money, pay 7 mil a year for the 2 years remaining on his contract AND give up a 2nd round pick....LOL...how do you think that would fly?

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