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Obamao goes marxist again, going after conservative political opponent groups free speech


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Of course they are. Their two more years will yield more and more desperate attempts

to retain power.


President Barack Obama wants to drive a knife through the heart of the conservative and pro-family movement by silencing the 501 ©(4) organizations that give it a voice in public affairs.
These outrageous IRS regulations are a “gag order” aimed at conservative Americans. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) issued a strong warning yesterday about the proposed directives…
“What these proposed rules are going to do… is to institutionalize the role of the IRS as the speech police, something we ought to avoid like the plague. The last thing we need to do is to support the IRS becoming the speech police and suppressing the constitutional, protected rights of the American people.”
++Congress calls for a one-year delay.
Yesterday, a group of Republican Senators introduced the “Stop Targeting of Political Beliefs by the IRS Act.” The bill is spearheaded by Senators Jeff Flake (R-AZ) and Pat Roberts (R-KS) and is cosponsored by 37 others.
According to a release on Senator Flake’s website…
“The bill would protect the free-speech rights of 501©(4) organizations by prohibiting for one year the finalization of a proposed Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulation that would significantly limit the advocacy and educational activities of these groups.
The bill would also prevent additional targeting of 501©(4) organizations by restoring the IRS 501©(4) standards and definitions that were in place before the start of the agency’s targeting of conservative groups in 2010.
The Stop Targeting of Political Beliefs by the IRS Act will prevent this rule or any other that seeks to continue the targeting of groups based on their ideology. It’s time to end the intimidation and harassment.”
Senator Roberts added, “It is clear the IRS has no capacity to regulate political activity without running roughshod over people’s fundamental constitutional rights.”
Last week, Congressman Dave Camp (R-MI) introduced a similar measure in the House of Representatives.
I believe that these congressional initiatives were prompted, in part, by our petitions and faxes to Capitol Hill.
I endorse these bills, and we will continue to petition Congress for passage, but I do have a few concerns…
Why did they opt for a one-year delay rather than an all-out “cease and desist” order? Will Harry Reid allow it to come to a vote in the Senate – and will the President actually sign the bill, if passed by both chambers?
Here’s Liberty Counsel’s response: Our legal team will aggressively engage the Obama administration in federal court to STOP the draconian new regulations from being enacted at all!
These new regulations are in direct opposition to the Supreme Court’s ruling in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission in 2010, which President Obama swore he would contravene.
We have been sounding the alarm about these appalling regulations since December and will continue spreading the word until it is strategically possible to address the issue in court. But we can’t continue this public affairs campaign and prepare for a momentous legal effort without your support.
Mat Staver,
Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
P.S. The core missions of our sister organization, Liberty Counsel Action and other pro-liberty 501 ©(4) organizations are being severely threatened!
Liberty Counsel’s litigation team is preparing for an aggressive legal counter-attack to stop the IRS regulations from silencing conservative Americans.
if you would like to sign the Stop the IRS’ War on Conservatives petition, which will be redelivered to Capitol Hill next week, go to www.libertycounsel.com, where you will find information on many of our ongoing initiatives.
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Sounds completely unbiased. Read more about this, how is this targeting conservative groups? All 501 (4) organizations are dealing with it. I disagree with it on principle because I am generally anti-tax but I am also not into groups being able to raise tax-free dough to throw at politicians. Fringe morons with thick wallets shouldn't be calling the shots in Washington.

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Sounds completely unbiased. Read more about this, how is this targeting conservative groups? All 501 (4) organizations are dealing with it. I disagree with it on principle because I am generally anti-tax but I am also not into groups being able to raise tax-free dough to throw at politicians. Fringe morons with thick wallets shouldn't be calling the shots in Washington.

Well maybe that's better than fringe morons without a pot to piss in...



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Sounds completely unbiased. Read more about this, how is this targeting conservative groups? All 501 (4) organizations are dealing with it. I disagree with it on principle because I am generally anti-tax but I am also not into groups being able to raise tax-free dough to throw at politicians. Fringe morons with thick wallets shouldn't be calling the shots in Washington. Logic


Because they are not targeting teacher unions, for example. Tax-free. They are political

to the max. The list is longer than that.


Teacher unions are very, very democrat, and have open gates for political activity. But Obamao is fine with THOSE.


That's the problem. Ulterior motives, based on political bigotry.

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Sounds completely unbiased. Read more about this, how is this targeting conservative groups? All 501 (4) organizations are dealing with it. I disagree with it on principle because I am generally anti-tax but I am also not into groups being able to raise tax-free dough to throw at politicians. Fringe morons with thick wallets shouldn't be calling the shots in Washington. Logic


Because they are not targeting teacher unions, for example. Tax-free. They are political

to the max. The list is longer than that.


Teacher unions are very, very democrat, and have open gates for political activity. But Obamao is fine with THOSE.


That's the problem. Ulterior motives, based on political bigotry.

Other unions can also use their money for republican candidates.


Again, comparing Obama to Mao. Please read a history book. He is a fucking awful president but he is not Mao. No U.S. president has been Hitler, Stalin, Mao, or the like. When I see ultra conservative and ultra liberal people throw those terms around, it makes me want to fucking puke. Drama queens.

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I only coined "Obamao" as showing my lack of respect for him, that's all.


Yes, he hasn't caused the murder of millions.


Big freaking deal.


He sucks, and he is a marxist, and that's my opinion.

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Are teacher unions 501 (4) organizations? No. Are all 501 (4) orgs conservative? No. So it doesn't apply.

I still put unions in the same group of people fucking things up by throwing money at politicians. Logic


Yes, it does freakin apply. You are missing the point. Most 501's are conservative, and with one exception,

the conservative ones were singled out for months and years of delays, and endless questions.

And, why would dems bitch about 501 orgs, because they raise money to influence elections,

then ignore the teachers unions (and others), that use tons of unions dues to influence elections.

I'll tell ya why, ...polical bigotry and advantage. They were after the Tea Party groups, and other conservative groups.

Both are tax exempt.

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Cal get over it. THEY BOTH DO IT. It's called politics. Why don't you concentrate on the fuck-tards in Congress. K


To a point, yes. I'm really po'd at McConnel and Boehner sp? as well as a bunch of other dems and reps

in Congress.


Sherrod Brown, aka "cowardly weasel face", is one of the worst.


But Congress isn't talking about giving gun owners serious crap. The marxist pig in our WH is. Sure, Congress

keeps raising the damn debt limit. But the dems have a president on their side who insists on it.


That's a marxist lying president, who called Bush's national debt "UNPATRIOTIC". Watch the dems in Congress

go ballistic about raising the national debt when a Republican is president.


With the dems, it all starts at the top, and works it's way down the poop mountain, and I don't see that

...as much, with the reps. That's all.


I'll bitch about the republicans bigtime when we are talking about the national debt.


I admire, btw, Ted Cruz for standing up to the GOP stupidass coward's club in DC.

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