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Republican Official Says Gays Should be purged from GOP, blames homosexuality on Satan


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This is a true waste of time for elected officials. Plenty of other shit for them to worry about. But the fringe (on both sides) make this and other ridiculous social issues front and center and it distracts from real problems.



Creating issues out of non-issues just to get votes. How many hard working gay people want to give their money to a non-hard working heterosexual. I would bet not many.


I just want everyone to stop thrusting the gay agenda in our faces everytime I turn around. The Olympics are nothing but another gay games and now chevy has started pushing the agenda in their advertising. Enough already. Homosexuality is nothing new, its been around for a very long time and will always be around.

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I hear this on here a lot. "The gay agenda is being shoved in our face." Yeah... I don't see anything being shoved in anyone's face. Hell, by these standards anti-gay movements get shoved in my face now and then. Or, better yet, religion. Everywhere I go I see it. It is always being shoved in my face! Why don't they respect my views and just tone it down!



Also, saying "we have more important things to worry about" is a cop out too. That is easy to say when doing nothing leaves the issue on the side you agree with. Our country is also able to do more than one thing at a time. This is especially true when it just seems so god damn obvious to let gays marry. You don't want it to be an issue? Then drop your preexisting prejudices from religion or whatever and let them be treated like everyone else.

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I hear this on here a lot. "The gay agenda is being shoved in our face." Yeah... I don't see anything being shoved in anyone's face. Hell, by these standards anti-gay movements get shoved in my face now and then. Or, better yet, religion. Everywhere I go I see it. It is always being shoved in my face! Why don't they respect my views and just tone it down!



Also, saying "we have more important things to worry about" is a cop out too. That is easy to say when doing nothing leaves the issue on the side you agree with. Our country is also able to do more than one thing at a time. This is especially true when it just seems so god damn obvious to let gays marry. You don't want it to be an issue? Then drop your preexisting prejudices from religion or whatever and let them be treated like everyone else.


Agreed on many points. Here is a thought. I don't believe that homosexuality is "natural". Yet many will state that I am a "bigot". I will not teach my kids that homosexuality is natural either, yet I will be labeled a "bigot" and they will be too unless they feel it necessary to make up their own minds to which they have that right. What will happen is the right to believe how you want to believe will be removed. The whole Duck Dynasty fiasco is an example. The man said what he believed, yet was labeled a bigot, homophobic and all sorts of other labels. Yet, that's not who he is. There is a double standard when it comes to this issue.


When it comes to "religion", let's remember not to throw the baby out with the bath water. Are there idiots in religion, absolutely. But not all of us are in that same camp. I for one have this opinion as to why many "religious" people have it wrong. For some reason some religious nuts think that a signed legal marriage certificate also means that it is recognized in some spiritual court of law. If two homosexuals want to pay for a marriage certificate, let 'em have it. It does not mean that I have to recognize or that the god of my religion has to recognize it as binding. It's a piece of paper. I get why some religious people get all bent out of shape, but for me, just let 'em have it and then have to deal with all the crap that goes along when the two decide that they don't "love" each other anymore. Also, going back to Judaism and when a marriage was made official is when it was finally consummated. Since homosexual sex isn't technically consummating anything, I don't understand why the religious people are so crazy against it. Let adults do what they want. But also, let religions have the right to freely believe what their religion teaches. That is 'Murica.

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Normal. Socially and logically accepted as a norm.


Anything else is abnormal. And to whatever point, not



Normal - good.

Abnormal - bad.


When it comes to behavior.


Albinoes are abnormal. But hardly reason to not be accepted.

Disabilities are abnormal. Same.


Behavior - as in, "I'm openly perverse and I'm getting in your face to force you to start

accepting it and iif you don't stop thinking

it's perverse, I will sue you and make you sorry, and try to make you lose

your job, get you booted off the internet....and we want to legally force you to completely change

the deinition of "normal" and "marriage" .....etc"


Now, woody, show me one example of a Christian saying the same kind of thing from that side.

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Sure. Like it's normal for some societies to put big plates in their mouths...wood spikes through

their noses.... etc.


But societies define "norms" and "acceptance" by what works for them, to establish order

that enables them to survive as a cohesive society. A lack of cohesiveness, cross the line,

is no society at all. Which is very destructive to survival.


Entire empires have fallen because rules, acceptance of norms, and cohesiveness went out the window.


This openly gay garbage is destructive. To the cohesiveness in Boy Scouts, our military, sports teams,

even community relationships and work places.


Take guys in an office. They go out to lunch on Fridays. They go bowling. One isn't married. Then,

he decides to happily explain to them he's gay. well, I wouldn't go bowling with him anymore, nor out to lunch

anymore. Maybe all the other guys feel that way. So they don't go out to lunch as a group anymore, unless

that other guy doesn't go. Things really change. The gay guy is upset. The office is upset. And instead

of the guys' wives trying to set him up with one of their girlfriends, he is no longer invited to their

bbq's on weekends. And they quit bowling as team.


Then the lawsuits start happening. Boy scouts stop going camping because some kid is openly saying he's gay.

So they don't want to camp with him anymore. The parents sue, so the troop disbands.


Parents start a new organization, which is true, to get away from the problem.


Trying to force societies to destroy who they are, and try to make them into something they are not,

is destructive. And self-defeating.


And I have to go get some logs I cut up out of the neighbor's field, and there's too much snow on the ground

for the atv to drive back there...and..


it's freakin RAINING and THUNDERING. what the hell? lol. Although, I must admit, it is abnormal, but not perverse.

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Take guys in an office. They go out to lunch on Fridays. They go bowling. One isn't married. Then,

he decides to happily explain to them he's gay. well, I wouldn't go bowling with him anymore, nor out to lunch

anymore. Maybe all the other guys feel that way. So they don't go out to lunch as a group anymore, unless

that other guy doesn't go. Things really change. The gay guy is upset. The office is upset. And instead

of the guys' wives trying to set him up with one of their girlfriends, he is no longer invited to their

bbq's on weekends. And they quit bowling as team. - Cal


I would hope that you're in the minority there, although I understand that in America it's probably not the case. To be honest, if it were to happen in my office, and someone said that they wouldn't go out to lunch with the gay guy, then yes, the office morale would be destroyed, because of the guy that's so hung up on where his ex-friend puts his dick in his spare time that he no longer wants anything to do with him.

It's probably not a shock for you to hear, but I have openly gay friends (male and female). Why should I stop being friends with them?

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It's a matter of behavior to me. If your gay male friend gives you a big hug,

you wouldn't wonder if he had designs on you?


That right there makes for a problem. It's a perverse attraction, and I don't

accept perversion.


My choice. But I respect your choice to see things differently.


If it were a friend who talks about having sex with a ten yr old boy or girl, but

it was okay, because they consented...

would that bother you? Would you still be friends with them just the same when

he happily explained what he was doing?


Where do you draw a line of acceptability vs non-acceptability?


Most all normal folks have standards of acceptabie bevavior.


Most simply choose a higher line of standards. Your choice is a different line.


Okay. But the liberal trend of trying to inimidate, argue, legally harrass the rest of us

into lowering our line of standards doesn't work.


Let me put it this way: When I worked with people on software projects, I was the programmer/analyst and business/analyst-

project manager. I would run preliminary meetings to establish the scope of projects, get everybody's expectations

documented and on the same page. Meetings at various stages.. etc.


Some people I knew were gay. They never knew I knew. I never, ever treated them any way differently than

anybody else. That is being a professional, and they deserved, like anybody else, to be treated professionally.


But if they threw a party, I would never go. Same thing for social lunches. Anything. It isn't part of who I am

Socially, I would have little in common with them, and going to a party with him to meet chicks was never going

to happen, so that is behavior change. Finding out a friend was gay? Never happened, thank goodness.


But it would be the end of a friendship, complete end for the most part, socially.


Would I give them a ride home if their car wouldn't start? No, I would call them a cab. I'd say "you're a cab". Okay, this last part was a stupid joke. Actually, I'd get their car started. or call someone to come pick them up, unless it was

just a block away, and it was raining and hailing. But they would have to ride on the back bumper. B)


Common courtesy is like professionalism. Other people deserve it because we're all people.

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Cal - I appreciate the honesty. It's clear that gay guys make you uncomfortable for whatever reason, and you absolutely have the right to not go to their parties. I just think it's a shame that you feel that way. What is it that makes you feel that way anyway? For example:


"If your gay male friend gives you a big hug, you wouldn't wonder if he had designs on you?"

Well, if my straight female friend gave me a hug, I wouldn't automatically assume she had designs on me (I'm not the most attractive man in the world). Secondly, why would it matter if she did? Same principal goes for me for a gay friend. I have multiple, I hug them occasionally, the same as I'd hug any other friends.

"Socially, I would have little in common with them"

How do you know? I can promise you that not all gay guys spend their time shoe shopping and watching make up blogs with giving their chihuahuas a pedicure. You're saying you couldn't talk football with Michael Sam, for example?

"and going to a party with him to meet chicks was never going to happen"

I have to disagree with that - you should try it some time! Girls are drawn to gay guys like flies to honey. Then they realise he's gay, but you're his friend, so even though you're straight you must be a really nice sensitive guy. Or something like that.

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Cal - I appreciate the honesty. It's clear that gay guys make you uncomfortable for whatever reason, and you absolutely have the right to not go to their parties. I just think it's a shame that you feel that way. What is it that makes you feel that way anyway? For example:


"If your gay male friend gives you a big hug, you wouldn't wonder if he had designs on you?"

Well, if my straight female friend gave me a hug, I wouldn't automatically assume she had designs on me (I'm not the most attractive man in the world). Secondly, why would it matter if she did? Same principal goes for me for a gay friend. I have multiple, I hug them occasionally, the same as I'd hug any other friends.

"Socially, I would have little in common with them"

How do you know? I can promise you that not all gay guys spend their time shoe shopping and watching make up blogs with giving their chihuahuas a pedicure. You're saying you couldn't talk football with Michael Sam, for example?

"and going to a party with him to meet chicks was never going to happen"

I have to disagree with that - you should try it some time! Girls are drawn to gay guys like flies to honey. Then they realise he's gay, but you're his friend, so even though you're straight you must be a really nice sensitive guy. Or something like that.


Yes, there are some stereotypes out there, but granted, there are those that push the stereotypes.. Johnny Weir.

I have a friend who is gay. Once in a great while he will come to town and he has stayed at our place. He has never tried anything. I have a wife and kids and he completely knows that. But we all went to high school together. He also understands my beliefs and he respects that. He very middle ground about his gayness. He feels that gays, should be like straight people, who don't have to announce their gayness everywhere they go. So he understands frustrations that straight people see from the media.


He also thinks the legalization of marriage is something that doesn't have to happen either. It just like any other group. There are crazy religious people and there are crazy gays... But that doesn't mean that everyone is like that. Unfortunately the media showcases most of the flambouyant gays and the idiot bigoted religious nuts.


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Yes, there are some stereotypes out there, but granted, there are those that push the stereotypes.. Johnny Weir.

I have a friend who is gay. Once in a great while he will come to town and he has stayed at our place. He has never tried anything. I have a wife and kids and he completely knows that. But we all went to high school together. He also understands my beliefs and he respects that. He very middle ground about his gayness. He feels that gays, should be like straight people, who don't have to announce their gayness everywhere they go. So he understands frustrations that straight people see from the media.


He also thinks the legalization of marriage is something that doesn't have to happen either. It just like any other group. There are crazy religious people and there are crazy gays... But that doesn't mean that everyone is like that. Unfortunately the media showcases most of the flambouyant gays and the idiot bigoted religious nuts.


Dude, deep down this guy wants to fuck you in the ass. Just saying.

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Another dishonest personal insult by woodypeckerhead. No surprise.


Here's two points:


1. "Kids can't consent to sex. I don't see why anti-gay folks always draw that comparison."Logic


This is often brought up, because some goofs keep saying that "well, in other societies, and in nature,

it happens and is accepted." Africa....Middle East...... But this rationalization goes away when it doesn't

fit their arguement.


2. "You're saying you couldn't talk football with Michael Sam, for example?" Chris

If I'm a reporter etc. doing a job to interview him on football, sure.
That's no problem. But socially? I'd have nothing to do with him. It's a matter
of not condoning, to put it very mildly, who he outwardly says he is. Do
heterosexuals go around announcing that they are heterosexuals to the world?
It's a private thing, not a glitzy hollywood movie role to be gay. It's like they
can't wait to sue somebody for some gay slight, so they can rake in the dough.
Or, put up a roadblock to being not hired, fired. Professionally, you treat
people professionally. Socially, you hang out with those who have similar
principles and beliefs, to whatever point you find acceptable.
I find it pretty corrupt to say "well, he's "x", and that has nothing to do with me,
but we're good friends and we socialize, even though I'm not anything like that.
right. You pick how you choose your friends, quit telling everybody else how
to pick theirs.
But it's a liberal sleazy thing. They insist you do things their way. Or else.
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I just showed you. There are cannabilistic societies. Does that mean we should be

more "enlightened" here on those subjects? Hell, no.


Same thing with any abuse of children. Same thing with sacrifices to

the volcano god some society used to do.


That is the point. Look, dumbass, we all know it's wrong. The point is, by the same rationalization

that "gay" happens in other countries, and surely occurs in nature, makes it okay..


you folks toss it out when you want to.


Which means, that it is not any principle, and as a justification, you know it isn't valid,

except when the stupid liberal part of you decides it is. The rest of the time, you decide it isn't.


So, THE FREAKIN POINT IS, that people like you and woodpecker and others well before you,

have used the above rationalization. I'm simply pointing out that you social liberal lost souls

defend gay whatever, with the exact same rationaliztion that you won't also apply to far worse

thinigs that our society would never accept.


I never accept it. That is the point. Is there something wrong with you or what?


That is the point. Go look up taboos that are well accepted in foreign countries. Look at Thailand,

all sorts of places.


And next time, think before you bitch. I have always rejected the "well, whine whine whine, it's okay

in other countries....." garbage from people like you, Logic. We know right from wrong, and it has

nothing to do with how other societies exist. Do some freakin research before you run your mouth,

and think about what people are trying to say, instead of taking twists and turns with it so you can

pompously try to smart off, ....HECK.

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I just showed you. There are cannabilistic societies. Does that mean we should be

more "enlightened" here on those subjects? Hell, no.


Same thing with any abuse of children. Same thing with sacrifices to

the volcano god some society used to do.


That is the point. Look, dumbass, we all know it's wrong. The point is, by the same rationalization

that "gay" happens in other countries, and surely occurs in nature, makes it okay..


you folks toss it out when you want to.


Which means, that it is not any principle, and as a justification, you know it isn't valid,

except when the stupid liberal part of you decides it is. The rest of the time, you decide it isn't.


So, THE FREAKIN POINT IS, that people like you and woodpecker and others well before you,

have used the above rationalization. I'm simply pointing out that you social liberal lost souls

defend gay whatever, with the exact same rationaliztion that you won't also apply to far worse

thinigs that our society would never accept.


I never accept it. That is the point. Is there something wrong with you or what?


That is the point. Go look up taboos that are well accepted in foreign countries. Look at Thailand,

all sorts of places.


And next time, think before you bitch. I have always rejected the "well, whine whine whine, it's okay

in other countries....." garbage from people like you, Logic. We know right from wrong, and it has

nothing to do with how other societies exist. Do some freakin research before you run your mouth,

and think about what people are trying to say, instead of taking twists and turns with it so you can

pompously try to smart off, ....HECK.

I don't recall ever making a "well gay is natural" or a "it is o.k. in other countries" argument at all. Of course any species up and deciding to take its self out of the breeding population is abnormal. That still doesn't mean because something is abnormal that I need to give a fuck about it. I don't care what any two consenting adults decide to do in their free time, no matter how fucking weird it is. Why do I feel that way? Because I expect the same "who gives a shit" attitude from others when they see my behaviors (gun nutty, pro-constitution, free markets) as abnormal to them and they are the majority. Because that day is likely to happen.

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Yes, I draw comparisons from other posters in the past, because some

come in here, and IF they are really different people, they do the same

rationalizations I've noted in the past.


So, I'll freakin note the same rationalizations now. Honestly, I don't believe

you are heck, he wasn't a 2nd Amendment supporter. But some things

you do, as a social liberal, like overthetop arrogance and the attempt to

force your opinions as superior, are very similar.


And yes, you have said the "natural" thing. Shut the hell up and go back and read.

I never said you did. So take your Heckish straw man and go out on a date.


And in the years I've been on this board, never, not once, did anybody think that

"gun-nutty, pro-Constitution, free markets" was abnormal/perverse.


That's just a stupid, as usual liberal counter that is completely invalid.

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And woodypeckerhead, you still don't get it, as always.


Self defense is not the same as assault.


You have railed against me and my stupid opinions with

hateful comments.


That isn't the same as me far more politely letting you get

it back in turn. That's why you are called "woodypeckerhead".


But like a woodpecker, you keep slamming your beak into

the bark of this forum, hoping somebody will give you

an insect. Or more money from the gov.

Or maybe, your first boyfriend.


Whatever. Like in the past, mz the pussy did it all the time. He railed and bitched and make

really stupid, nonsensical comments in most every thread. You are like mz the pussy.

It's kinda like "deja vu all over again". I see the same pattern.


It's fine if other people have opinions you bitch about. What the freakin IS IT with

you and other social libs like Log, that other people having different opinions is

not allowed?


Go get counseling or something. Simply state your opinions, and discuss them. Let other

people have their own.


It's called America's 1st Amendment. Stop acting like pc opinion nazis.

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Yes, I draw comparisons from other posters in the past, because some

come in here, and IF they are really different people, they do the same

rationalizations I've noted in the past.


So, I'll freakin note the same rationalizations now. Honestly, I don't believe

you are heck, he wasn't a 2nd Amendment supporter. But some things

you do, as a social liberal, like overthetop arrogance and the attempt to

force your opinions as superior, are very similar.


And yes, you have said the "natural" thing. Shut the hell up and go back and read.

I never said you did. So take your Heckish straw man and go out on a date.


And in the years I've been on this board, never, not once, did anybody think that

"gun-nutty, pro-Constitution, free markets" was abnormal/perverse.


That's just a stupid, as usual liberal counter that is completely invalid.

Reading comprehension is a tough issue for you. When the fuck did I say it was natural? I have been in near shouting match arguments with my old lady's gay friends about the natural debate. If you understood context, you would know exactly what I meant by the gun enthusiast, pro- Constitution, free markets comment. I was explaining that down the road those opinions may not be the norm and I would expect the same respect from others that I gave them when their opinions were not the norm.


You invoked the 1st Amendment haha. No one stopped you from stating your opinion. You can say it all day. I can state my opinion all day. No one is stopping anyone from stating their opinion. Don't like my opinion? Then disagree however you wish. I don't give a fuck. I won't cry foul like you are infringing my ability to state my opinion.

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What rationalization goes away when it doesn't fit someone's argument? That it is illegal to fuck kids or that some mystery men in your head think kid fucking is o.k. because they do it in some 3rd world toilet?


To reiterate, two consenting adults does not kid fucking equal.


If you disagree with Cal on anything you are a liberal


If you are a liberal you are bad


Simple as that to him. Black and white

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You can have your opinion all you want. That doesn't stop it from being incredibly ignorant, outdated, foolish, pathetic, etc. Let's hope anyone else in your family didn't follow your queue on your opinion for this.


Seriously, you are acting like gay people aren't human. They are completely alien to you. You just will never be able to socialize with them. You are an insane, pathetic man. Luckily there are political groups out there that can feed off this and get your support...

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I am beginning to think that. You are either liberal or a conservative with that guy. Concrete thinking is a strong sign of autism.


Which is one of the reasons yourself and some of the other posters are refreshing. We really just had DieHard and Cal and they just followed the super conservative mantra to the letter. Never deviated. No matter how dumb it sounded (like in this thread).

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