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Obamao: People losing jobs is a good thing ?


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Yep. The damage done to those who DID have fulltime jobs with med insurance...


losing millions of hours in jobs....


is good because...they are no longer locked into working.....




White House: It's A Good Thing That Obamacare Will Drive 2.5 Million Americans Out Of The Workforce
Yesterday, Washington’s official non-partisan bean-counter, the Congressional Budget Office, dropped a bomb. By 2024, says the CBO, Obamacare will reduce the size of the U.S. labor force by 2.5 million full-time-equivalent workers. That’s roughly triple what the CBO had estimated three years ago. Such a sizeable decline in the labor force will have substantial detrimental effects on the U.S. economic and fiscal picture. But the CBO wasn’t responsible for the most amazing thing that happened yesterday. That title belongs to the Obama White House, where Press Secretary Jay Carney claimed that 2.5 million Americans leaving the workforce was a good thing, because they would no longer be “trapped in a job.”
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That's the point. If somebody gets a benefit, no matter who they are, they don't usually care where it came from.


Live by the CBO, die by the CBO so the article read that I saw this morning. It was amazing the way the New York Times spun it as a good thing for everybody that there would be so many jobs lost.


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That's okay. The millions of incoming illegals will fill the jobs, and get free medical care to boot. The article mentioned that many will quit working because if they make less money, they qualify for free medical care (medicaid). Meantime, working people are seeing there premiums go up because they are actually paying for the freeloaders medical care. Share the wealth Joe the Plumber!

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So, somebody works two jobs to pay for their kids college and their big mortgage,

and losing their hc to Obamaocare to pay MORE for less coverage...


means they don't have to work two jobs anymore.....why?

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The tin foil hat side of me thinks that stuff like this and other economic bonehead moves are being use to devalue the currency and drive up inflation. You get rampant unemployment and unaffordable consumer goods. Industrialists, stock brokers, etc. get stuck with the blame. Government swoops in to save everyone from the colossal fuck up they created. In the process, they get to gain more control over the economy and day-to-day lives of everyone. After all, they control the resources now.


/tin foil off

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