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Colorado School Bans Patriotic 'America Day' - Because it Might Offend 'Non-Americans'


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Colorado School Bans Patriotic ‘America Day’ — Because It Might Offend ‘Non-Americans’


by John Urban | Top Right News

Sunday’s Coca-Cola Super Bowl ad outraged so many Americans because it promoted ethnic division and separation, instead of assimilation and unity under a common language. This is the destructive leftist ideology of “multiculturalism” at work.

The same ideology is infecting our schools from coast to coast, and particularly in regions with high levels of Hispanic — and mostly illegal — immigrants.

One such school is Fort Collins High School in Colorado.

Students and parents at a Colorado high school are outraged after administrators turned down their request for a spirit week day honoring America because it might offend non-Americans.

They said they didn’t want to offend anyone from other countries or immigrants,
” a 16-year-old member of the student council told me. “They just really did not want to make anyone feel uncomfortable.”

The student council at Fort Collins High School had proposed having a day to celebrate the United States during next week’s Winter Spirit Week. The young people pitched “’Merica Monday” – and invited their classmates to dress in patriotic colors. Their proposal was promptly shot down by administrators.

They said they didn’t want to be exclusive to any other country,” a 17-year-old member of the student council told me.

What? This is America! This is the poisonous “multicultural” disease at work.

Todd Starnes of FoxNews spoke to some of the students and parents. He says they “have asked to remain anonymous. The parents feared their children might face reprisals from liberal educators”.

“It’s bizarre and idiotic that we’ve come to this crossroads in our society that we are having to sacrifice our own culture and belief system,” one of the parents told me. “I can’t even tell you how it got our blood boiling.”

“It’s shocking,” the 16-year-old said. “There are men and women fighting for our country and we should be able to celebrate that and be proud that we live in a country where we are allowed to vote – the right to free speech. They won’t even let us celebrate it.”

“They said they didn’t feel comfortable having a day celebrated where students might feel uncomfortable with the patriotism that students are showing,” one of the students told Starnes.

Do you hear that? America has gone from assimilating immigrants who learned English, blended into our world-renowned “melting pot” and were proud to serve in our armed forces — to a situation where the “new immigrants” — many of them here illegally — do NOT feel any sense of patriotism for America, and we need to make sure we don’t “offend” them with displays of patriotism or our flag.

This is the La Raza (“The Race”) movement among Mexican immigrants in the U.S., and the “La Raza Studies” that “Chicano” teachers have been permitted to set up in far too many schools. La Raza Studies teaches that 1/3 of American land was :stolen” from Mexico by racist Whites, and would someday be re-conquered (the ‘Reconquista’) and formed into a new nation called “Aztlan”.


Above: What “multiculturalism” hath wrought. Mexican students in Montibello (CA) High School forced down the U.S. flag and hung it upside down under a Mexican flag during a La Raza “protest” in 2006. (More details here)


Insane, right? But this is what the far left is actually instituting in as many schools as they can.

To show how insane this propaganda has become, the students at Fort Collins said they are actually required to participate in Cinco de Mayo celebrations. One member of the student council pointed out the hypocrisy – and noted that students were not being forced to dress in red, white and blue for “’Merica Day.”

“We were confused why we couldn’t do one day that was for America,” the student told me.

This is the United States of America. We have always welcomed the “huddled masses yearning to be free” with arms wide open. But if you come to our land and take offense at our values and traditions, then don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

As Starnes added: “Shame on the administrators at Fort Collins High School for treating American school children like second-class citizens”.

If you share our outrage, you can contact the Fort Collins H.S. administrators and district leaders at the following contacts:


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I love how, to this site, the coke ad "outraged so many Americans". Of course that link takes you to one of THEIR articles where they state it outraged so many Americans, based off of the cherry picked comments on a YouTube video. This site knows the game and they're playing it well. They'll keep getting bunkers views, that's for sure.

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Todd Starnes of FoxNews spoke to some of the students and parents. He says they have asked to remain anonymous. The parents feared their children might face reprisals from liberal educators.




That's a great quote too. Who knows how honest he was in his paraphrase though. But it covers the bad liberals side too






I thin this was a dumb move by the administration at the school. I'm not sure why a America Spirit Week was needed, but this could have been handled better

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Yep. It's all feigned offense, to rally political support, those precious dem minority votes,

and political power.


and wealth for the likes of Jesse Jackson and the rest.

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I'm not defending the Colorado school here either


But I don't see the great historical endeavor in proudly displaying the confederate flag and things along those lines.

Well then it's just knee jerk liberal stupidity. Which I don't often accuse you of in particular. It does fit in this situation though.



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Let's say that I, as an Irish American, took offense to the American flag because, as we know, it was patterned after the British flag. Do you think you would take me seriously if I organized a march on Washington to have it changed?


How about we just purge the entire era from the history books rather than offend anyone, sounds like a good idea? Oh and about our Jewish friends, don't you think we should outlaw Oktoberfest? It might just be offensive. And you may not have noticed it but grocery stores in this very state continue to sell German wine! To arms to arms!



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Let's say that I, as an Irish American, took offense to the American flag because, as we know, it was patterned after the British flag. Do you think you would take me seriously if I organized a march on Washington to have it changed?


How about we just purge the entire era from the history books rather than offend anyone, sounds like a good idea? Oh and about our Jewish friends, don't you think we should outlaw Oktoberfest? It might just be offensive. And you may not have noticed it but grocery stores in this very state continue to sell German wine! To arms to arms!



Steve, I think you're making the wrong comparisons here. The point is that the confederate flag is representative of a lot of things that people disagree with (as I understand it, not a scholar on american history). So people driving round flying the confederate flag, are basically saying they support that kind of thing, slavery, etc. But that doesn't mean we should ban any product from Alabama. In the same way, we shouldn't ban German wine, but if they're putting a nazi flag on the front then yeah, I think people are going to get a little upset by it.


Cancelling America day because non-americans might be offended though, that's crazy.

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Steve, I agree with Chris here. A German product does not represent Nazis and their ideals. A Nazi flag does.


A Confederate flag represents the confederacy though. Which represents a lot of bad things to a lot of people. Slavery. Racism. Etc.


No one is saying to erase it from history, it is one of many ways to make fun of the south. But you don't display it proudly

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This (3x5) never flew anywhere during the War b/t the states. If you fly it, and claim history, pride etc., you're a moron. It's the "rebel Flag" and stands for nothing but hatred, bigotry, and racism.


{removed image}

This flag (square), however, flew and I would absolutely defend your right to fly it.



This is the Confederate Naval Jack (Royal blue, not Navy found in the "rebel"). Again, legitimate historical military emblem.


The "rebel Flag" is an abortion of a conglomeration of the 2nd & 3rd flags I posted.

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No because they were attacked by extremists, for the millionth time. They are not representative of the religion as a whole, no matter what some here think.


The confederate flag DOES represent the South at that time. The slavery, racism, etc. It probably was not everyone, but a much higher percentage than the percentage of Muslims that are terrorists.


The confederate flag does represent the group that embodied these racist and ignorant ideals, and those ideals are linked to the flag. A Muslim crescent does not represent the group as a whole that attacked the US. It was a small subset of that group. A fringe, extremist subset.



By your logic anyone that was molested as a child, or sexually assaulted in some way could complain about anything Christian, because it is that group that holds the clergymen that committed similar acts.

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I see the other one now. Its square, correct? So which one is the offensive one the first one the second one or both with navy blue


Anyone I think the families friends or countrymen of the 911 victims should be offended by the Muslim crescent?


I'm sure any of the three could be found offensive.

The 1st flag commonly referred to as "the rebel Flag" the "confederate flag" never flew during the civil war. Didn't fly til afterwards. Was adopted by KKK, etc..


the Square one is an actual battle flag that flew. Each state/company/battalion/whatever had a variant, but they were always squares.

The 3rd flag (similar to the 1st) used royal blue (not Navy blue) and was called the Confederate Naval Jack. (Probably is what led to the creation of the "rebel flag" with Navy blue being used due to the name) Also a legitimate CSA flag.

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Wow, I didnt know the different stories behind each. I probably wouldnt see much of a difference just at a glance. It would be hard to fly the non offensive ones though with the offensive one already with the bad rap. Like how the swastika wasnt always a symbol for basically evil.

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I see. You think all southerners were slave owners, all were cruel and all wanted slavery to extend to the entire United States right? Just trying to get a handle on your logic.


(by the way I do understand that some folks have selected a few groups that should be protected from being offended)


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