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Coca-Cola's 'Multi-Cultural' Super Bowl Ad upsets many Americans


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Coca-Cola’s ‘Multi-cultural’ Super Bowl Ad Upsets Many Americans (Video)

by Top Right News on February 3, 2014 in Politics, Sports


Coca Cola’s Super Bowl ad created a nationwide discussion Sunday night on social media.

Facebook and Twitter blew up with both sides of the fence voicing their opinions. Was it right for Coca Cola to portray the message that America is all about different nationalities singing “America, the Beautiful”?

Are ads like this a departure from America’s past tradition of assimilation, uniting with one language and the ‘melting pot’ — and towards division and Balkanisation?

It wasn’t the nationalities that outraged many, but rather the different languages it was spoken in.

One of the top comments on the video was, “This is awesome! This is what essentially America is about.. a whole bunch of immigrants coming to this country. Even that’s how it started.. a whole bunch of Europeans immigrants coming here to make what is now America.”

However, the overall mood of the comments portrayed many angry Americans who believe to come to this country you should learn the language of the land.

One person’s comment got a lot of attention saying, “What USED to make America great was that the immigrants who came here from other countries learned our language and their cultures blended into ours. America the Beautiful should be sung in one language, and one language only, English.”

Still other comments were offended by the Muslim woman in a hijab, and many were offended at the obvious same-sex couple portrayed.


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Didn't bother me at all. I didn't think it was a great commercial but what the hell. All these folks are correct, America is beautiful and it's someplace you would want to be. And I'd rather they were singing that and drinking a bottle of Pop than a lot of other stuff. America: we are currently accepting applications.


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That's pretty sad. Doubly so because we know Americans like these people equate Arabic with "terrorists language" yet Arabic was not one of the languages used in the commercial. So apparently any non-English language is "terorrist language." Xenophobic much?

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