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Stem Cell Stuff


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I don't think there is anyone here who would refuse treatment obtained from stem cells from aborted fetuses that would cure a serious illness being suffered by a friend, loved one or themselves.

And research is providing more ways to obtain stem cells than from aborted fetuses so it's closer to being a moot point.


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If I remember correctly, the recent controversy in the U.S. wasn't so much over stem cells from aborted fetuses as it was from embryonic stem cells.

Specifically, women who went to fertilization clinics and had their eggs fertilized and then had the resulting embryos frozen for later implantation.

The pro life extremists insisted that these frozen embryos were humans and that to use them for stem cell treatment was no different than abortion.

If I'm not wrong, George W even signed legislation outlawing the use of these embryonic cells for stem cell use.

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If I remember correctly, the recent controversy in the U.S. wasn't so much over stem cells from aborted fetuses as it was from embryonic stem cells.

Specifically, women who went to fertilization clinics and had their eggs fertilized and then had the resulting embryos frozen for later implantation.

The pro life extremists insisted that these frozen embryos were humans and that to use them for stem cell treatment was no different than abortion.

If I'm not wrong, George W even signed legislation outlawing the use of these embryonic cells for stem cell use.

Not sure about the legislation part but, yeah, that's the gist of the outrage. This research makes that defunct, as well as making the technology available to patients a lot quicker (once it becomes fully tested etc)

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