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immigration from chris' post

Westside Steve

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I figure to comment on most of your subjects, Chris, but I thought the post it self was too widespread so I'm isolating this, and probably others, as individual subject.


I began by enforcing the laws on the books. I would like to see the 14th amendment changed or repealed. The children born to illegal immigrants would be illegal as well.. As to legal immigration I would geease the skids, make it easier for people to legally apply for and receive citizen ship within the United States. I would give bonus points for immigrants who are educated and can bring a needed skill set to the country. We need the best and brightest to come here and contribute as we did with defectors during World War 2. Of course I want background and health checks. as for those extremely poor and illiterate immigrants who have little to offer besides cheap labor, which includes many of them living here now, I want a guest worker program. You can stay and contribute but you must be documented. I think that's a half way mark between free citizenship and deportation.



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Right, I can get behind that. Perhaps then rather than repealing it, amend it such that if reflects the fact that you have citizenship if you are born in the US to a mother or father who has the right to live and work in the US indefinitely?

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Right, I can get behind that. Perhaps then rather than repealing it, amend it such that if reflects the fact that you have citizenship if you are born in the US to a mother or father who has the right to live and work in the US indefinitely?

actually I thought that was reasonably clear since I said changed or repealed. Today two illegal immigrants can squirt out a pup on US soil and it is immediately an American citizen. I would change it so that the child would be the same status as its parents.


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actually I thought that was reasonably clear since I said changed or repealed. Today two illegal immigrants can squirt out a pup on US soil and it is immediately an American citizen. I would change it so that the child would be the same status as its parents.




I wouldn't mind seeing it amended to people who are here legally, for any reason(temporary work permit/refugee/etc.) but it would take 2/3rds of the states to agree on something and I don't see that happening lol.

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I wouldn't mind seeing it amended to people who are here legally, for any reason(temporary work permit/refugee/etc.) but it would take 2/3rds of the states to agree on something and I don't see that happening lol.

Heh, I'd be surprised if anything worthwhile can actually be done about anything... But cynicism aside that would be what Id do if were it in my power.

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Tricky part would be getting the job offer without actually being in the US. Other places I've been to you can get a work visa without actually having a job lined up, and it lets you stay for 6 months or something until you get a job, and if not then you're on your way back home.

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Tricky part would be getting the job offer without actually being in the US. Other places I've been to you can get a work visa without actually having a job lined up, and it lets you stay for 6 months or something until you get a job, and if not then you're on your way back home.

We will do that when I'm dictator, don't worry.


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My ex-roommate is from philly, and he basically, reckons that if something costs $10 in NYC, it costs £10 here, for example, that everything is one to one, except wages, where if you earn $100k there is'nt about £60k here.

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My ex-roommate is from philly, and he basically, reckons that if something costs $10 in NYC, it costs £10 here, for example, that everything is one to one, except wages, where if you earn $100k there is'nt about £60k here.

The few Brits I worked with went bananas when they were brought in for contract work and were getting paid by their home office. They marveled at how cheap everything was compared to home due to the conversion rate.

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