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I don't understand. You mean Britain allows the muslims to 'self rule' with Sharia law in certain locations?

The government does not allow it, but people have set up offices to 'advise' on Sharia law for those who are interested in what the qoran would say about a certain event, for example.


No citizens would be allowed to break the law to uphold a religious law, but often it happens and just isn't reported.

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Yes, there are many awful thins related to that religion. Especially in the Middle East



I looked through his videos though, I am not getting the equal opportunity thing though. I completely disagree with his No Mosque at Ground Zero video. I believe he got a lot of stuff wrong there.


Oh wait, here they are. He apparently just hit an Islam Sucks phase there, lol. That seems to be his favorite to attack. He does hit all religion though.


His accent really makes him sound even more dickish haha. Even if I agree with some of the things he says.



Alright, looked at all of the titles. He definitely hates on Islam the most. I have only heard him say christian a few times. He just hits religion in general the most. I actually do agree with some of what he says. He is really attacking religion. Guys on here think I attack religion and am intolerant to it, I am nothing compared to this guy.

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Yes, there are many awful thins related to that religion. Especially in the Middle East



I looked through his videos though, I am not getting the equal opportunity thing though. I completely disagree with his No Mosque at Ground Zero video. I believe he got a lot of stuff wrong there.


Oh wait, here they are. He apparently just hit an Islam Sucks phase there, lol. That seems to be his favorite to attack. He does hit all religion though.


His accent really makes him sound even more dickish haha. Even if I agree with some of the things he says.



Alright, looked at all of the titles. He definitely hates on Islam the most. I have only heard him say christian a few times. He just hits religion in general the most. I actually do agree with some of what he says. He is really attacking religion. Guys on here think I attack religion and am intolerant to it, I am nothing compared to this guy.

People tend to bag on Islam more because they seem to be wayy more pushy about their belief systems than even Christians. It isn't anything that Americans experience because Muslims represent such a small portion of our population. Deerborn is about the only place where Muslims represent a significant portion of the population in the states. Europeans deal with a much higher pop ratio of Muslims so they get to deal with much more of their bullshit.

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Is that a real statistic?






I still disgree with his videos about the mosque (community center) at (near) ground zero. He acted like it would be a shrine to the religion that caused the attacks. We were attacked by extremists though. That would be like punishing or branding all Christians based on the Westboro Baptist Church

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If you want to make a point, don't start with pulling numbers out of your ass.


There could only be 40, it doesn't matter. A group isn't defined by its extremists. Conservatives aren't defined by Bunker. Muslims aren't defined by terrorists. Etc

I know a lot of people this dimwits age in the Military. They have 50 times more common sense.

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Well, if those are actually all legit and motivated by religion, it is a fuck ton. You still can't really use a number though.


But, back to my point, you cant judge a group by its fringe members

A much higher proportion of Muslims are aggressive fringe extremists than any other religion. True story. Why aren't Jews blowing up market places left and right with car bombs, or Christians? Islam is not the religion of peace. It's a scourge upon humanity. Believe whatever the fuck you want, though. Ignorance is bliss

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LOL. Have you ever read your posts about Christians?

The Westboro people are vile human beings using religion as a shield. I don't call all Christians that. I know what I type. You may be offended if I call it all fairy tales and a magic man in the sky, but that is not judging you by a fringe group. The catholic church had dome priest molest kids, I'm not calling all catholics pedophiles. There is a difference.


I know what I say about Christians. That goes the same for all religions. I think we would be better off without them. I still can't do anything about what do people choose to believe. I can do my best though to have it not affect my life or public policy


It ties in with Christians thinking they're being persecuted when really the playing field is just leveling.



Islam for sure has its problems. The middle east being as behind as it is allows this religious extremism to have a greater hold. The violence there is due in part to the region as well.


Like I said, remove all religion, I'm cool with that. But I'm not going to think every Muslim is a terrorist any note than I'd think evey Christian is a homophobic pedo

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A much higher proportion of Muslims are aggressive fringe extremists than any other religion. True story. Why aren't Jews blowing up market places left and right with car bombs, or Christians? Islam is not the religion of peace. It's a scourge upon humanity. Believe whatever the fuck you want, though. Ignorance is bliss

I'm guessing whatever you think I believe is completely wrong. Would not be the first time. Continue doing whatever then

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You seem to believe that the majority of Muslims are good people. This stands in stark contrast to your usual assertion that Christians are stupid deluded morons and only you know the truth, Dawkins. It makes me wonder why you feel so comfortable bashing Christians yet defend Islam tooth and nail? Just to be a douche, or do you believe Islam has some merit Christianity doesn't have? Here in America where Christianity is dominant you can say whatever you want. In the places where Islam is dominant your statements about god would get your head cut off and then they'd post the video on the internet for your family to watch. Enjoy your freedom to be an asshole.

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Muslims are the same as Jews and Christians in almost all ways except their far greater tendency to enforce their beliefs violently upon the unwilling. Do all of them do it? Clearly not, but to just pass it off as a fringe is pretty naive. Why is there so many Muslim extremists in comparison to other religions?

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You seem to believe that the majority of Muslims are good people. This stands in stark contrast to your usual assertion that Christians are stupid deluded morons and only you know the truth, Dawkins. It makes me wonder why you feel so comfortable bashing Christians yet defend Islam tooth and nail? Just to be a douche, or do you believe Islam has some merit Christianity doesn't have? Here in America where Christianity is dominant you can say whatever you want. In the places where Islam is dominant your statements about god would get your head cut off and then they'd post the video on the internet for your family to watch. Enjoy your freedom to be an asshole.


I believe the majority of any religion or non-religion are good people. I never said all Christians are morons. You may want to actually READ what I type now and then before attempting a response. I have also never claimed to be the only one to know the truth or whatever. Really, tell me where I said I dont believe the majority of christians are good people? I will wait...


Dont add to the persecuted majority bs coming from the christian side now any then. I think we would be better off without all religions. I do not think any really have any more merit over the others. If you wanted to break it down I guess I would be more for any that stress overall positive morals and values, which a lot do. If there are groups in the Middle East emphasizing the dark underbelly of the religion more then that is of course bad. If anything it seems like they are just in the past, outdated, and the power structure there is one to use religion to control. Something christianity saw a long time ago.


How am I defending Islam tooth and nail? That is fucking rich. Do you read anything? In what world is stating that they arent all terrorists equal to defending them tooth and nail?


Again, I think we are better off without religion. It makes more sense to try to strive and achieve knowledge and understand the world around us than to just say god did it. It would be better to not hate other groups of people only because they grew up with a different story book. Etc. Do religions have some positives? Of course. Charity, teaching some good values, etc, but I do not believe it outweighs the negatives.


Really, read what I post about Christianity and other religions before you say what I believe about christians as a whole. Break down the difference between the people, the beliefs, the negatives, etc.



Why do I use Christianity as an example most of the time? Well I have explained this before as well. For the reason you just mentioned, the majority of americans are christians. If I say what I do about christianity, but switch it with islam, I will get some here just agreeing with me because it isnt their book. It isnt some plot to remain politically correct, I have not been brainwashed by the christian hating liberal mainstream media, cal. I have said many times how I feel about religion as a whole. When I specify christianity it is either because it will make the biggest impact on this board or because it is the one i am most knowledgable about.


Yes, if I grew up somewhere with less freedom than here I may actually be a Muslim. I may have not had the opportunity to hear from other, enlightening and scientific sources. I may have not gotten to hear from the other side of the argument. Even if I did, I may not be able to speak publicly about how I feel, I would have to keep it to myself or risk persecution. So am I grateful for that freedom? Of course i am.



Really Cysko, fucking read shit before you fly off the handle. Having to type up replies to your rebuttals of arguments I never made is Retarded, it is Cal like.

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