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Ancient tablet reveals new details about Noah's Ark prototype


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Or are we coming to the conclusion that parts of the bible are just out of date?


Nor unlike the Constitution...


Hence the amendments. But the amendments, no chance they'll ever go out of date, they're a constitutional right ;)

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Right, so I presume you never eat any bacon or pork chops, and the rest of the world has just been extremely lucky to not have died from ham poisoning?

Right. No improvements have been made in the realm of safe food handling, processing, cleaning, refrigeration, preservation, etc. from 5000 years ago.


The fuck?


Or are we coming to the conclusion that parts of the bible are just out of date?

Jesus came to that conclusion 2000 years ago.


Let's start with you actually reading the Bible, then get back to us.

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So then howcome modern bibles contain both old and new testament? I'm not disagreeing, I've actually read more of the bible than you'd expect, I know that leviticus "isn't supposed to still apply" - but then why is it there? Why, if we're disregarding some parts of the old testament, aren't we disregarding it all? For example, the genesis story is still taught fairly widely, and some people actually believe it to be true.


And on a slightly more abstract theme, if Jesus determined that a book from a few thousand years ago no longer applied, who's to say that teachings from a couple thousand years ago still apply? Humankind has moved more in the last 2000 years than it did in the previous 3000 years.


I'm not trying to get in to a 'does God exist' debate, and certainly Jesus had the right idea with peace and tolerance. I'm just questioning things.

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Are you asking me Chris? I have no idea but for the fact that somebody found some ancient scrolls and decided to print them. Others have found different ancient scrolls and decided to keep them out of the max. And of all these same ancient scrolls there have been various interpretations and translations. I don't particularly take the Bible as the Word of God. As far as Christianity? I don't think many who claim to be Christians follow what I take as the teachings of Christ. I certainly don't. Then again I don't call myself a Christian. We can't take much of the historical records of the United States seriously for just about the same reasons. Imagine trying to figure out something thousands of years ago and in a bunch of different languages and translated by the employees of a few different kings and popes...


I do think the Bible is interesting, to an extent, but there's just so much stuff in it and so much stuff omitted that we can't really nail down I can't get too excited. I do think the basis of the religion that I've personally heard from normal people in normal churches is a positive message. And I think the people who are vehemently anti religion are often times just assholes who think they are brilliant because they figured out that the earth is probably older than six thousand years.

Then again I don't call someone who wants to kick a queers ass because the Bible says it's sinful a Christian either.


That being said I don't think it's a bad idea to try and boil down whatever Scripture we are discussing to its original meaning in its original language.



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I'm not asking anyone in particular, just floating questions that I think are worth discussing.


If you have to summarise the bible its general message is good, do good things with no expectation of reward etc. but there's just so much other fluff in there that I can't get behind, including the gay thing.


I do think that organised religion gets a bad rap sometimes because of the actions of a few - Westboro for example - that are claiming that what they are doing is in the name of religion, when clearly the rest of the religion thinks they're all just idiots.

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Well religion was originally created to explain the then unexplainable. I think over time it became more of a way to control the masses by the ruling group. With all of the edits and revisions in the Bible, then claiming you'll go to hell if you don't follow those rules, it seems like a good method of control. As religion becomes less relevant in modern society this aspect is as we though.

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Well religion was originally created to explain the then unexplainable. I think over time it became more of a way to control the masses by the ruling group. With all of the edits and revisions in the Bible, then claiming you'll go to hell if you don't follow those rules, it seems like a good method of control. As religion becomes less relevant in modern society this aspect is as we though.

That's a very cynical view, but probably not too far from the truth. I suspect it was more a case of the teachings of a good man (Jesus) being taken and twisted by the ruling party to control the power.

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Any reason that taking "thou shall not murder" literally is a major problem? (OT)


Or "Do unto others as you would have others done to you" ? (NT)

That is fine. But when people swear that it is the unfallible word of god and that it should all be taken literally, I laugh at them. You would have to be a fucking idiot to believe the Noah and Jonah stories.


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That was more of a practicality thing. Pigs live in their own shit. Want to know what happens when you eat E.Coli?


Muslims still avoid anything pork-based (which is why the Russians buried muslim terrorists that attacked that school several years ago in pig skins).

Have you ever been to a chicken farm? They also live in their own shit.

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They live in their own shit because of the way they are treated. Not like they chose the way the fucking farmers chose to raise them.

So do pigs. Pigs are penned up just like chickens. Wild boars don't live in their own shit. But pigs do because they are raised on farms that way, just like chickens

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That is fine. But when people swear that it is the unfallible word of god and that it should all be taken literally, I laugh at them. You would have to be a fucking idiot to believe the Noah and Jonah stories.


Rogan hates God because he gave him THE WORST delivery in all of comedy.


There are two parts to the bible. Stories, and teachings. Jesus used many stories to illustrate his teachings. The Prodigal son, etc. Everyone freaks out over the Noah & Jonah stories, but not the Prodigal Son. The Prodigal son story could be just as ridiculous (in terms of veracity or authenticity) as "Jonah living in a whale," or "2 by 2'ing every fucking animal on the planet with a 600 yr old man and his family" - does not detract from the Teaching that each of the stories contain.


Not sure why everyone has to be such a miserable cunt about the Noah's Ark story. You haven't "gotcha'ed" anyone. Trust me.


In the Buddy the Elf movie, would you rather hear "swirly twirly gumdrops" or "Buddy walked to NY"?

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Rogan hates God because he gave him THE WORST delivery in all of comedy. HA!! :D


There are two parts to the bible. Stories, and teachings. Jesus used many stories to illustrate his teachings. The Prodigal son, etc. Everyone freaks out over the Noah & Jonah stories, but not the Prodigal Son. The Prodigal son story could be just as ridiculous (in terms of veracity or authenticity) as "Jonah living in a whale," or "2 by 2'ing every fucking animal on the planet with a 600 yr old man and his family" - does not detract from the Teaching that each of the stories contain.


Not sure why everyone has to be such a miserable cunt about the Noah's Ark story. You haven't "gotcha'ed" anyone. Trust me.


In the Buddy the Elf movie, would you rather hear "swirly twirly gumdrops" or "Buddy walked to NY"?

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Don't have chickens yet, won't get pigs.


If you keep them restrained to a small area, and the area never changes,

what can a person expect?


Our chickens will be housed in my own design coop, able to be cleaned, floorwise,



And free ranged, restricted to a fenced in "pasture" that will move from place to place.

The chicken house will be built on a small utitility trailer for mobility.


Pigs root up a lot of dirt/mud to roll in. It cools them off. Elephants and rhinos (rhinoes?) do the same.


Currently, we buy organic, free range eggs. More expensive, but it's worth it. I'm also getting honey bees, to be placed

around a large grassy area we'll plant with wildflowers. Large, mass producing farms take shortcuts. They use spray,

some bad sprays, a lot to maintain profitability. And animals are kept in cages. People don't know about it, or

they surely would simply stop buying those eggs.


We'll have about 1000 tomato plants again, we've revised our list of kinds, and I only use all natural sprays, etc.


Our tomatoes are a big seller, even last year when the weather ruined most of our gardens. The tomatoes didn't

do right.

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Rogan hates God because he gave him THE WORST delivery in all of comedy.


There are two parts to the bible. Stories, and teachings. Jesus used many stories to illustrate his teachings. The Prodigal son, etc. Everyone freaks out over the Noah & Jonah stories, but not the Prodigal Son. The Prodigal son story could be just as ridiculous (in terms of veracity or authenticity) as "Jonah living in a whale," or "2 by 2'ing every fucking animal on the planet with a 600 yr old man and his family" - does not detract from the Teaching that each of the stories contain.


Not sure why everyone has to be such a miserable cunt about the Noah's Ark story. You haven't "gotcha'ed" anyone. Trust me.


In the Buddy the Elf movie, would you rather hear "swirly twirly gumdrops" or "Buddy walked to NY"?


Never watched the movie. Probably too miserable to enjoy it.


I have my gripes with just about every story in the bible. I know the intent of them. They are meant to teach us not to be cunts. The problem is that there are people who want to pass laws based off of what their fairy tale book taught them. They want everyone to buy into their fairy tale stories or else they will feign like you are persecuting them. They completely believe that the Earth is 6,000 years old.

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I don't get too wrapped up in timeframes of the Bible. I distinctly remember the first time I "questioned" 1 of them. While I was totally cool with the entire Earth being created in 6 days, the Abraham or Noah living til they were 900 hundred wasn't passing the sniff test. Kind of an odd one to pick, but whatever.



I think people would still pitch a fit if the creation story happened in 6 years, or millennia, or billions of years just because it was what was written in the Bible. 6-22 Billion years to create earth, or 6 days doesn't really break the stride of my life, nor should it anybody else's. Just sound byte-y bullshit in election years, or internet forums.



People will always pass inhibitory laws based off what some book or moral code tells them. I don't see that changing. Most of them have worked out pretty well for us, don't you think? Others, meh, not so much.

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There are two parts to the bible. Stories, and teachings. The [ridiculousness of some of the stories] does not detract from the Teaching that each of the stories contain.

Completely agree. I want to believe in Jesus, but the bible makes it difficult to be a Christian!


Not sure why everyone has to be such a miserable cunt about the Noah's Ark story. You haven't "gotcha'ed" anyone. Trust me.

Because people keep insisting on teaching it, as if it actually happened. As Woody and I discussed, it seems evident that there was a great flood, and maybe some guy built a boat to save him and a few animals - maybe 2 sheep, 2 cows etc., all the animals in his small world - but to suggest that he was 900 years old, and built a tardis of an ark and then convinced every type of animal on the planet to come to him is ridiculous.




I have my gripes with just about every story in the bible. I know the intent of them. They are meant to teach us not to be cunts. Yes.


The problem is that there are people who want to pass laws based off of what their fairy tale book taught them. Also yes.


They want everyone to buy into their fairy tale stories or else they will feign like you are persecuting them. Actually most Christians I know (which is a fair amount, considering I live in London) would say the opposite, that you're entitled to your own belief, as much as they are.


They completely believe that the Earth is 6,000 years old. Well this is clearly bollocks. I actually had a conversation with a creationist once who tried to convince me that dinosaur fossils/skeletons were placed there by God and that carbon dating is heresy made up by scientists to give their claims some credence.



People will always pass inhibitory laws based off what some book or moral code tells them. I don't see that changing. Most of them have worked out pretty well for us, don't you think? Others, meh, not so much.

I don't know, I think we're getting to the stage in developed countries (USA aside, clearly) where the majority ruling on something isn't just based off of the bible. I think it just happens that the 'base' set of morals broadly intersects with the general gist of the bible, if not the specific details.

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Legacy Fan, on 30 Jan 2014 - 9:08 PM, said:snapback.png

People will always pass inhibitory laws based off what some book or moral code tells them. I don't see that changing. Most of them have worked out pretty well for us, don't you think? Others, meh, not so much.

I don't know, I think we're getting to the stage in developed countries (USA aside, clearly) where the majority ruling on something isn't just based off of the bible. I think it just happens that the 'base' set of morals broadly intersects with the general gist of the bible, if not the specific details.

Yes, in a 100 years or so we will all be under Sharia law and will be based off of the Quran.


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How do you feel about sharia law in England? Supporter? I've heard the Muslims want to enforce it.

It'll never happen. Absolutely not a fan of it - I'm generally a live and let live kind of person, but Sharia law is probably an exception. I am not happy to see it even remotely being implemented in the UK - and it is, in parts. Small sections of the muslim community govern themselves by it, which I not happy with because of its intolerances, but if everyone is happy with living under it then so be it.

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Until the wrong person shows up, driving through, that community and has car trouble.


And is somehow violating that sharia law. Come on. Sharia law condones terrorism. Got it?

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It'll never happen. Absolutely not a fan of it - I'm generally a live and let live kind of person, but Sharia law is probably an exception. I am not happy to see it even remotely being implemented in the UK - and it is, in parts. Small sections of the muslim community govern themselves by it, which I not happy with because of its intolerances, but if everyone is happy with living under it then so be it.

So, like, all minority groups ethnic or not, should be able to dictate their own governments? Like, can the church hang a suspected witch and that should be ok? I'm struggling to understand why England would let anyone dictate their own laws due to religion? Sharia might fly in a theocracy,like many middle eastern countries but England? Western Europe? I'm not a fan.


I know you've said you're against it, but don't the English people see it as a very slippery slope?

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