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cruel and unusual?

Westside Steve

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The left position, for those who didn't read the articles, is that the state should be sued by this bastards family because of an execution process they found to be possibly painful. Actually from what I gather he snorted a couple of times while under the general anesthetic before he finally kicked the bucket. Probably much worse than the agony that the young pregnant mother felt being tortured raped and murdered in the woods. I certainly hope his scumbag family makes millions, don't you?


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I am on the fence as far as the death penalty is concerned, strictly as an "are we sure we're executing the right (guilty) person" issue.



However, in the case of this particular POS, DNA testing shows he was the murderer.


"McGuire sought sex from the victim but she refused so he raped her. According to court documents, McGuire said that "because

she was so pregnant (8 months) it was difficult to engage in sex with her, so he anally sodomized her." The victim became 'hysterical',

which made McGuire nervous. He killed her for fear that he would go to jail for raping a pregnant woman. He stabbed her and then

cut her throat, letting her bleed out. Some time after her death, her unborn baby died." ---Chicago Sun-Times


So, in this case, fuck him. The victim suffered a hell of a lot more than he ever did.

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Ace I'm not really pro or con death penaly. I don't trust the system to keep these fuckers incarcerated forever. I also think that soon enough life in prison is acceptable.


Still as long as it exists I don't particularly care if the perpetrator suffers a little bit of discomfort. At least it is a guarantee against recidivism.


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If one of the friends of the victim killed this guy on the street, that friend would still be charged with murder. Whether or not it seems like the right thing, the law is still in place. I think emotions have to be put aside here. If we caused pain and suffering on this guy while executing him, then we were at fault. What the family is entitled to I'm not sure. You can think he deserved it if you want, but we aren't an "eye for an eye" society. I don't think we should set a precedent that it is OK for him to be in pain and suffer because his victim did.

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I don't know if you can make death any less painful, my position is was he found guilty according to our laws? check. Did a group of his piers recommend the death penalty for his crimes and the judge agree? check. Did he have the opportunity to appeal and did his appeals fail? check and check. Is he now dead without excessive torture(see middle age period and drawn and quartered)? check

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Well no shit he wasn't drawn and quartered, be that doesn't mean everything below that is OK. I'm just surprised they used an untested cocktail of drugs. It sounds like they didn't work as well as intended



And how do you test a mixture of drugs to see what the possible side effects may be, that is meant to kill someone? Sentence was death would you have preferred him to be electrocuted, shot, hung, gassed, or lethally injected? I guess the normal lethal injection was off the table due to a shortage of the drug http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/01/20/shortage-lethal-drugs-ugly-ohio-execution-re-ignites-death-penalty-debate/

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Ace I'm not really pro or con death penaly. I don't trust the system to keep these fuckers incarcerated forever. I also think that soon enough life in prison is acceptable.


Still as long as it exists I don't particularly care if the perpetrator suffers a little bit of discomfort. At least it is a guarantee against recidivism.






I'm not a sadist, but I honestly don't have a problem that this particular POS may or may not have suffered.

To be clear, he was given a combination of a sedative and a painkiller. So his "suffering" is,

IMO, up for debate.

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I'm not a sadist, but I honestly don't have a problem that this particular POS may or may not have suffered.

To be clear, he was given a combination of a sedative and a painkiller. So his "suffering" is,

IMO, up for debate.

True enough. I myself have a tendency to snore myself awake on occasion.

So woodley, exactly how pain stress and anxiety free must an execution be before you approve? I bet the guy is scared being led down the aisle to the executioner room. Should the fact that he experiences fear be considered cruelty?


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This falls into the area of legally they are obligated to make sure he isn't flopping around like a fish (he didn't; I am exaggerating a bit) but at the same time you are hard pressed to find someone who gives a single ounce of fuck about how that guy was treated. His family is scum for even talking law suits. File a complaint with the state (still sketchy on their part) but don't try to benefit financially from the death of your murdering rapist family member after you know the crimes they committed.

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It may surprise some to learn I actually couldn't give a fuck how this guy suffered. As long as you are sure you have the right guy, then death penalty for murder like this I have no problem with. The only thing I have a problem with is the fact that setting up the execution costs so much compared to one guard going and putting a bullet in his head one day.

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It may surprise some to learn I actually couldn't give a fuck how this guy suffered. As long as you are sure you have the right guy, then death penalty for murder like this I have no problem with. The only thing I have a problem with is the fact that setting up the execution costs so much compared to one guard going and putting a bullet in his head one day.

Agree totally here.


Death Row? You've got 1 week to "get your affairs in order" spiritually, mentally, physically whatever. Then after the week is up, you get chosen like fraternity pledge on bid night. Don't know when it's coming, only when the guards show up to your cell. Walk out to the yard, and 2 to the back of the dome because :



One week is longer than your victim(s) got.

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