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Actress intimidated out of a production...


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I like how she's drummed out of the "Latin"community by insinuating that people should do the right thing. Sort of like how Bill Cosby has been criticized for saying similar things. I mean who gives a shit who is going to pay for undocumented migrants, what's more important is were they offended?


Didn't one of these articles also say that candidate was against some measures that would help current illegals gain citizenship? That might not have helped. I also would say that isn't necessarily the "right" thing

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Ice Dawg, so let me just get it straight


- against gay marriage

- against legalizing weed

- hollywood is a liberal wasteland


anything else?


I do enjoy the marriage and sex morals though. I wonder if that is what they told all those damned flapper girls.

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Are you sure? And what do you base that on?


By what is popular on TV now. You really think a show about some rural farmer and his generic, white, christian family would be a hit? Why? So people could watch a show about how they wish all American families acted? I mean I guess with all the super right and left wing media I guess it has a chance. There are networks entirely dedicated to church stuff and they survive. But I guess that would be paid for through the church

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See "Duck Dynasty". See Christian, white family make duck calls, hunt, and be very funny.

See a huge, blockbuster hit.


See woodpecker crack his beak.

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Fake and staged are two different things.


The family is very real, very genuine. We were just on vacation there, and met several regular

folks around town who say the Robertson family has been who they appear to be on TV,

in real life, behind the scenes, for decades.


The show? Of course it's scripted to a point. But it's also based on real things that have happened.


Like Si taking his scooter to go to the deli to get some tea. It really happened. The owner is the son

of the woman who works at the hotel we stayed at. Read the books, talk to real people, Logic.


There is nothing completely fake about the Robertsons, or the show. In fact, Si is the one character

who doesn't have any scripted lines in the show.


Calling "completely fake" is total nonsense.

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By what is popular on TV now. You really think a show about some rural farmer and his generic, white, christian family would be a hit? Why? So people could watch a show about how they wish all American families acted? I mean I guess with all the super right and left wing media I guess it has a chance. There are networks entirely dedicated to church stuff and they survive. But I guess that would be paid for through the church

What is popular on tv, pray tell, that supports your bizarre anti white narrative?

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What is popular on tv, pray tell, that supports your bizarre anti white narrative?



... uh.... I never said that...




My point was some boring, generic family would not be a hit TV show. Generic = white in America. I guess I would have been better off without saying white. Especially with "black culture" guy and Cal "I am the real victim" on this board.


Duck Dynasty is not a generic family. They are rich. They have personalities. The directors have scripted and put together what their audience wants. Could they do that with some random farmer's family? I guess. But it would get really unrealistic very quickly if they were to try to keep it entertaining.



Why is Duck Dynasty so popular? Probably a lot of reasons. You have people like Cal that seek out news and media that agree with his conservative views. By watching a TV show that expresses some of these views, maybe it makes him feel better? Maybe he feel like he is fighting the liberal "man". Who knows. I am sure the producers have picked up on this section of their viewers and have made sure to keep the christian conservative angle going.


Then there may be the Jersey Shore, Moonshiners angle, where people watch to make fun of the subjects on TV. They can look down at the "rednecks" and laugh. I am sure the producers are in on this too.


Next I guess would be people that aren't there for the first to, but find the show genuinely entertaining. From what I have read, the guys on the show have interesting personalities. They're good guys. This could be why. I mean, that is one of the reasons I liked Rob and Big and why the Fantasy Factory is a good show.



Is there some burning desire to see conservative Christians on TV? To watch a family on TV that people believe there family is like. Maybe. With catered news groups and websites I would not be surprised. The point I was trying to make is that you can't just take the conservative christian part of the mixture, the good ole America family part, and put that on TV and have it be a hit. Generic suburb family or generic farmer family would not get this many views. There is more to it than that

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Woody would prefer a black, gay couple raising a white baby with aids who was an atheist.


Why would I want a baby to have AIDs?


Do you contribute to these threads at all? It doesn't look like it.


Is just the baby an atheist, or the couple too? It sounds like just the baby.

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You keep saying "black culture guy" but have, as yet, failed to produce any evidence to back your assertion that black culture promotes anything good, wholesome, or healthy. So until you do ill just take that insult as an indictment that since you can't prove your point you're going to try and make me out to be a racist. It's a go to move for all people who hate an unsavory statement, but yet, can't disprove it.

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Woody needs to get out in the country and do some real work. Step in some cow shit brother.


and then what, i will find jesus?



The point of working hard in school was to get a good job, not manual labor. That isn't to say I don't like doing work outdoors now and then. When your dad has a bad back, and you are the only male on both sides of your family in the area, you are busy over break. I come home for summer break or whatever and I am digging out stumps, putting down mulch, etc.


not gonna step in shit though

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You keep saying "black culture guy" but have, as yet, failed to produce any evidence to back your assertion that black culture promotes anything good, wholesome, or healthy. So until you do ill just take that insult as an indictment that since you can't prove your point you're going to try and make me out to be a racist. It's a go to move for all people who hate an unsavory statement, but yet, can't disprove it.


I have said that a handful of times since that god awful thread that apparently was too much for Heck. I guess I can't blame him. I am never going to prove something to you that you don't want to be proved. That thread was awful. How you worded what you said was awful. It was painted in a terrible light. I am not going to open that shit up again. Pretend like this means whatever you want it to. Pretend like you "got me". Idc.

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Heck ran off because his ideal narrative did not fit reality. Of course I painted it in a negative light. There is, when you bother to look into the facts, no way to paint it in a positive light. For a guy who's always on about how facts prove everything and opinion counts for nothing you're awfully good at shying away from facts you don't like.

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I could be wrong, but weren't your statistics just someone misinterpreting correlation and casual relationships? The only conclusion you could draw between higher crime rates where there is a higher percentage of blacks is that black culture is bad. And it became very racist when you started using Africa as an equal example to black culture here.


It is a fact that murder rates increase with ice cream consumption. So ice cream causes people to kill? It is one thing to present facts and statistics. It is another to analyze them correctly




I know... I said I wouldn't reply. We'll see how long this lasts.

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Loved Rob & Big.


Fantasy Factory can be pretty painful to watch sometimes though (I haven't in a while, maybe newer episodes are better).

You're right, some episodes aren't the best. I think I might be back a season, idk. I know the upcoming 4th season is the last





Hmmmm.... what other stuff do we bith like ?


Did you like The Boondocks on Cartoon Network / Adult Swim?

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A cursory glance over Google reveals that all of the sons grew beards and put on for the show. It is quite fake.

Cal, you just happen to vacation in Monroe, Louisiana? logic


1. Willie has had his beard for nine years. Phil had his for 30 years. Go look up the rest.

The beards are real, and at least Willie and Phil's were years before the show. The show is in it's

fifth season. Korie says Willie has had his beard for nine years. You do the math. Your statements are bs.

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Oh, yes, we happened to, deliberately, because we camped out at Mammoth Cave, Kentucky,

and the Diamond Crater mine in Arkansas. But we got rained on in Ark., so we stayed in a hotel

in West Munroe. We were on our way to see the father-in-law north of Dallas, so West Munroe

was a great stopping point. Got to see Phil in person, haven't uploaded the video or anything....

then on the way back, we stayed in Branson, Mo. for three days.


It was great fun, that trip.


The only bad part, was the lonely forested stretch from well outside West Munroe, to Texas.

No cell phone coverage for a long ways. Very few houses, mostly all woods. A great place to have the

ccw.... You don't ever want to break down on that stretch....

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I could be wrong, but weren't your statistics just someone misinterpreting correlation and casual relationships? The only conclusion you could draw between higher crime rates where there is a higher percentage of blacks is that black culture is bad. And it became very racist when you started using Africa as an equal example to black culture here.


It is a fact that murder rates increase with ice cream consumption. So ice cream causes people to kill? It is one thing to present facts and statistics. It is another to analyze them correctly




I know... I said I wouldn't reply. We'll see how long this lasts.

Yes you are wrong. The statistics were hard numbers from the FBI, and other unbiased sources. You want it to be racist so that you can discount it, but life isn't that easy. But why argue with a guy who says shit like "I guess it depends on your definition of a Canadian"by that I mean there's no point.

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