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Actress intimidated out of a production...


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because she supported a Tea Party politician running for office.

She referred to illegal immigrants as....illegal.


Illegal immigrants hate that.

The shoe fits, illegals.

I wish I was president.... or at least,

this tea party guy was pres.



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Same thing with the duck dynasty guy. You have the right to say/endorse whatever, but not be free from consequences. If the theater company feels like she will hurt their sales because of a mostly liberal or hispanic audience then they have the right to protect their sales




also, a tea party guy will never be president

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Same thing with the duck dynasty guy. You have the right to say/endorse whatever, but not be free from consequences. If the theater company feels like she will hurt their sales because of a mostly liberal or hispanic audience then they have the right to protect their sales




also, a tea party guy will never be president

Never say never.

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"As for her job performing The Vagina Monologues, Alonso said it was no big deal.


The actress pointed out that activists had vowed to boycott the Spanish-language play over her support of the anti-immigrant candidate.


And I said, the other actors dont have to go through this, she remarked. I said, they dont deserve this. Its on me only."

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damn those exists.


"Same thing with the duck dynasty guy. You have the right to say/endorse whatever, but not be free from consequences. If the theater company feels like she will hurt their sales because of a mostly liberal or hispanic audience then they have the right to protect their sales " woody


so, a gay person who has the opinion, that it's okay to be openly gay ... shouldn't be free from consequences?


If the store owner feels like sales will be hurt, because of a mostly conservative audience...then they have the right

to protect their sales?

yep. Can't wait for the woody response.

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I am pretty sure it is a law that you can not fire someone because of their sexual orientation.



If some Tea Party group was holding a play about Christian Values or some shit, and it came out one of the actors thinks gays should be allowed to get married, that would be the same thing. If their entire play would be protested and boycotted and what not, then they would urge him to resign.


You would hope we live in a time where a gay store clerk wouldnt scare off customers, but I guess not. That is sad actually.


I would think you could not fire that clerk from being openly gay. If he was walking around shoving his beliefs down customers throats, or being a very public figure in pro gay movements, in such a way that the customers of this little backwards town would stop going to the store, I would think the owner has a right to save his business.


I know you are expecting me to completely flip what I said based on the context of the situation, but I am not you. People have the right to say whatever but not the right to be free from consequences (all within the law, reason, etc).



There should be no negative consequences for someone being openly gay (or black, muslim, a woman, etc). But that doesnt mean everyone has to agree with them. I know you Retards think the gay agenda or whatever is coming to get you, but luckily you are a minority.




Edit: Turns out in over half of the states you can be fired for your sexual orientation. That is pretty fucked up.

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Its not "fair" but actors/actress, and people who are consider face of businesses(PR people) are more preventive in expressing views or opinions that are different from the parent company or are considered controversial. A film/show/theater company would rather drop a small name actor/actress than to face any bad press or potential boycott.


Political views are not protected in most states specially if you are talking about it at work.

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They weren't being fired just because they support the political party they do. They were being fired because the the potential effects from that support. Boycotts, angry groups at the theater, effects on the other actors, etc. Just the fact that she supported a Tea Party candidate alone isn't why she's being fired.


I'm guessing if you were fired because you were a Rep and your boss was a Dem them you could call byllshit and file something. Assuming there was nothing ejse going on there

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You gotta understand, Leroy, you're a fine employee I like you personally as a matter of fact many of my friends are African American. But gee whiz some of the customers here, well, you know, they aren't as cultured as I am so... Anyway good luck on the job search I'll be sure to give you a good recommendation. And merry Christmas to you and the family.


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There is a big difference when firing someone based off race and than based off a political opinion, comparing the 2 is kind of absurd. Now if the Employee was for abortion while the Employer was fervently against it(or vice versa), then the Employer could fire the Employee if he wanted(in most states this is allowed).

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Pretty much, though you would risk alienating customers that where pro-obama if it came to light that you hire/fire based off who someone votes for. So it would be better practice not to directly say that and to fire Leroy for another reason(even if its borderline made up). http://www.ncsl.org/research/labor-and-employment/discrimination-employment.aspx

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Pretty much, though you would risk alienating customers that where pro-obama if it came to light that you hire/fire based off who someone votes for. So it would be better practice not to directly say that and to fire Leroy for another reason(even if its borderline made up). http://www.ncsl.org/research/labor-and-employment/discrimination-employment.aspx

Actually counselor I fired him for having an Obama sticker on his car. And we can all be coy about it but let that happen once and let's hear the lawsuits blaring out.


And I'm not required to offend everyone equally. I'm sure there are some people who are pro enforcing the laws of the land spending within the budget etc who felt Maria Conchita should not have been shit canned.



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They weren't being fired just because they support the political party they do. They were being fired because the the potential effects from that support. Boycotts, angry groups at the theater, effects on the other actors, etc. Just the fact that she supported a Tea Party candidate alone isn't why she's being fired.


I'm guessing if you were fired because you were a Rep and your boss was a Dem them you could call byllshit and file something. Assuming there was nothing ejse going on there

So...in essence fired not for performance but for supporting an unpopular political party. Sounds like a lawsuit to me

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Hahaha, no way that would be a top program. It would be boring. You really think the crew on deadliest catch is dealing with "everyday problems"? When was the last time you risked your life on the ocean? But if you want to just say this us popular and this isn't based on your opinion, go ahead. Some people on this board do the sane thing....



So Hollywood is evil? Are we morally bankrupt because of weed and sex without marriage? I see nothing wrong with either of those things. Luckily we've progressed since the thirties.

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Hahaha, no way that would be a top program. It would be boring. You really think the crew on deadliest catch is dealing with "everyday problems"? When was the last time you risked your life on the ocean? But if you want to just say this us popular and this isn't based on your opinion, go ahead. Some people on this board do the sane thing....



So Hollywood is evil? Are we morally bankrupt because of weed and sex without marriage? I see nothing wrong with either of those things. Luckily we've progressed since the thirties.

Are you sure? And what do you base that on?

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I like how she's drummed out of the "Latin"community by insinuating that people should do the right thing. Sort of like how Bill Cosby has been criticized for saying similar things. I mean who gives a shit who is going to pay for undocumented migrants, what's more important is were they offended?

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