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Still want single payer socialized medicine? It is a disaster.


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Would be interesting to see what this actual number is:

" In addition, a large number of medical tourists are immigrants to the United States returning to their home country for care. "


Odd the cdc doesn't report this.


There's a gentleman (his name escapes me and I'm on my phone) that Jon Stewart interviewed that goes into detail of why the ACA didn't solve any real problems and most likely created more. (It's a cost issue, not an access to care one).

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Would be interesting to see what this actual number is:

" In addition, a large number of medical tourists are immigrants to the United States returning to their home country for care. "


Odd the cdc doesn't report this.





could that be the true for the canada number as well?

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What particular types of medical treatment would you consider going out of the country to get?

My father in law had a winter home in a retirement village in McAllen Texas across the border from Progreso Mexico. There were a few medical practitioners there. For example Mexican citizens can have their medical school paid for the state and come to the US to get it but at that point they have to practice in Mexico for a certain amount of years. Usually they set up shop across the border and most of their patients with money to spend are retirees. I'm not sure I would feel comfortable having major surgery in Mexico.

I would imagine that anyone thinking of leaving their home country to go to another 1 for medical care would most generally be coming to the United States. Of course some people I think that Michael Moore isn't full of shit and that the medical facilities in Cuba are as good as the Cleveland Clinic so....


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Steve - I've met a Nicaraguan Dentist that I'd let work on me in his clinic. Only because I understand the procedures and could visualize what was "safe" or not.


General anesthesia? Nope. I don't even want to do that in the US.


Outside of some diagnostic imaging? I don't think I'd want to have any medical procedure performed on me outside of the US

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3rd sentence:

"The report from the free-market Fraser Institute found that 41,838 Canadians became “medical tourists” in 2013 and sought care outside of their hockey-loving country. "


Right. So how does that exclude immigrants returning to their home country for care? I assume people immigrate to Canada as well.

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Thats what does it, huh? Allow gays to marry and soon all the real men disappear and we all start wearing dresses... good to know.



I looked online, about 6% of America hunts. I am guessing the number has been pretty low for awhile.

Also, no one is banning guns.


You would fit in with Cal and his make believe world

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Why the hell does this country want to be like England?

Socialize medicine

Ban guns and hunting

Promote Gay marriage

And men becoming pussies



Thats what does it, huh? Allow gays to marry and soon all the real men disappear and we all start wearing dresses... good to know.


England is a terrible place. All of the men (myself included, presumably) are now gay. Our women have all fled to more manly countries where they can swoon over men doing manly things like killing things and refuse basic medical care for people who can't afford it. In fact, I'm probably wearing a nice figure hugging frock right now.


Africa, now that's the place to be. Healthcare if you can afford it, rampant Christianity - if you pick your country right - and anyone who disagrees is shot. And maybe even then burned/cooked and eaten, if you're in CAR.

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Right. So how does that exclude immigrants returning to their home country for care? I assume people immigrate to Canada as well.

Also, this is wrong. The sentence in the article talks about Canadians, not Canadian residents. I doubt there are many Americans who move to America Jr and take up citizenship, unless there are big visa/right to work issues I'm unaware of.


On the actual topic, it might interest some to know that we get medical tourists here as well, it's a thing that happens, the government is trying to 'crack down' on those people. In theory, you can get treatment as a tourist, but if you're not an EU citizen, you get charged. If you are a US citizen then you're all good, in much the same way that if I need treatment in another EU country it is free, using my EHIC card. It's probably an inevitable side effect when you have fairly welcoming tourism laws.


In an amusing twist of fate, people are actually leaving the UK and travelling to Hungary (specifically) for dental treatments because the quality is better and the treatment cheaper. Feel free to make your british-dental-hygiene jokes here.

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Legacy as a matter of fact it was dentistry that the older citizens in McAllen Texas would cross the border for. Their medical care was taken care of by Medicare.

I meant to specify that and just remembered upon reading Chris's post about Hungarian dentists.


The off shore surgical procedures I'd seen were advertisements for bariatric operations. Ballpark of $5,000 including airfare and hotel. I think it would make me nervous to have that done in, well, wherever they do it.

And sure, Chris, people will do a lot of things to spend less money on something they need. My one gripe is the idea that we've gotten to a point in our society where medical care is something we demand for free. Between socialized medicine and laws forcing employers to pick up the tab we've lost sight of the fact that it's a valuable commodity.



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more manly countries where they can swoon over men doing manly things like killing things and refuse basic medical care for people who can't afford it.

Probably one of the more ignorant things I've read on this board. So, wow.


Do you not understand why Medical costs in America are so high? Why it's now well over $1800/ER visit? That's because they charge people who do have insurance and can pay for it so they can continue treat every moron that walks into the ER with the sniffles and can't afford it - for "free".

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Legacy as a matter of fact it was dentistry that the older citizens in McAllen Texas would cross the border for. Their medical care was taken care of by Medicare.

I meant to specify that and just remembered upon reading Chris's post about Hungarian dentists.


The off shore surgical procedures I'd seen were advertisements for bariatric operations. Ballpark of $5,000 including airfare and hotel. I think it would make me nervous to have that done in, well, wherever they do it.

And sure, Chris, people will do a lot of things to spend less money on something they need. My one gripe is the idea that we've gotten to a point in our society where medical care is something we demand for free. Between socialized medicine and laws forcing employers to pick up the tab we've lost sight of the fact that it's a valuable commodity.



Yeah, I can see that. It's pretty hard to tear something up with a rubber-cup prophy angle 2x/ year for cleanings & check-ups. But if you saw x-rays and what I (& other dentists in the US) clean up on some of these immigrant patients, cleanings would probably be all you'd want to have done outside of the US too. Lots of failing crown & bridge (on teeth that weren't even suitable for it) and endodontic (root canals) procedures.


Implant cases are even more terrifying. :blink:

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