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Ban on gay marriage 'unconcsitutional'


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Cal, you used the word of a rep for an organization that knowingly hid child rapists (homosexual ones at that) to try to prove your point. logic


I wasn't proving a point, I just thought the article was interesting. It's not valid to dismiss all opposition of a viewpoint,

because you claim every single person in an organization is corrupt. That is a common psychological

self defense mechanism - characterization of all persons by membership to a group.

A republican does something bad, all republicans are bad? All priests? Every catholic nun? All conservatives?

that crime you refer to, those criminals should get an immediate death penalty. But all catholics didn't commit the crime,

nor do they condone it in any way. Come on, Logic - you're better than that. That higher-ups in the Vatican...ie...

covered it up? Send them to prison. But don't label every single bishop/priest whoever, with the same label

just for belonging to that religion.


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Cal, you used the word of a rep for an organization that knowingly hid child rapists (homosexual ones at that) to try to prove your point. logic


I wasn't proving a point, I just thought the article was interesting. It's not valid to dismiss all opposition of a viewpoint,

because you claim every single person in an organization is corrupt. That is a common psychological

self defense mechanism - characterization of all persons by membership to a group.

A republican does something bad, all republicans are bad? All priests? Every catholic nun? All conservatives?

that crime you refer to, those criminals should get an immediate death penalty. But all catholics didn't commit the crime,

nor do they condone it in any way. Come on, Logic - you're better than that. That higher-ups in the Vatican...ie...

covered it up? Send them to prison. But don't label every single bishop/priest whoever, with the same label

just for belonging to that religion.


You are the same guy that blames all liberals....for everything haha.

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Cal, you used the word of a rep for an organization that knowingly hid child rapists (homosexual ones at that) to try to prove your point. logic


I wasn't proving a point, I just thought the article was interesting. It's not valid to dismiss all opposition of a viewpoint,

because you claim every single person in an organization is corrupt. That is a common psychological

self defense mechanism - characterization of all persons by membership to a group.

A republican does something bad, all republicans are bad? All priests? Every catholic nun? All conservatives?

that crime you refer to, those criminals should get an immediate death penalty. But all catholics didn't commit the crime,

nor do they condone it in any way. Come on, Logic - you're better than that. That higher-ups in the Vatican...ie...

covered it up? Send them to prison. But don't label every single bishop/priest whoever, with the same label

just for belonging to that religion.




Oh god, I almost fell out of my chair. Hahahahah


Cal is great at blaming one group for something, and then crying victim when it is flipped on him.

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You are the same guy that blames all liberals....for everything haha. Logic


no "haha"... @@


Liberals tend to do the same things. So I refer to a group.


I don't condemn every single liberal for being a rapist, because as a liberal,

they are all the same criminal.


See? Would you agree that most liberals do not like Glenn Beck, or Sean Hannity?


But if I said a particular liberal didn't like Glenn Beck because he was a member of that group,

that would be invalid.


So, what we are talking about, condemning an individual of a group, based on trends of certain

reps of that group.... my point is valid.


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I never want to see you generalize again. You should stick to your guns and refer to each liberal person on a case by case basis.



And yeah, I condemn the entire Catholic priesthood for the actions of a minority. They were institutionally protected sexual assaults. That means there were many people involved in the acts and protecting the offenders. The same thing could be said for Penn State when it came to light that Joe Pa and other higher ups were protecting Sandusky. They were just as guilty.

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Government should not be involved in any marriage, straight or gay. Let it be a religious ceremony if two people want to do that. If two consenting adults, of any sex, want to be legally bound then let them sign on the line. It would kill this whole debate.

That's too logical.


it would seem reasonable if the government set up a civil union program that would carry across all 50 states. If you also want to call yourself husband and wife find yourself a church (or anything) that's up for it blow the money on the band the hall and the reception and have at it.



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