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Retired cop shoots man in movie theater — over textin

MLD Woody

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Too bad the guy texting didn't have a gun. He could have defended himself...




Everyone needs a gun cuz of a few crazies. Well what if that is flipped and people shouldn't be able to carry guns around because of a few crazies?

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Texting doesn't particularly bother me and I go to a lot of movies. What I truly hate is when assholes talk to each other through the entire film and theatre management seems completely unwilling to throw them out.


That one, yes. Texting is midlly annoying because of the little light, but it really doesn't bother me much. Talking, though, is crazy annoying. But, being british, I'm too polite to say anything about it :P

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Texting doesn't particularly bother me and I go to a lot of movies. What I truly hate is when assholes talk to each other through the entire film and theatre management seems completely unwilling to throw them out.



That and the annoyingly loud laugh at parts that are only mildly funny. I read they ruled out the "stand your ground law" doesn't mean he can't still try to use it as a defense.

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Sometimes its not bad. I remember seeing Transformers 2 at the theater in Strongsville. In the first scene with Megan Fox, where she's straddled over the motorcycle and the camera is just panning over her ass and legs, some guy just got up and started doing a slow clap.


Funniest part of the movie...

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Too bad the guy texting didn't have a gun. He could have defended himself...




Everyone needs a gun cuz of a few crazies. Well what if that is flipped and people shouldn't be able to carry guns around because of a few crazies?

One bad example, an argument does not make.

-Master Yoda

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Sometimes its not bad. I remember seeing Transformers 2 at the theater in Strongsville. In the first scene with Megan Fox, where she's straddled over the motorcycle and the camera is just panning over her ass and legs, some guy just got up and started doing a slow clap.


Funniest part of the movie...


When I was watching Harry Potter in theaters there was a point where Harry asked Dumbledore "Well, what should I do?" My friend stood up and yelled "Masturbate furiously!"

Normally I hate this kind of behavior (although I did it as a kid, so I get it), but that was hilarious.

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I believe you can find double standards within many things if you look hard enough. This one is just obvious.


Where do you stand on this?


I don't think you are going to take guns away from people. I think we should limit what exactly is available for the average person. I also don't see anything wrong with tracking guns and making it harder to purchase one. Finally, I think a lot of the places you can conceal carry a gun are ridiculous. Colleges. Movie theaters. Etc. More guns is definitely not any kind of answer in my eyes.

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I don't think you are going to take guns away from people. I think we should limit what exactly is available for the average person. I also don't see anything wrong with tracking guns and making it harder to purchase one. Finally, I think a lot of the places you can conceal carry a gun are ridiculous. Colleges. Movie theaters. Etc. More guns is definitely not any kind of answer in my eyes.


I don't think anyone is saying we need more guns. What I've heard and what I believe in is not taking away the right to bear arms. I would not allow the government to track guns although I believe stricter purchasing regulations may not be a bad idea. There are restrictions in place on what is available to the everyday person, but I don't know enough about them to comment.

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I don't think you are going to take guns away from people. I think we should limit what exactly is available for the average person. I also don't see anything wrong with tracking guns and making it harder to purchase one. Finally, I think a lot of the places you can conceal carry a gun are ridiculous. Colleges. Movie theaters. Etc. More guns is definitely not any kind of answer in my eyes.

So I should be a bullet trap if I am on campus or at the movies when Billy Noonehuggedmeenough shows up with mommy's guns? I would rather laws do something to punish mommy for allowing her loony tune son access to the firearms. Not place me in the position of having to take a knife to a gun fight.

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I dont think a bunch of people in a dark theater with guns will exactly solve the problems. It seems like the potential of having a concealed handgun to protect yourself against a would be mass shooter is incredibly low. While the potential of someone with a concealed carry doing something stupid like this is higher. If we start acting like we are fighting a war everywhere we go, like we need to be armed in a college lecture hall, I dont think that is a positive step for society. I also think, according to some polls, about 80% of students are against having guns on campus. So hopefully that decision stays in our hands.

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I dont think a bunch of people in a dark theater with guns will exactly solve the problems. It seems like the potential of having a concealed handgun to protect yourself against a would be mass shooter is incredibly low. While the potential of someone with a concealed carry doing something stupid like this is higher. If we start acting like we are fighting a war everywhere we go, like we need to be armed in a college lecture hall, I dont think that is a positive step for society. I also think, according to some polls, about 80% of students are against having guns on campus. So hopefully that decision stays in our hands.

I am a shooting instructor. I think I would prefer having the firearm available instead of depending upon the mercy of the shooter and my hide-and-seek skills to save me from getting a lead injection.


I would like to find a non-partisan (aka not a poll from gunsarescary.org or gunsmakemydickstiff.net) study on crime committed by concealed carry permit holders. One whack job old guy is not indicative of a whole group.


Those 80% of students can be the ones running around and looking for a cop or the 20% who don't give a shit what the other 80% have to say about their safety.

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I am a shooting instructor. I think I would prefer having the firearm available instead of depending upon the mercy of the shooter and my hide-and-seek skills to save me from getting a lead injection.


I would like to find a non-partisan (aka not a poll from gunsarescary.org or gunsmakemydickstiff.net) study on crime committed by concealed carry permit holders. One whack job old guy is not indicative of a whole group.


Those 80% of students can be the ones running around and looking for a cop or the 20% who don't give a shit what the other 80% have to say about their safety.

Well luckily (hopefully) that stays as a majority vote. I have never seen any need for concealed carry on my campus. Sure, there are robberies and what not now and then, but turning the campus into the Wild West won't solve crime. Bad things happen, and they will continue to happen. I'd prefer to try to prevent those bad things then arm everyone in an attempt to defend us against bad things.


I agree, one whack job does not represent a group. Also, a handful of shootings do not represent the dangers you face everyday, and do not justify being armed in theaters, on campus, etc.


I would not feel safer with a bunch of vigilantes running around, that may or may not be as qualified and trained as you.




Also, gunsmakemydickstiff.net register that shit, lol .

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Well luckily (hopefully) that stays as a majority vote. I have never seen any need for concealed carry on my campus. Sure, there are robberies and what not now and then, but turning the campus into the Wild West won't solve crime. Bad things happen, and they will continue to happen. I'd prefer to try to prevent those bad things then arm everyone in an attempt to defend us against bad things.


I agree, one whack job does not represent a group. Also, a handful of shootings do not represent the dangers you face everyday, and do not justify being armed in theaters, on campus, etc.


I would not feel safer with a bunch of vigilantes running around, that may or may not be as qualified and trained as you.




Also, gunsmakemydickstiff.net register that shit, lol .

I think this falls under mentality. I have been robbed, I have had break ins, I did see someone get shot (D.C. after a friend handed over his wallet), so because of this I would prefer not to be the guy standing around trying to negotiate with a junkie or, worse, a nutjob. I know that the likelihood of my house bursting into flames is minimal. However, I prefer having a fire extinguisher there.


Another thing is that I see with a lot of "oh my god guns will be everywhere oh no" types (you may not fit into this group and that is fine) is that they presume that other people are going to run around just firing off rounds willy nilly. In most cases that is the anti-gun folks projecting their neurotic fears/expectations on to others. They may be the ones who can't be trusted with guns because they are going to lose it over their new Strokes album and firing off rounds at their roommate. That doesn't mean that everyone else is built that way. Guns are scary to people who don't spend any time around guns.


Where steps could be taken would be to punish the people giving access to firearms to people who are mentally unstable. They wander out and murder someone with your poorly stored firearm, you become an accessory to murder. Let that happen once or twice and people will get the hint that they need to safely store their firearms.

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Problem is, you don't know who is carrying and who isn't.

This. You could walk on to a campus where everyone there is carrying and, if concealed properly, visitors to the campus would have no idea. Woody could have been in many situations where there were tons of CCW permit holders and had no idea.


I personally don't care if people open carry but that comes with its own pile of bullshit.

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I think this falls under mentality. I have been robbed, I have had break ins, I did see someone get shot (D.C. after a friend handed over his wallet), so because of this I would prefer not to be the guy standing around trying to negotiate with a junkie or, worse, a nutjob. I know that the likelihood of my house bursting into flames is minimal. However, I prefer having a fire extinguisher there.


Another thing is that I see with a lot of "oh my god guns will be everywhere oh no" types (you may not fit into this group and that is fine) is that they presume that other people are going to run around just firing off rounds willy nilly. In most cases that is the anti-gun folks projecting their neurotic fears/expectations on to others. They may be the ones who can't be trusted with guns because they are going to lose it over their new Strokes album and firing off rounds at their roommate. That doesn't mean that everyone else is built that way. Guns are scary to people who don't spend any time around guns.


Where steps could be taken would be to punish the people giving access to firearms to people who are mentally unstable. They wander out and murder someone with your poorly stored firearm, you become an accessory to murder. Let that happen once or twice and people will get the hint that they need to safely store their firearms.


A fire extinguisher was not designed for the purpose of I injuring/killing others.


I don't expect everyone to get guns. I wouldn't. But i don't think more guns solves the problem here (whether that problem is violence, crime, w/e).


I dont believe everyone us built that way. I'm sure there would only be a small minority that have an issue. I just don't see the negative outweighing the positives. I don't see individuals having guns in public places stopping the small number of shootings that take place so much so that it outweighs any increases violence from more carriers.


I agree with you that there could be punishment for those that let their firearms fall into unstable hands. I just think we could go further. Potentially make it tougher to get a gun, tracking, etc.

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This. You could walk on to a campus where everyone there is carrying and, if concealed properly, visitors to the campus would have no idea. Woody could have been in many situations where there were tons of CCW permit holders and had no idea.


I personally don't care if people open carry but that comes with its own pile of bullshit.

An individual not knowing guns are present does not remove them from the negative consequences of them being present.

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Interesting gun chat.


Thought maybe I would see a reference to this:


O'Reilly Text/Marijuana (January 6, 2014)


"Now more bad news, combine the drug aspect with the Internet. According to a report by the American Academy of Pediatrics, 75 percent of 12 to 17 year olds in the USA have cell phones and virtually all of them text. 33 percent of teenagers send more than 100 text messages a day and 66 percent of teens say their parents have imposed no rules regarding texting at all.

Here's a kicker, a study by the University of Winnipeg in Canada says students who text more than 100 times a day are 30 percent less likely to be ethical or principled in life. Are we getting all this? Young people in America are combining drugs, alcohol, and high-tech to build false lives to run away from reality."


Was the 70-something ex-cop thinking he was dealing with an unruly unethical individual on drugs who was living a "false" life and running from reality? It is a culture "war" after all, just look at the title of OReilly's book "Culture Warrior" and his description of the "secular progressive army".


Lots of discussion elsewhere on the interwebs about that. The old guy seems to fall squarely in O'Reilly's demographic. Add in O'Reilly's history with Tiller and his "war" rhetoric and it gets interesting. There may in fact be no link at all, yet it gets interesting...possibly two people murdered related to themes from O'Reilly's show? Especially since the latest show was just last week?

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I just don't see the negative outweighing the positives. I don't see individuals having guns in public places stopping the small number of shootings that take place so much so that it outweighs any increases violence from more carriers.

First, Shootout at the "scrip club" stopped by a bystander with a legal CCW just 3 days ago:




If the "small number of shootings that take place" are really in fact a small number, what's the problem with having more lawful citizens carrying weapons concealed legally? Because they aren't the ones committing the "small number of shootings", limiting their ability to own firearms isn't going to affect the "small number of shootings" in either direction. So....

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First, Shootout at the "scrip club" stopped by a bystander with a legal CCW just 3 days ago:




If the "small number of shootings that take place" are really in fact a small number, what's the problem with having more lawful citizens carrying weapons concealed legally? Because they aren't the ones committing the "small number of shootings", limiting their ability to own firearms isn't going to affect the "small number of shootings" in either direction. So....


You are assuming that everyone that has and everyone from here on out that gets a carry permit, and then takes their firearms into public places like theaters, will be 100% responsible and law abiding with them. The story in the OP here shows that isnt always that case. If you want to use one off stories of how Im sure every holder will stop crime, will the OP story is an example of the opposite. Those that use it irresponsibly will be a small portion of the overall, but perhaps a portion that doest need to exist to begin with. I am just not sure that supposed benefits outweigh the negatives. From actually injury/death numbers to just setting a dangerous precedent for society.

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Very strange. I've posted many, many incidences of people saving their own lives, or other's lives,

by ccw.


So this one nutjob uses his gun in a criminal manner ...and NOW woody thinks that means gun control is the answer again?


Baloney. I'm not that much an advocate of open carry of weapons in public. That affects others, however unjustified,

but worse yet, makes them a target of being overpowered and the crooks getting his gun.


Concealed carry is the excellent thing - you have the protection, nobody knows, and all fifty states

have concealed carry laws now, allowing it. Every single state. There is solid reason for it.


At least we don't have to listen to demands by "viritally all scientists" in "peer reviewed reports" to back up

the anti gun crowd.


The benefits don't outweigh the negatives? I think, so far, there are thousands of stories where concealed carry

has saved lives, that having a gun in a home has saved lifes.


I believe that most of this anti gun rhetoric is political by the left. They assume that most folks who

own guns are conservative. I don't know about that- maybe.


You cannot take all peoples' freedoms and rights away from them, because a few are screwed up and commit crimes

with whatever objects. Libs have their catchy phrases like "the only thing that guns do is kill". oi. Libs love to

claim these phrases as true, only because they are politically expedient in their favor, not that the

phrase user has any information or experience to explain why they run with said phrase..


Are the background checks a hundred percent foolproof? Nah. You'd have to have a real Spock

from Star Trek do a mind meld jobbie on ccw applicants or something.


The biggest problem with gun crimes, is UN-authorized access to guns that the criminals don't own.


Folks in Australia desperately want their guns back. Crime exploded. Libs don't seem to spend

much time in the outdoors, I think.


I believe that an across the board tax exemption to buy a good gun safe would be a good idea.

And criminalize leaving loaded guns, or even ammo next to guns, easily accessed, in a home,

where unauthorized persons gained access to the guns.

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You are assuming that everyone that has and everyone from here on out that gets a carry permit, and then takes their firearms into public places like theaters, will be 100% responsible and law abiding with them. The story in the OP here shows that isnt always that case. If you want to use one off stories of how Im sure every holder will stop crime, will the OP story is an example of the opposite. Those that use it irresponsibly will be a small portion of the overall, but perhaps a portion that doest need to exist to begin with. I am just not sure that supposed benefits outweigh the negatives. From actually injury/death numbers to just setting a dangerous precedent for society.

Except the numbers demonstrate you're wrong:


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Everyone who has a CCW has had a background check and training on safe firearm use. They are not police or tactically trained, but enough so that they can protect themselves. Most crooks have never had any training whatsoever, and surely have not had a background check. :D

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