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Group unveils Satan statue design for Oklahoma

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I think freedom means the freedom to be an asshole if you so choose.


We also afford special privileges to racists if they fit the proper criteria.


Do you believe that Muslims or Christians or Jew should have and equal say?



I do, I just happen to think it should be no say. Secular government should mean secular government - not making rules based on any one religion. Sure, worship who you like, but don't force it on others.

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three people can't impose their "equality" upon millions.


Minority groups have rights, but the majority cannot survive

in the long run, if they can't make decisions for the vast, most of society.


The majority, our society has a right to define itself, outside of the rights of the minority.


By your reasoning, Woody, a minority group of cannabals would allege to have the right

to put up a statue of their own. On and on, until there is no society at all.

Just some weird, sick movie about Waterworld.


The manson "family" was a minority.


The vast majority has one statue to represent the majority. Otherwise, there would be

thousands of statues?


Nonsense. Society/vast majority has a right to protect it's own existence.

Why is it "equality"? It is just equality. Every group should have the same rights as everyone else.


I think canabslism is illegal Cal. Pretty sure no one would allow a statue like that. I like how to justify ruling over a minority you choose cannibals to be the minority in your example lol .


I also love how another statue that isn't a Christian one means we ride the slippery slope to the collapse of society haha.


Cal, the reasoning you have literally sounds like like reasons one might give to defend Jim Crow laws. By your logic we can take Black's and strip their rights. It is OK though because we are the majority and we know best...


Why do the Christians/the majority = Society? Do minorities not count as part of society? Must be easy for you to say when you aren't in any minority group.


The was to say other religious groups should be allowed the same privileges as others. You can't play favorites. We are supposed to have a separation of church and state. They opened the door to this. Also, I still how the minority to you are cults and cannibals.


The majority can't just decide what's best for everyone. All groups should have equal right, whether or not you agree with them.


Allowing a minority group the same prjvrlsges as the majority does not remove the majorities right to "define itself". Christians won't stop being a thing because there are other religions represented in the court house.

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I do, I just happen to think it should be no say. Secular government should mean secular government - not making rules based on any one religion. Sure, worship who you like, but don't force it on others.



I don't want anyone making policy decisions thinking that the rapture will happen or that the Earth is 6000 years old. I also don't want my governor praying for rain...

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Well it probably counts as murder, for a start...

No one said anything about growing and harvesting human beings for food. (A LA Motel Hell)

I have a brother in law who gets a phone call when a deer is hit on the highway in Carroll County.


It makes its way to his smokehouse and while Susan won't eat it I have at least tried it...

And it is not illegal in every culture, so I assume most.


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Woody exactly why is cannibalism illegal?



Well, here is Cornell's take on it. http://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/cannibalism


"Cannibalism is the nonconsensual consumption of another human's body matter. In the United States, there are no laws against cannibalism per se, but the act of cannibalism would probably violate laws against murder and against desecration of corpses."



If someone wants to eat the remains of someone else that passed away in a way that wasn't the cannibal killing them, go for it. The only reason I could see for me to not want them to do that is the potential of some disease or illness from it that might work its way to me or someone I care about.







But you are okay with throwing people in jail who don't pay their taxes from which the government attends to the age old Christian requirement that we help the poor... But of course praying for rain is about as useful as taxing the clouds.



You could probably tie everything back to some Christian ideal if you try hard enough (that also doesn't mean it is something uniquely christian or invented by Christians). Just because I don't like religion doesn't mean I think helping the poor and not killing each other are bad ideas.

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Cannibalism is the nonconsensual consumption of another human's body matter. In the United States, there are no laws against cannibalism per se, but the act of cannibalism would probably violate laws against murder and against desecration of corpses.

Well would you look at that. Not technically illegal, as long as you don't break any other laws. And it's difficult not to - consensual cannibalism implies some kind of assisted death/murder.


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Cal, the reasoning you have literally sounds like like reasons one might give to defend Jim Crow laws. By your logic we can take Black's and strip their rights. It is OK though because we are the majority and we know best...


NO, no, no. Again, you miss the point. The rest of us are talking BELIEF systems. Believing in God, or not,

believing in big gov, small gov, believing in whatever. And seriously? Your response in defending the rights of satanists..

but not cannablism?

I didn't figure you'd do that, but then again... check this out, (warning, I didn't go to this stupid site,

it could harbor spyware, so I modified the link so it wouldn't work):

'Satanists' jailed for cannibalism ritual - Sydney Morning Herald


Jul 27, 2010 - Six young Russians who declared themselves to be Satanists have been handed jail sentences of up to 20 years for ritually killing and then ...

Blacks and whites and reds and yellows and tans.... those are races. Not belief systems. And "Black's" is possessive,

not a noun. Allowing the majority of religious folks to have their honorable kind of statue, or figurine, in public

doesn't seem any kind of threat to anyone. It's the majority being what they are. This has nothing to do with racism.

It has everything to do with a small minority trying to dominate a vast majority out of aggressive spite. I don't care to look it up,

but the word "tyranny" comes to mind.

Like I said, society, the vast majority of society, has every right to defend it's own existence, but not deny

the rights of minority beliefs. Minority belief systems do not trump the existence of majority belief systems.

Which, transcends race completely, Woody. What was that about "great minds" ?
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Great minds Chis. Great minds[/quote


"I think canabslism is illegal Cal. Pretty sure no one would allow a statue like that. I like how to justify ruling over a minority you choose cannibals to be the minority in your example lol . "- Woody



Yeah, I THOUGHT cannibalism is illegal. It turns out it sort of is and it sort of isn't.


I am actually able to take my current beliefs, take in new information, and adjust from there. Shocking I know.

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Cal, the reasoning you have literally sounds like like reasons one might give to defend Jim Crow laws. By your logic we can take Black's and strip their rights. It is OK though because we are the majority and we know best...
NO, no, no. Again, you miss the point. The rest of us are talking BELIEF systems. Believing in God, or not,
believing in big gov, small gov, believing in whatever. And seriously? Your response in defending the rights of satanists..
but not cannablism?
I didn't figure you'd do that, but then again... check this out, (warning, I didn't go to this stupid site,
it could harbor spyware, so I modified the link so it wouldn't work):
'Satanists' jailed for cannibalism ritual - Sydney Morning Herald
Jul 27, 2010 - Six young Russians who declared themselves to be Satanists have been handed jail sentences of up to 20 years for ritually killing and then ...
Blacks and whites and reds and yellows and tans.... those are races. Not belief systems. And "Black's" is possessive,
not a noun. Allowing the majority of religious folks to have their honorable kind of statue, or figurine, in public
doesn't seem any kind of threat to anyone. It's the majority being what they are. This has nothing to do with racism.
It has everything to do with a small minority trying to dominate a vast majority out of aggressive spite. I don't care to look it up,
but the word "tyranny" comes to mind.
Like I said, society, the vast majority of society, has every right to defend it's own existence, but not deny
the rights of minority beliefs. Minority belief systems do not trump the existence of majority belief systems.
Which, transcends race completely, Woody. What was that about "great minds" ?




The BELIEF that black people are inferior? How about that? Racism basically is a belief system. There is nothing more or less tangible about believing in a god than there is about believing one race is inferior to another. If, at one point, the majority of America believed that blacks were actually inferior to whites, then you are saying that majority should be able to have their way.


I don't see why I wouldn't defend the rights of any group if they aren't breaking the law or hurting people or something. Satanists have the same rights as Christians. Cannibals, well that opens the door to pretty obvious illegal behavior.



"Allowing the majority of religious folks to have their honorable kind of statue, or figurine, in public

doesn't seem any kind of threat to anyone. It's the majority being what they are. This has nothing to do with racism"
I never said it was racist. I agree, there is no harm in letting any religious folk have their symbol out in public. See - churches, front yards, billboards, etc. The issue here is that we are talking about govt. property, a capitol building. Putting up just one religious groups symbol, and not any others, is basically the govt. endorsing a religion. Thanks to the separation of church and state, that is a big no on. So they either allow all religious groups to put up something, or they do the smart thing and remove anything religious.
" Like I said, society, the vast majority of society, has every right to defend it's own existence, but not deny
the rights of minority beliefs. Minority belief systems do not trump the existence of majority belief systems."
Yes, Christians can defend their right to be Christians. And rest, they should not deny the ability of minority religions to practice their belief. But no, no one is saying minority belief systems trump the "majority belief". How is allowing a Satanist symbol AND a Christian symbol the minority believe trumping the majority belief? How is allowing gays to get married trampling over Christian beliefs? No one is saying you are no longer free to believe in those things.
This goes back to a point brought up many times before. You are confusing the majority not always getting their way with that majority's beliefs being attacked, or them being discriminated against in some way. Someone saying "Hey, maybe Christians aren't the only game in town." isn't "War on Christianity! Lock them all up!"
" Which, transcends race completely, Woody. What was that about "great minds" ?"
I am just guessing you missed the point about the race thing. Hopefully this post clears it up.
Great minds because Chris is a smart dude, and I am a smart dude, and we both came up with the same source for the cannibalism thing.
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It wasn't a race thing. You brought up blacks.


and "The BELIEF that black people are inferior? How about that? Racism basically is a belief system."...


I figured you'd come back with that. But most all people believe that racism is completely invalid, and

against the law.


We are talking about legit belief systems. There isn't anybody who isn't a "smart dude" here, woody, btw.

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