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Group unveils Satan statue design for Oklahoma

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Group unveils Satan statue design for Oklahoma
By SEAN MURPHY15 hours ago

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OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — A satanic group unveiled designs Monday for a 7-foot-tall statue of Satan it wants to put at the Oklahoma state Capitol, where a Ten Commandments monument was placed in 2012.

"The monument has been designed to reflect the views of Satanists in Oklahoma City and beyond," temple spokesman Lucien Greaves said in a statement. "The statue will also have a functional purpose as a chair where people of all ages may sit on the lap of Satan for inspiration and contemplation."The New York-based Satanic Temple formally submitted its application to a panel that oversees the Capitol grounds, including an artist's rendering that depicts Satan as Baphomet, a goat-headed figure with horns, wings and a long beard that's often used as a symbol of the occult. In the rendering, Satan is sitting in a pentagram-adorned throne with smiling children next to him.

The Satanic Temple maintains that the Oklahoma Legislature's decision to authorize a privately funded Ten Commandments monument at the Capitol opened the door for its statue. The Ten Commandments monument was placed on the north steps of the building in 2012, and the Oklahoma chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union has sued to have it removed.

Similar requests for monuments have been made by a Hindu leader in Nevada, an animal rights group and the satirical Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

In response, the Oklahoma Capitol Preservation Commission recently placed a moratorium on considering any new requests.

In this Sept. 9, 2010 photo, a billboard erected by atheists in Oklahoma City reads " Don't believe …

"Anybody can still make their request, but we'll hold off on considering them until the lawsuit is adjudicated," commission Chairman Trait Thompson said.

The push by the Satanic Temple has rankled elected leaders in this conservative state known as the buckle of the Bible Belt, who say such a proposal would never be approved by the commission.

"I think you've got to remember where you are. This is Oklahoma, the middle of the heartland," said Rep. Don Armes, R-Faxon. "I think we need to be tolerant of people who think different than us, but this is Oklahoma, and that's not going to fly here."

While Greaves acknowledges the Satanic Temple's effort is in part to highlight what it says is hypocrisy of state leaders in Oklahoma, he says the group is serious about having a monument placed there.

The group already has raised nearly half of the $20,000 it says it needs to build the monument.

"We plan on moving forward one way or another," Greaves said.

Another Oklahoma legislator, Rep. Earl Sears, called the group's effort "an insult to the good people of the state."

"I do not see Satanism as a religion, and they have no place at the state Capitol," said Sears, R-Bartlesville.

On its website, the Satanic Temple explains that it "seeks to separate Religion from Superstition by acknowledging religious belief as a metaphorical framework with which we construct a narrative context for our goals and works.

"Satan stands as the ultimate icon for the selfless revolt against tyranny, free & rational inquiry, and the responsible pursuit of happiness," the website says.


Sean Murphy can be reached at www.twitter.com/apseanmurphy

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Oh yeah, there are ways around doing it. But if you are going to have up one religious symbol, I'm not surd how you can reject others without playing favorites.

Sure, but if you're going to play favourites, you go with the one that 80% of the population follow.

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Let's not pretend that all religious organizations are equal in the eyes of the United States government. Case in point David Koresh.


The issues that the US Government had with Koresh had absolutely nothing to do with his religious point of view, and everything to do with his violations firearms/weapons laws and Child Welfare issues. Koresh's apocalyptic religious beliefs were/are pretty much mainstream in middle Texas.

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Let's not pretend that all religious organizations are equal in the eyes of the United States government. Case in point David Koresh.



The problem with sects or religions such as the Branch Davidians, is when the break either federal or state laws. If I remember wasn't there statutory rape and illegal firearms in the building that caused the raid... that caused the deaths?

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The trouble is the tyranny of those who demand that the vast majority

live by the rules of that tiny minority.


It's just another angle of attack on the status quo. Rebels with no legit cause,

except to fight everything that the majority does and lives by.

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According to the ATF they had illegal weapons, which caused the raid, which caused gun fire to be exchanged, which led to the siege, and then ultimately the fire that killed everyone. There is nothing wrong with a cult, in fact some major religions today started off as cults, such as Christianity was treated as a cult of Judaism when it first started.

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Oh yeah, there are ways around doing it. But if you are going to have up one religious symbol, I'm not surd how you can reject others without playing favorites.

This. If one dipshit religion can push their agenda and get a monument, then all of the dipshits should get to put their statue up. All of the Christians who wailed about how they wanted the Ten Commandments up should be really proud of themselves for opening the floodgates for Joe from the Church of Iron Maiden to put up a 12 ft tall Eddie.

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What makes Christianity more believable than Satanism anyway? Or any other religion? Or a flying spaghetti monster?



And Cal, how is a minority asking to be treated as equal the same the majority living under the minority's tyranny?

Because they are right and everyone else is wrong? It is a matter of faith. If you believe gibberish long enough, you just accept it as fact.


Asking for equal treatment is blasphemy. It always ends up being turned around into some argument about preferential treatment when it is the majority who wants to keep that preferential treatment. Christians wailed to get the Ten Commandments in front of a public facility and now they can live with the ramifications of getting what they wanted.

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three people can't impose their "equality" upon millions.


Minority groups have rights, but the majority cannot survive

in the long run, if they can't make decisions for the vast, most of society.


The majority, our society has a right to define itself, outside of the rights of the minority.


By your reasoning, Woody, a minority group of cannabals would allege to have the right

to put up a statue of their own. On and on, until there is no society at all.

Just some weird, sick movie about Waterworld.


The manson "family" was a minority.


The vast majority has one statue to represent the majority. Otherwise, there would be

thousands of statues?


Nonsense. Society/vast majority has a right to protect it's own existence.

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three people can't impose their "equality" upon millions.


Minority groups have rights, but the majority cannot survive

in the long run, if they can't make decisions for the vast, most of society.


The majority, our society has a right to define itself, outside of the rights of the minority.


By your reasoning, Woody, a minority group of cannabals would allege to have the right

to put up a statue of their own. On and on, until there is no society at all.

Just some weird, sick movie about Waterworld.


The manson "family" was a minority.


The vast majority has one statue to represent the majority. Otherwise, there would be

thousands of statues?


Nonsense. Society/vast majority has a right to protect it's own existence.

Right, so you're saying that there should be no statue up in the first place? ;)

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how is a minority asking to be treated as equal the same the majority living under the minority's tyranny?

That's kind of what democracy is. As your buddy Obama said elections have consequences. Meaning that the minority doesn't get their way. The minority loses and gets screwed. Right?

Plus the only minorities that have their rights protected are ones who are politically useful to whoever is in power. Nobody cares about the rights of Nazis or the Ku Klux Klan right? That deep respect and love for minority rights seems to dissipate when that minority isn't what we might call politically correct.


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That's kind of what democracy is. As your buddy Obama said elections have consequences. Meaning that the minority doesn't get their way. The minority loses and gets screwed. Right?

Plus the only minorities that have their rights protected are ones who are politically useful to whoever is in power. Nobody cares about the rights of Nazis or the Ku Klux Klan right? That deep respect and love for minority rights seems to dissipate when that minority isn't what we might call politically correct.


It's about equality for minorities - but when those minorities are the ones championing inequality, they shouldn't really be getting a say in how the country is run.

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The trouble is the tyranny of those who demand that the vast majority

live by the rules of that tiny minority.


It's just another angle of attack on the status quo. Rebels with no legit cause,

except to fight everything that the majority does and lives by.


It's ironic specially after reading your arguments about global warming, and reading this article posted by gftChris http://www.skepticalscience.com/OISM-Petition-Project-basic.htm you are arguing that the minority shouldn't have a say over the majority for religion and then turn around and argue that less than .3% of all science graduates agreeing that man made global warming is a myth proves that it is.

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Do you disagree? Think we should give racists, fascists and the rest an equal say?

I think freedom means the freedom to be an asshole if you so choose.


We also afford special privileges to racists if they fit the proper criteria.


Do you believe that Muslims or Christians or Jew should have and equal say?



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