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Sanctuary State: California Now Lets Illegals Practice Law, Get Licenses, Bars ICE Enforcement cooperation

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Sanctuary State: California Now Lets Illegals Practice Law, Get Licenses, Bars ICE Enforcement


by John Urban | Top Right News

With the new year comes new insane laws from California, making it officially America’s Sanctuary State — treating illegal aliens who broke the law to enter the U.S. as well as law-abiding citizens, protecting illegals from deportation, and putting public safety at grave risk.

In October, California Gov. Jerry Brown (D), signed eight bills handing special rights to illegal aliens. The controversial legislation includes allowing illegal alien obtain driver’s licenses, preventing employers from denying jobs based on “immigration status”, and barring state and local law enforcement from detaining illegal aliens when directed by ICE, DHS or Border Patrol. The legislation claims that this latter restriction only involves illegals without “serious crimes or convictions,” but critics quickly pointed out that this was blatantly false.

But without a doubt the most controversial of all the new laws which took effect on January 1 is AB-1024, which authorizes the state Supreme Court, which approves requests of those seeking to become lawyers in the state, to admit all qualified applicants as attorneys, including “an applicant who is not lawfully present in the United States” — illegal aliens.

The California Supreme Court wasted no time today in ruling that one plaintiff, Sergio C. Garcia, who entered the U.S. illegally at age 17, should be granted his law license, due to AB-1024′s passage.

One critic pointed out the obscene hypocrisy in this decision:

He can’t say he is going to fulfill his duties as an attorney when one of those duties is to uphold all federal laws, when he’s here illegally,” Larry DeSha, a former prosecutor with the State Bar of California, told NPR. “And no one can administer the oath to him knowing he’s going to be illegal the minute he puts his hand down. And the other thing is clients can’t pay him money. And any client who finds out that he is illegal has to fire him under federal law.”

Despite the controversy of AB-1024, the worst of all laws now in effect in California is by far AB-4 — the Orwellian-titled “TRUST Act”. AB 4 takes the unprecedented step of banning California law enforcement from honoring most requests from federal immigration authorities to hold criminal aliens.

“Under AB 4,
California will return dangerous criminal aliens to communities all across the state, rather than cooperate with the federal government’s efforts to remove them from the country
. This act demonstrates not just contempt for U.S. immigration laws, but a reckless disregard for public safety and for the people who have been victimized by criminal aliens,” charged Dan Stein, president of FAIR

One potential impact of “TRUST Act” can be seen in the murder of Martha Casillas at the hands of her illegal alien husband, in September 2013.


Above: Martha Casillas (right), before her murder — a crime facilitated by San Jose County lawless actions.


A month before authorities say he killed his wife, 40-year-old Mario Chavez was in jail after a heated domestic argument that ended with him threatening their 6-year-old son with a knife.

His family got a protective order. He made bail. When a judge later raised the amount, so did Chavez. He was released by the judge– despite an order to detain Chavez from ICE. You see, San Jose County policy prevented ICE from detaining illegal aliens that did not (yet) have a conviction for a violent crime — despite the fact that he had threatened his own wife and son with a knife.

4 weeks later Martha Casillas lay dead in a pool of blood. And the San Jose policy barring cooperation with ICE is now the law of the land –statewide — in California.

Feel safer already, Golden Staters?


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Lol, yes DieHard. I can't handle the truth. It has nothing to do with being completely tired of your biased, fear mongering "articles" from you partisan websites. Nothing to do with your same old narrative getting old. We get it, Hispanics are different and therefore scary. You don't like change. Gotcha.


You'll respond to this. Cal will come in and make some dumb comment about me not contributing (while ironically enough not contributing anything on his own). Maybe Steve or Cysko will take a shot at me too. Maybe one of the new guys will pop in and post something legitimate. But eventually this thread will just fade away like all the others. Like every other scary immigrant thread you've made. You know why? Because it is getting old. Anyone with half a brain can see what these sites are trying to do with these stories, and you are feeding them.

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For the record Woodrow since this seems to be a subject on which you are incapable of putting together one of your well thought out theses, do you believe the United States should eliminate any border control what so ever and allow anyone who chooses to enter and live in the country?

(just think, they could take that money and give it to scientists! They could then uh whatever...)


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Possibly the nuance escapes me in an exchange that goes something like this:

"8 year old raped and murdered by illegal alien"


"ha ha ha! Another scary mexican story!"





In fact, I can't ever remember Diehard merely posting a "Mexican's are in the country" story. They've always reported a crime, usually a rather horrific one.


I'm beginning to think that every time Woody "pokes fun" at Diehard for a "scary Mexican" story, in his mind he thinks he wrote this episode:


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