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Obama's Illegal Alien Aunt: 'You have the Obligation to Make me a Citizen'


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With all the focus this week on Barack Obama’s drunken illegal alien fugitive Uncle Omar being handed a green card by a U.S. immigration judge, andObama caught lying about never having met him, it is easy to forget the president has ANOTHER close relative who broke our immigration laws for many years.

Her name is Aunt Zeituni — and she is much, much worse than her brother Omar.

Zeituni Onyango’s arrogance and contempt for America is stunning.

She came here illegally from Kenya, has lived in public housing in Boston for nearly 15 years, collected welfare, even nabbed $51,000 in disability — all while an illegal alien. And after decades as a illegal on welfare, her nephew arranged the same high-priced Chicago lawyer that helped Omar to get her asylum here. And yet she is still angry at America.

Aunt Zeituni says WE OWE HER. We owe her welfare, housing and even citizenship. And she preaches that we are “bad Christians” if we don’t.

Barack Obama’s Aunt simply has to be seen to be believed. Check out this video…

And unlike his uncle, whom he denied even knowing (until caught in the lie), Barack Obama has written lovingly of his “dear Aunt Zeituni” in his book, Dreams From My Father . She is cited a whopping 36 times in Obama’s memoir.

Yet the multi-millionaire Obama hasn’t got a dime for his dear Auntie. He knew she was an illegal alien, on welfare, who still does not work, still receives $700 a month in disability, still claims to have “no money”. Yet her wealthy nephew who is President of the United States hasn’t sent her a few bucks to get off welfare?

Nope Obama was perfectly happy seeing YOU pay for her welfare and Section 8 housing for 2 years after taking office, and then arranging for his DOJ to get her asylum.

This case is beyond depressing. And it underlines what many people see today: that in the old days, immigrants came to America to lend a hand to our growing nation. But far too many today merely come for a handout. And their arrogance and sense of entitlement is a symptom of the broken borders and lawlessness we have permitted, which lets anybody in, asks nothing of them, and gives charity to the lazy while so many deserving citizens are forgotten.

And that two of these arrogant, entitled, leeches are the Aunt and Uncle of Barack Obama speaks volumes as to how far down into this moral ditch this nation has sunk.

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"As of 2008 Onyango worked as a volunteer computer systems co-ordinator for the Experience Corps, a program in which adults over 55 mentor children in their communities."



Yes, the audacity of this woman to actually freeload on our country by performing a valuable service for an organization that helps children, and to poor salt on the wound, she has the nerve to do it for FREE! Disgusting!

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She is a leech.


"As of 2008 Onyango worked as a volunteer computer systems co-ordinator for the Experience Corps, a program in which adults over 55 mentor children in their communities."

Yes, the audacity of this woman to actually freeload on our country by performing a valuable service for an organization that helps children, and to poor salt on the wound, she has the nerve to do it for FREE! Disgusting!

Ha ha ha. Give me a break. She should be deported.

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Osiris I have no doubt that many illegal aliens are very nice people. Probably met a few and possibly worked with a few, especially and some of the Irish pubs I've played. It is still illegal. I think it's fair to point out the hypocrisy especially when it relates to the President of the United States. Don't you?


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Osiris that is a fucking asinine statement that has completely destroyed your credibility to me. Nothing justifies her complete lack of motivation to take care of herself. Nothing. And her president nephew does nothing for her That just shows how little he cares for his own family.

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"As of 2008 Onyango worked as a volunteer computer systems co-ordinator for the Experience Corps, a program in which adults over 55 mentor children in their communities."



Yes, the audacity of this woman to actually freeload on our country by performing a valuable service for an organization that helps children, and to poor salt on the wound, she has the nerve to do it for FREE! Disgusting!



United States immigration status[edit]



Onyango visited the United States multiple times since 1975, returning to Kenya each time until the 2000s.[9] She came on a temporary visa in 2000 along with a son who had been accepted at a college in Boston.[17] Commercial databases show she received a Social Security card in 2001, indicating she was legally present in the country at that time.[7]


huh - freeloading indeed! it worked for Onyango - and worked for your president as well it seems.....

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Osiris I have no doubt that many illegal aliens are very nice people. Probably met a few and possibly worked with a few, especially and some of the Irish pubs I've played. It is still illegal. I think it's fair to point out the hypocrisy especially when it relates to the President of the United States. Don't you?


Yep it is fair, but my point is that it is easy to cherry pick from the facts, exclude any semblance of balance about the case and throw in a lot of OMGWTF in an article as is the pattern of many of the partisan articles posted here do. The article excludes many facts such as the volunteerism, the fact that she is part of minority tribe that has been targeted in her home country, and was seeking asylum in the USA.


My beef isn't with tough stances on illegal immigration ( my wife immigrated legally and it bothers me that I had to live apart for a year from her while some ppl just cheat). My beef is with these pedantic one sided articles full of words designed to try and make thinking people shut off their brains. WSS i don't think I've seen you post a single article of this nature.

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Osiris that is a fucking asinine statement that has completely destroyed your credibility to me. Nothing justifies her complete lack of motivation to take care of herself. Nothing. And her president nephew does nothing for her That just shows how little he cares for his own family.

Oh, how am I going to live with myself now that I've lost credibility with you? Before I run off to slit my wrists, I will point out that I did not say her volunteerism justified anything. My point was as what I said to WSS, these shit articles withhold all the facts to present an unbalanced view of the situation. It's the same toolbox of manipulative language as used by the anti-MMCC posts that keep cropping up and a real news article would present all the facts and let readers make up their minds.

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Oh, you mean like you don't support any opinion of yours with those "perfect facts" ?You've lost cred before you had it. Libby.

I support all my opinions with facts and citations as I did in the global warming thread. That is the essence of credibility. What You really mean is you choose to not believe them because you disagree with what those facts are supporting and that's fine, you're entitled to your opinion.


And as I've said many times, let's not resort to labeling people. It is disrespectful. You'd do well to see WSS as your example with how to disagree with someone in a dignified way.

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I know full well about that. But Steve will tell you

that having more conservative views reaps the disrepect and

personal attacks from the gitgo from whining sombeech libs.


He isn't that conservative, so your point is as dull as an Obamao speech.


You should have a talk with your little friend woodypeckerhead and tell him

to knock his crap off.


I assure you, I don't give people crap unless I get it often, first.


And there have been members of this forum who got that, quit it, and I responded

and we were okay after that.


I disagree with mmgw because there is too much legit reason not to run with it.

It is NOT fact. You and others choose to believe the theory that is it... fine.

But smarting off to people who won't fall in line? Come on. When you have

legit reason to believe an issue one way, and the opposite... that is just a controversy.


The allegations of "absolute fact" are bogus. Scientists are saying it. Blaming our

CO2 for mmgw...when global temps going down and CO2 goes up? Really?

Scientists are baffled - I'm not one, but I don't accept bs as fact.

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I don't need to know the story up and down to comment on the idiocy on this board.


Also, I'm sure you guys all only know a fraction of the actual story based on whatever biased site you looked at.



I'm not spending my days constantly looking for a reason to attack Obama, sorry. I know that is pretty out of place on this board. But you guys keep reaching for whatever you think you can get...

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No, I'm not. I respond as I have been responded to.


Disagree, say an opinion is stupid, etc. That's fine.


It's the personal attacks that annoyed me long ago.


I've been around this board a long time. And I'm sure Steve

will tell you, that the old days were rife with "short bus",

"Retard", and far worse, back in the years when Bush was pres,

even before, just for disagreeing with the libs' narrative.


One member of the board used to do that,..and then quit.

He and I have been fine ever since.


Get a clue, Koala: Look at how many posts I have logged, and how many you

have logged. A lot of lib hostility transpired over the years before.

Now, don't you think you don't have the slightest idea of what you are

talking about?

I simply prefer to go into self defense mode, that's all. I could sit around

a campfire, with a six pack of rootbeer, and argue into the early hours of the morning

without ever thinking of a personal attack for any views I don't concur with.



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I know full well about that. But Steve will tell you

that having more conservative views reaps the disrepect and

personal attacks from the gitgo from whining sombeech libs.


He isn't that conservative, so your point is as dull as an Obamao speech.


You should have a talk with your little friend woodypeckerhead and tell him

to knock his crap off.


I assure you, I don't give people crap unless I get it often, first.



The problem is you seem to paint people with a broad brush. There is a reason I harp about not using labels, and you're one of the cases-in-point. You post from what some would call a very conservative stance that aligns with what many of the conservatives here agree with. Then in the Mandela thread, you posted supportively of Mandela, which surprised the other conservatives on the board, including specifically WSS who said verbatim he was surprised by your post.


People aren't stereotypes, everyone here is capable of thinking for themselves and not having to be 100% lock-step with either conservative or liberal values, and that is a GOOD thing. We should all be questioning our own opinions.


So you and Woody should bury the hatchet. I bet if you both tried you'd find something you agree on. Your both Browns fans, so that's a start.

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Osiris -


Generally, I go from a poster's "body of work", or.. the lack thereof.

As for painting with a broad brush, sure. How else to you explain trends ?

Noting the exceptions just makes for detailed mish-mash that nobody will read.


I'm just saying that the body of work over the years affects my perspective

on current postings. You don't have that.


Does anybody want me to post my Merlin "short" story again? I think I have it saved somewhere !

(or Steve would probably be glad to bring it back?)


Any desperate pleas for me to bring the Merlin novel... I mean, short story, back?


It would help Os and a few others realize what I'm saying about past lib indiscretions.... B)

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Cal does in self defense. I challenged you to knock it off.


Others would appreciate it too.


Get a clue.


Yep... I'm thinkin the Merlin yarn maybe should come back....

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Cal does in self defense. I challenged you to knock it off.


Others would appreciate it too.


Get a clue.


Yep... I'm thinkin the Merlin yarn maybe should come back....


I'd never discourage anyone from writing, so good for you!. Trust me, though, you don't want me to read it. I read, write, and critique fiction professionally.

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I'd never discourage anyone from writing, so good for you!. Trust me, though, you don't want me to read it. I read, write, and critique fiction professionally. Osiris


Seriously? Then I'd rather you read my adventure novel...it's a serious work. Even after 3-4 years, still not finished.


I used to be a speech major, english minor in sec ed way, way back in the day. My favorite class was

Freshman English III. It was all about Joseph Campbell's brilliant book - "Hero of a Thousand Faces".


The Monomyth !


Heard of it?


But I'll have fun, then, if Steve doesn't mind, posting my Merlin story again. It's pretty ridiculous, but

it was fun. I wrote it as fast as I typed, and I have been a corporate programmer/analyst most of my career...

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