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MM Global Warming "proof" evaporates and goes away


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It will happen again, no matter what we do. The sun will also eventually explode and some day we will run out of oil. Does that mean we should start wasting oil and doing something to make the sun explode sooner? No.


Yes, climate change has happened before without mankinds input. Why does that mean that now, with man speeding up the process, we should just not do anything? Basically you are saying that since something bad is going to happen no matter what, it doesn't matter that we are speeding up that bad change. That is stupid. Why do you want to leave a shittier world for future generations? Why should we not do what we can to slow down the process?


And who knows what those "evil, no good" scientists come up with. Maybe we will be able to reverse the process.




Im just not seeing your point here. Why exactly should we not try to do anything? Why does climate change in Earths past mean we should do nothing now?


I guess there is no point to stop forest fires or set up levies...

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Like I've said. Look at the world population today and look at the world population 50 years ago, a hundred years ago, and 500 years ago. If as you say the problem is too many people time to thin the herd. Carry on.



No shit there are a ton of humans on this Earth, that is no new insight. I dont think I have ever said there are too many people and we need to "thin the herd". Good luck convincing anyone they can only have 2 kids or whatever. We need to learn to live with the large population ad utilize scientific breakthroughs to better sustain ourselves. We arent at any critical mass yet

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No shit there are a ton of humans on this Earth, that is no new insight. I dont think I have ever said there are too many people and we need to "thin the herd". Good luck convincing anyone they can only have 2 kids or whatever. We need to learn to live with the large population ad utilize scientific breakthroughs to better sustain ourselves. We arent at any critical mass yet

God you are immature.

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"This comment is immature."


Woody's even dumber, younger roommate ?


Meanwhile, the libs are whining about more CO2, and parroting Gore's claims of immediate impending

doom because the earth has a "fever"...


The coldest temp EVER RECORDED IN HISTORY just happened.


Have a nice chilly day, libs.




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"This comment is immature."


Woody's even dumber, younger roommate ?


Meanwhile, the libs are whining about more CO2, and parroting Gore's claims of immediate impending

doom because the earth has a "fever"...


The coldest temp EVER RECORDED IN HISTORY just happened.


Have a nice chilly day, libs.





Just because it's cold in one specific part of the world for one short period of time doesn't mean global warming isn't happening... Notice how you only choose to point out "immaturity" if it's in someone you don't agree with. You don't hear MLD or Osiris calling you a jingoist or neo-con, yet you call them "libs" whenever you're at a loss for words after they articulate an intelligent point instead of parroting some juvenile banter that would put Bill O'Reilly to shame.

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It isnt' a stretch to note that most all? ardent pro-mmgw supporters are libs.


Do you think that not to be true?


I feel a reposting of the Merlin legend coming closer.........

too much more of a provocation may just do it..... :)

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Lol, he's threatening to hijack the Thread w/ a shitty story of his if we don't line up to kiss his ring...


It's quite unfair to judge it because you haven't read it.


Yet, you don't want me judging you to be a lib?


Hah. That type of "oh, you shouldn't judge, but I keep doing it myself" nonsense it part of

what inspired me to write it in the first place.


Actually, it was pretty entertaining, I think. And woody, the story was not from a conservative blog.

Anybody who has read it, will tell you that is quite impossible. So, Os and Woody just judged, yet

they want me to be non-judgemental.


A lot like the dem libs whining for a more gentle discourse from conservative reps...

then they happily let loose at a time of most advantage...possibly ending with Martin Bashir

calling for people to defacate on Sarah Palin's head.


Libs have a strong tendency to say one thing, then do another. Say, that pretty much sums up

ObaMao, does it not?


Go ahead, ask anybody who had read it back then, if I pulled it from elsewhere.

I wrote it off the top of my head, flat out.

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No. It wasn't entertaining. It was the worst drivel ever written by the hand of humans. Cysko


It was a silly story I made up on the fly. I was entertained as I wrote it,

so that's one biased vote. GGG


Cysko's just an old, crochety anti-literary grouch.... @@

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It gets worse for mmgw supporters. Told them it would be happening. More and more

scientists are looking away from man made global warming crap, to more legit



A Swedish study found that the planet was warmer in ancient Roman times and the Middle Ages than today, challenging the mainstream idea that man-made greenhouse gas emissions are the main drivers of global warming.
The study, by scientist Leif Kullman, analyzed 455 “radiocarbon-dated mega-fossils” in the Scandes mountains and found that tree lines for different species of trees were higher during the Roman and Medieval times than they are today. Not only that, but the temperatures were higher as well.
“Historical tree line positions are viewed in relation to early 21st century equivalents, and indicate that tree line elevations attained during the past century and in association with modern climate warming are highly unusual, but not unique, phenomena from the perspective of the past 4,800 years,” Kullman found. “Prior to that, the pine tree line (and summer temperatures) was consistently higher than present, as it was also during the Roman and Medieval periods.”
Kullman also wrote that “summer temperatures during the early Holocene thermal optimum may have been 2.3°C higher than present.” The “Holocene thermal optimum was a warm period that occurred between 9,000 and 5,000 years ago. This warm period was followed by a gradual cooling period.”
According to Kullman, the temperature spikes were during the Roman and Medieval warming periods “were succeeded by a distinct tree line/temperature dip, broadly corresponding to the Little Ice Age.”
For many years now, there was an alleged scientific consensus that the Earth was warming due to humans releasing greenhouse gases into the air — primarily through burning fossil fuels. However, temperatures stopped rising after 1998, leaving scientists scrambling to find an explanation to the hiatus in warming.
Increasingly, scientists are looking away from human causes and looking at solar activity and natural climate variability for explanations of why the planet warms and cools.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2013/12/13/study-earth-was-warmer-in-roman-medieval-times/#ixzz2nP9Wq982****

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Meanwhile, back at the ranch,. possibly 2000 record cold temp records

may be set this winter....


and sun activity is at it's lowest.....


yep. The debate was never "over". It was just getting started.


Now, mmgw is losing it's legitamacy as a theory. Al Gorish probably has a fever now.

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kafka was most famous for weirdness... like one of his short stories - waking up to find out

the character has become a bug....


From Meriam-Webster:


Definition of KAFKAESQUE
: of, relating to, or suggestive of Franz Kafka or his writings; especially : having a nightmarishly complex, bizarre, or illogical quality
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This is a valid quote, regardless of the source that posts it :


Climatologist Roger Pielke Sr., University of Colorado, Boulder, professor emeritus of Atmospheric Science, says, if correct, the ocean paper means, “the end of surface temperature trends as the icon of global warming.”

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Attacking the media?????!!!???


Cal, it was an opinion piece by an editorial writer in an orange county news paper ...


No it wasn't.





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Said it before and I'll say it again, please please do not quote the daily mail on anything, it's a sensationalist, fascist rag of a newspaper and has been since it was set up by Lord Rothermere, friend and admirer of Hitler and noted fascist.

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