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MM Global Warming "proof" evaporates and goes away


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Is that like those who still think Obamaocare still rocks ?


That Obamao is a "bringer together of all Americans" ?


Transparency? Lower the deficit? Be honest with the American people?


Support the Constitution?


Dumb lib talking points fade away soooooo slowly. Like frozen molasses.

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Is that like those who still think Obamaocare still rocks ?


That Obamao is a "bringer together of all Americans" ?


Transparency? Lower the deficit? Be honest with the American people?


Support the Constitution?


Dumb lib talking points fade away soooooo slowly. Like frozen molasses.

I think you need a lobotomy. Calm the fuck down

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Is that like those who still think Obamaocare still rocks ?


That Obamao is a "bringer together of all Americans" ?


Transparency? Lower the deficit? Be honest with the American people?


Support the Constitution?


Dumb lib talking points fade away soooooo slowly. Like frozen molasses.


Are any of those statements on topic?

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Well, blowe, I have fun on this board.


You can stfu, sit on a tack, and shove it.


Obamao has racked up an incredible list of belligerent failures.


It's what I and others have maintained all along - mmgw is a political



For UN spread the wealth, via taxes, and political power here at home -

control over anything and everything people do.

And taxes. To pay for the marxist state ideas. It has been

openly admitted that mmgw was the key to spreading the world's wealth

to poor nations.

Until some legit proof is offered up in denial of what I've said,

yours and woodypeckerhead's pouting about it amounts to empty space.

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Here's a good article on it.


(btw, I can post articles citing scientific evidence to the contrary

all day long. What do you libs got in YOUR wallet?)



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Well, woodypeckerhead,


all you have is the constant talking out of your ass.


You stink up this forum because you are the butt of this board.


How bout you post anything at all in support of whatever it is

you "feel"?

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About 113,000 results (0.23 seconds)

Search Results

Global Warming Is A Farce | Real Science


Jan 31, 2013 - Falsehoods are a staple of proponents of manmade global warming like you, David. Everyone knows the vast majority of the content of my book ...


Archived-Articles: The Farce of Global Warming - American Thinker


Mar 2, 2009 - Wholesale acceptance of human-caused global warming does not, in fact, ... The climate modeling used to support claims of man-made global ...

New Report: Man-made Global Warming Is a Farce

www.thenewamerican.com ›


Sci/Tech › Environment‎

Dec 13, 2012 - The notion of the "new normal" of extreme weather is a farce, according to a recent report by the environmental group Committee for a ...

Global Warming is a Farce!



Why do so many people who subscribe to the belief in global warming also ... Have you ever asked yourself how can Gore make such statements when there are ... It should alarm you greatly that one man has the power to silence that many ...


Manmade global warming is a farce - BizTimes: Milwaukee and ...

www.biztimes.com › Blogs‎


Jul 17, 2013 - However, many of us do not believe in manmade global warming or that our insignificant activity is somehow affecting the climate. I beg our ...

Climate Shame - the Global Warming Farce » Eagle Rising



Oct 3, 2013 - n attributing warming to man, they fail to point out that the warming has been small, ... I there was no money to be made in global warming.


Source: "Man-made Global Warming Is A Farce," - LewRockwell.com


A description for this result is not available because of this site's robots.txt – learn more.


The Global Warming Farce: The Problems With Al Gore


May 10, 2010 - Man made Global Warming is a farce and a massive hoax. That is proven again and again through real research and real science. Right now ...

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But, of course, the libs on the board won't read all the stuff in the previous post...


so, just read these three articles.


And, btw, the Hudson Institute says about 500 scientists are refusing to

go along with the mmgw fraud.


mmgw is a farce. No fact. It's a freakin hypothesis, fraught with bogus and

misguided interpretations of cherry picked, manipulated "evidence".


Even the UN admitted that it was for the purpose of spreading the wealth

from the rich countries to the poor countries.







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Well, no... your first posts includes stuff from blogspot and wordpress.... I really am not going to waste my time (or do you still not understand why those arent the most reputable?)


Also, no one ever said there are NO scientists that are against climate change. I have just pointed out that the vast majority would disagree with you.


Next. The articles you posted are over 6 years old. Do you really think nothing has happened since then?


Finally, you actually did post somewhat scientific articles though. So hey, maybe you are learning...



.... but on the other hand you still seem to not understand what a scientific theory is. You are going to fail the test man.





As long as you take your evidence from blogspot and american thinker and breitbart and whatever other right wing funded source you are going to believe what you believe. We have had this same song and dance countless times. Almost every study you post is flawed in some way. You just refuse to listen. You refuse to accept any new info that might change your mind.


I'm open to it. If new scientific data comes out debunking it, and it is credible than I am perfectly open to switching sides. That has not happened though and nothing you have ever posted has lead me down that path.


So we are back where we were before. You are still and idiot and every same person on this board disagrees with you on this subject. I could post a scientific study but I doubt you'd even look at it. You'd try to discredit it by saying all scientists from a university are liberal. Or all scientists from the govt are liberal. Or that govt funded org is liberal. Or liberal liberal liberal dirty lib bad bad bad. Nothing new.


That isn't the same as a study funded by oil companies, clearly. You have also posted studies where the data is very clearly trying to mislead you (long term trend is very clearly warming, graph only shows short term trend of cooling, etc).



Anyway, I am tired. Post how this post is worthless or stupid or something. Call me some dumb names. Be your normal idiotic, hypocritical, 4 year old self. All it does is help reaffirm my position on everything I disagree with you on. I'll take a closer look at those last three articles some time later.

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About 113,000 results (0.23 seconds)Search ResultsGlobal Warming Is A Farce | Real Sciencestevengoddard.wordpress.com/2013/01/31/global-warming-is-a-farce/‎Jan 31, 2013 - Falsehoods are a staple of proponents of manmade global warming like you, David. Everyone knows the vast majority of the content of my book ...Archived-Articles: The Farce of Global Warming - American Thinkerwww.americanthinker.com/2009/03/the_farce_of_global_warming.html‎Mar 2, 2009 - Wholesale acceptance of human-caused global warming does not, in fact, ... The climate modeling used to support claims of man-made global ...New Report: Man-made Global Warming Is a Farcewww.thenewamerican.com ›Sci/Tech › Environment‎Dec 13, 2012 - The notion of the "new normal" of extreme weather is a farce, according to a recent report by the environmental group Committee for a ...Global Warming is a Farce!www.globalwarmingisafarce.com/‎Why do so many people who subscribe to the belief in global warming also ... Have you ever asked yourself how can Gore make such statements when there are ... It should alarm you greatly that one man has the power to silence that many ...Manmade global warming is a farce - BizTimes: Milwaukee and ...www.biztimes.com › Blogs‎Jul 17, 2013 - However, many of us do not believe in manmade global warming or that our insignificant activity is somehow affecting the climate. I beg our ...Climate Shame - the Global Warming Farce » Eagle Risingeaglerising.com/2063/climate-shame-global-warming-farce/‎Oct 3, 2013 - n attributing warming to man, they fail to point out that the warming has been small, ... I there was no money to be made in global warming.Source: "Man-made Global Warming Is A Farce," - LewRockwell.comarchive.lewrockwell.com/spl4/man-made-global-warming-farce.htmlA description for this result is not available because of this site's robots.txt – learn more.The Global Warming Farce: The Problems With Al Gorenortherntruthseeker.blogspot.com/.../global-warming-farce-problems-wit...‎May 10, 2010 - Man made Global Warming is a farce and a massive hoax. That is proven again and again through real research and real science. Right now ...

Any URL with the word "blogspot" or "Wordpress" in it is not likely to be a credible or scientific source. These are blog sites where anyone can sign up for free and post whatever they want. You should ask yourself, if their arguments are so well supported, why aren't they in scientific journals, or at least in popular science mags like popular science or scientific American?


Second, It would not surprise me if people are using the global-warming issue for profit. I'm sure someone is. That has absolutely no bearing on the validity of MMGW.

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The Hudson Institute does not pass muster as an independent source with scientific credibility. First of all, scientific articles and scientists would never use a phrase like:


"This data and the list of scientists make a mockery of recent claims that a scientific consensus blames humans as the primary cause of global temperature increases since 1850,” said Hudson Institute Senior Fellow Dennis Avery.


Second, they are founded by a conservative policy strategist as a conservative policy think tank and are now funded by RAND Corporation, an entity with roots military policy planning, not climate science research.


Here is what a credible source looks like:




And here is how they write articles:


"Here, we use an extensive dataset of 1,372 climate researchers and their publication and citation data to show that (i) 97–98% of the climate researchers most actively publishing in the field surveyed here support the tenets of ACC..."


97% of scientists in their study group is over 1000 scientists, so in this small sample group alone we have twice as many scientists supporting MMGW as were against it according to what Cal posted above.


So sorry to say, the only way you will change anyone's mind about this is by fighting real science with real science.





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Personally I do not wholeheartedly trust any scientific think tank that derives it's profit (and therefore its justification for existence) from the public sector via tax money either directly from governments or indirectly through colleges and universities in the form of government grants.


Ok, why not? Secondly, who would you trust then?

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Ha. I'm basically a cynic. I remember doing some research and found a nice piece on how the carbohydrates in alcohol, especially in beer weren't nearly as dangerous as Medical dietary science says. The study was funded by Anheuser Busch.

So does that necessarily make the study bullshit? No. Does it make it suspect? Yeah unfortunately it probably does.

So if governments in Europe fund scientific research that would lead to putting the clamps on the US economy and funneling a great deal of that money to, well, them then I get suspicious.


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The trouble is, where is the totally unbiased source of pro-mmgw ?


All of the whining in protest about "url's" and all.


MMGW originated with the UN. That is a pitiful source. Get serious for a moment here.


When an article refers to scientists who dispute mmgw, it's idiotic to discount those

scientists because the article isn't a scientific report.


It's scientists refuting mmgw. Disputing because of the site that reports on the scientists



is ignorant. Come up with your own "non-biased" sources, libs. Go ahead, make my hay.

Just stop bitching about every source on the net that dares to report a contradictory

stance by scientists.


You think the UN or MSNBC, or Salon, or MoveOn, will report those scientists who disagree?


I'm callin BS.

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The trouble is, where is the totally unbiased source of pro-mmgw ?


All of the whining in protest about "url's" and all.


MMGW originated with the UN. That is a pitiful source. Get serious for a moment here.


When an article refers to scientists who dispute mmgw, it's idiotic to discount those

scientists because the article isn't a scientific report.


It's scientists refuting mmgw. Disputing because of the site that reports on the scientists



is ignorant. Come up with your own "non-biased" sources, libs. Go ahead, make my hay.

Just stop bitching about every source on the net that dares to report a contradictory

stance by scientists.


You think the UN or MSNBC, or Salon, or MoveOn, will report those scientists who disagree?


I'm callin BS.



So wordpress or blogspot or freepatriotamericanconservative . com are all on the same level of validity as an actual scientific organization, because that org is govt funded?

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The trouble is, where is the totally unbiased source of pro-mmgw ?


All of the whining in protest about "url's" and all.


MMGW originated with the UN. That is a pitiful source. Get serious for a moment here.


When an article refers to scientists who dispute mmgw, it's idiotic to discount those

scientists because the article isn't a scientific report.


It's scientists refuting mmgw. Disputing because of the site that reports on the scientists



is ignorant. Come up with your own "non-biased" sources, libs. Go ahead, make my hay.

Just stop bitching about every source on the net that dares to report a contradictory

stance by scientists.


You think the UN or MSNBC, or Salon, or MoveOn, will report those scientists who disagree?


I'm callin BS.


I would not for a minute call Fox, MoveOn, MSNBC or any of the blogs you posted as unbiased.If you really want unbiased, what you do is go directly to where scientists post their research, it's called PubMed.

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Of course my reaction to these discussions has remained constant over the years. Let us say that Chicken Little is exactly right. What can, and what will we do to stop it? And I believe sincerely the answer is sweet fuck all.



It'd be our duty to try, WSS.

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It'd be our duty to try, WSS.

To an extent Osiris. Problem is we are so likely to over react to any perceived crisis that we demand knee jerk solutions that do absolutely nothing to lessen whatever the crisis is, or was.

Gun massacre any school? Bingo lets arrest a 4 year old for biting is peanut butter and jelly sandwich into the shape of a pistol.


But, and I've repeated this many times before, if what woody's scientists say is true it's already too late.

We would need to not only halt co2 emission but start taking it out of the atmosphere. And that, sir, can't really be done.

At least in any kind of expedited manner.


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