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Obamao Manipulating our Congress, Gov agencies, and Senate to tactically silence


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Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman

Liberty Counsel


Government agencies under Barack Obama have been empowered to use tactical measures to silence opposition to his radical progressive agenda.


Now he wants control of the courts to protect his fundamental changes to our system of government.


We are entering into an unprecedented phase of tyranny in our nation. I believe the work of Liberty Counsels litigation team is about to expand exponentially. Please see my very important update below Mat.




Government agencies under President Obama have been using tactical measures to silence the opposition. Even after agencies have come under fire, new oppressive initiatives are being launched.


The IRS, the Department of Justice, the Environmental Protection Agency, Homeland Security, and Health and Human Services have all systematically oppressed organizations and individuals who have expressed opposition to the transformation of America under the rule of Barack Obama.


Ideological clones have been commissioned to do the Presidents bidding. In many cases, they function as his thugs.


Now that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has delivered the nuclear option, Obama has an open door to push his nominations through the Senate. Soon, the administration will have at least 180 more Obamabots in high-ranking federal positions.


One of the Presidents first orders of business in this era of a no filibuster Senate will be stacking the courts with lots of ultraliberal judges to protect his radical agenda and ensure the suppression of his opposition.


++We are witnessing raw judicial activism at its worst...


Think about the judges and justices who have been appointed under Barack Obama and the subsequent rulings that have come down over the past few years.


I believe that President Obamas two appointees to the Supreme Court, Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan, were instrumental in the Supreme Courts highly questionable ruling on ObamaCare last year. Justice Kagan is known to be a consensus builder who is a fellow adherent of Barack Obamas leftist ideology.


Earlier this year, the United States Supreme Court did not go so far as to redefine marriage, but its rulings on the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and other lower court marriage cases set the table for forthcoming lawsuits to do just that.


Justices Sotomayor and Kagan both ruled in favor of pro-homosexual positions. No surprise there, but it clearly illustrates the increasing success of Obamas plan to radicalize the federal judiciary.


Sadly, Barack Obama is one Supreme Court appointment away from taking us to a completely unrecognizable America!


He has been systematically stacking the federal courts with activist judges for nearly five years now, some of whom have actually called the Constitution toxic.


The Obama kind of judges are those who will rule according to a transnational legal system instructed by a politically correct social agenda.


Because of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reids rule change in the Senate, Obamas packing of the courts will greatly accelerate now, making the work of the Liberty Counsel litigation team even more challenging.


It has never been more important that we field the best possible legal strategies and tactics in defense of our precious but embattled liberties.


++However alarming the situation may be, God is in control!




The harsh reality is that the liberal progressive assault on our core values and liberties will now be protected by judicial activism at every level of the federal system.


But I believe that God has raised us up to confront and counter the malicious assaults on life, liberty and family. We have proven time and time again that victory against overwhelming odds is possible. With Gods help, all things are possible!


Today, would you consider making a very special gift to Liberty Counsels litigation effort that will have double the impact in expanding the reach of Liberty Counsels litigation team?


Sadly, Barack Obama is working hard to achieve his campaign goal of fundamentally transforming our nation.


But with Gods help and your support, Liberty Counsel will rise to meet the challenges that are ahead!


Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman

Liberty Counsel


P.S. Please, take a minute right now to help us meet the upcoming challenges of the pro-homosexual assault on our institutions and morality, the destruction of our freedom by tyrants, the attacks of the anti-liberty ACLU, and our other vital efforts in defense of life, liberty, and family.



Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and family. Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776

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Haha haha haha haha


I actually read that. Do you really believe that shit? I saw a bunch of claims and "scary" words, but no facts.


Then this: "++However alarming the situation may be, God is in control!"


Lol. So god will save us from Obama. Alright. Then I guess there is no need to do anything....


" Please donate to the Liberty Counsel". Hahaha. What a great scam. Just tell stupid people, old people, gullible people what they want to hear. Scare them with empty threats. And then tell them it can be fixed if they give money. I mean, god is already on your side, how can you lose?



I can't believe there are people that eat this shit up

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It would help, woody, if you just read up on subjects, before just "running your mouth".


At least have some kind of basis upon which to base your "feelings" on.


Obama: Transforming America | National Review Onlinewww.nationalreview.com/.../obama-transforming-america-victor-davis-h...‎CachedOct 1, 2013 - Obama: Transforming America - From energy to foreign policy to the presidency itself, Obama's agenda rolls along.Obama: Transforming America | RealClearPoliticswww.realclearpolitics.com/.../


obama_transforming_america_120170.htm...‎CachedOct 1, 2013 - “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” — Barack Obama, October 30, 2008. “We are going to ...America's Fundamental Transformation Under Obama | TheBlaze.comwww.theblaze.com/.../


americas-fundamental-transformation-under-obam...‎CachedOct 19, 2013 - Last week on "The O'Reilly Factor," I recalled how Barack Obama spoke in 2008 about the "fundamental transformation of the nation." After five ...


Common Core: Obama's Means to 'Fundamentally Transform' Americawww.breitbart.com/.../Common-Core-Part-of-Obama-s-Plan-To-Fundam...‎Cached4 days ago - Proponents of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) often insist that the new standards are not a federal takeover of education. Actually ...Obama: "Fundamentally Transforming the United States of America ...► 1:38► 1:38www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrefKCaV8m4‎SimilarMay 21, 2011 - Uploaded by jbranstetter04

Here is what Candidate Obama wanted for our country when he was running for President of the United States ...Fundamentally Transforming the United States of America - PJ Mediapjmedia.com/.../fundamentally-transforming-the-united-states-of-america...‎


CachedSep 8, 2013 - He is fundamentally transforming America -- into Latin America, but he hasn't read to the end of the script. Guys like Obama easily win elections ...How Obama Is Transforming America Through Immigration | Center ...


Order a copy of How Obama Is Transforming America Through Immigration at Amazon.com. How Obama is Transforming America Through Immigration by Mark ...President Obama's Thirst For Unlimited Power Has Transformed ...madisonrecord.com › Arguments › Their View › Email to Friend‎CachedOct 3, 2013 - The President's promise to transform America is one of the few he has kept – perhaps the only one. I don't like his work product in the least, yet ...HOROWITZ: Obama still wants to fundamentally transform America ...www.washingtontimes.com/.../obama-still-wants-to-fundamentally-transf...‎Cached
SimilarSep 27, 2012 - An American compound in Libya is invaded by al Qaeda terrorists and an American ambassador is purportedly tortured before being killed.Obama's Fundamental Transformation of a ... - American Thinkerwww.americanthinker.com/.../obamas_fundamental_transformation_of_...‎Cached
SimilarJul 3, 2013 - Obama's only real competence, it seems, lies in spying on Americans and imposing new restrictions on their liberty. This fact may be the key to ...

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Hahaha Cal, you just don't get it do you? Maybe someone else can explain it to you. showing me more right wing fear mongering sites does nothing to help you stance



Seriously, I don't know how any rational and sane person could read the OP and by in to it'd crap. So many holes. So obviously catering to the reader. Then they ask for money.... geez

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Read some world history on the subject.


Here is the principle:


If a professor stands in front of a class, and counts to 25.... and then keeps counting to 100....

and another one does the same thing. And another over time does, too....

then later, you have a prof, that stands up there, and counts to 25... and you were in all classes....

do you ...think...that this prof will also count to a hundred? Or do you think that since he has

only counted to 25, he will stop there, despite the fact that all the other profs proceeded to count to 100?


Historically, tyrannical governments proceeded in steps. Pretty much the same steps. Now, several of

those steps have been perpetrated by this Obamao regime.

Why? People from countries where they lived under that tyranny, even back to the rise of the

nazis in Germany, have said they are seeing it happen again, deja vu style.

I would suggest that they know what they are talking about, and you don't have a clue.

I can back up my contentions - doesn't mean I'm always...@@...right... , but you don't

have anything to back up/explain why you don't believe much of anything brought up.

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Historically, tyrannical governments proceeded in steps. Pretty much the same steps. Now, several of

those steps have been perpetrated by this Obamao regime.


I dont agree with what you bring up because it is coming from you. It is coming from right wing blogs. It is coming from authors that are trying to write something you want to hear and that you already believe in. It is coming from an author that is trying to scare you

You post something, it is crazy, I look it up and find it is at its core wrong. You post something crazy again, I look into it, it is wrong again. You post soemthing crazy. Now do you think I have to look into that to know that it will be crazt again?

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Because you are a coward, you don't know much about anything.

Not even smart enough to validly answer my question above.

My reference to world history and tyranny, comes from my

college days, and reading over the years.


Here's another attempt to let you intelligently respond to a few questions:


Why do you think, woody, the nazis came to power, and became so horrible, horrifically



... do you think the German people just doubted it was happening? People exactly like you,

only a lot smarter?


How do you think it was possible for all of it to have occurred? Wouldn't you think

that the nazis would never have had a chance?


How do you think all those soldiers became indoctrinated into leftist extreme arrogance

and vicious hate, acted out to the extreme?

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Because you are a coward, you don't know much about anything.

Not even smart enough to validly answer my question above.

My reference to world history and tyranny, comes from my

college days, and reading over the years.


Here's another attempt to let you intelligently respond to a few questions:


Why do you think, woody, the nazis came to power, and became so horrible, horrifically



... do you think the German people just doubted it was happening? People exactly like you,

only a lot smarter?


How do you think it was possible for all of it to have occurred? Wouldn't you think

that the nazis would never have had a chance?


How do you think all those soldiers became indoctrinated into leftist extreme arrogance

and vicious hate, acted out to the extreme?

The Nazi party came to power on a wave of economic depression, powerful public speaking from Hitler and engendering of xenophobia within the masses. I can see that you might find similarities between the two - Obama is also a great orator, afterall - but the difference between now and then even is massive in terms of the population. I'm not trying to say that Obama is or isn't a marxist pig that set on turning the US armed forces in to his own new SS; I'm trying to say that even if he wanted to, he couldn't do it. People wouldn't stand for it, the army wouldn't stand for it, and the UN wouldn't stand for it.

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Good answers...I meant it for woody.


Of course it would never succeed here. But just the fact, that

Obamao has acted directly in opposite of what he has declared in the past...


reeks of ulterior motives. And the platitudes. Designed to have a lot of people

believe in what he says generally, in their own terms.


The German people never saw it coming. Then it did, and it was too late.


Just having our country ...headed...in a direction towards big, serious trouble

is worrisome.


I mean, all fifty states, every one of them, has some forms of ccw laws passed now.

And Obamao still works with the rest of the left to go huge on gun control.

Obamao spoke strongly against the "nuclear option"....until now.

Said Bush's term fed deficit was "UNPATRIOTIC"...etc...until now.

etc, etc etc etc. It's a strong pattern of deceit...and failure.

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Of course it would never succeed here. But just the fact, that

Obamao has acted directly in opposite of what he has declared in the past...

reeks of ulterior motives. And the platitudes. Designed to have a lot of people

believe in what he says generally, in their own terms.

Politician gets elected and goes back on his word? That must be the first time that's ever happened...

The German people never saw it coming. Then it did, and it was too late.

But there are difference in the people here. If it did get anywhere close to being a reality, you can damn sure bet that everyone would know about it. The way journalism has exploded makes it difficult for a single party to be that extreme and not have their propaganda torn apart.


And I would argue that Obama is, or at least was, a great public speaker. He got a whole lot of people, not just in America, to believe in him. He was a really big deal over here, finally we have a president of America who actually cares about doing the right thing, working towards nuclear disarmament, taking care of the poor people etc.


I haven't seen him speaking recently, so he may have changed. Maybe the veneer has been removed because of his failings in office. Either way, he had a chance to do something big and hasn't managed it.

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That's nice. Other people care, though.

He's the biggest disappointment of all time really. He sold all the dumb people here, of which there are many, on his gay hope and change platform, and so many voted for him based on his race. Not only is there no hope and the change that has been effected is bad, bit he has literally set blacks back in politics for years. He just flat out sucks. He sucks. Black Americans deserved a better representation. He is such an arrogant scumbag.

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As far as public speaking I think he does well enough. However it is completely true that he's reading off a teleprompter when does flashes of brilliance occur. When he goes off book, which he tries to avoid mostly, there are a lot of pauses and platitudes repeated. That being said I don't think any example of great presidential oratory is done off the cuff. Every president has writers. The irrational hatred of George W Bush and a fawning press contributed a great deal to Obama's win as well.


But as for oratory does anyone remember Alec Baldwin's speech in the doctor movie? That soliloquy kicked ass but I would hesitate to have him actually operate on me...


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He's the biggest disappointment of all time really. He sold all the dumb people here, of which there are many, on his gay hope and change platform, and so many voted for him based on his race. Not only is there no hope and the change that has been effected is bad, bit he has literally set blacks back in politics for years. He just flat out sucks. He sucks. Black Americans deserved a better representation. He is such an arrogant scumbag.



Well I mean they have to overcome that black culture first though.... right....



.... ugh

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Yes Woody they really do. When constant underachievement in academics over achievement in street crime and drug use is rarely even challenged you have a problem. Do you ever hear black leaders speaking out against the dropout rate or the crime rate or the number of children born to single teenage mothers? No you hear them complaining about racism.

That shouldn't be the excuse.

And if anyone points out these dire statistics they're called white supremacists. That's idiotic.

And that way of life is what critics speak of when they say black culture. It should not be accepted nor excused.

Is it acceptable for any other demographic to engage in such a high level of anti social behaviour and not be called out for it? I don't think so.


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  • 3 weeks later...

He's the biggest disappointment of all time really. He sold all the dumb people here, of which there are many, on his gay hope and change platform, and so many voted for him based on his race. Not only is there no hope and the change that has been effected is bad, bit he has literally set blacks back in politics for years. He just flat out sucks. He sucks. Black Americans deserved a better representation. He is such an arrogant scumbag.


they certainly do deserve better representation (than hope and change). how about plain old REVOLT! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jzo9lCBYzA4




Well I mean they have to overcome that black culture first though.... right....



.... ugh


whos "they"?


or is this another one of your slap nuts comments?


NO, NO i KNOW.... you are really a compassionate liberal apologist for the evil white man eh slappy?

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