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Gay snub Cornish B&B owners lose Supreme Court appeal


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I couldn't sit through an hour of drinking milk. I think its awful. I'm not gonna ban it.


I've got shitty allergies. I'm not going to ban flowers or fucking cottonwood trees...



Really, I'm not expecting a logical debate on this from you. Remember, you don't believe in evolution, and you think the anti Christ is real. If you think the Bible is telling you gaya are bad then there's no getting to you

To be fair, Steve has basically agreed that he doesn't have any problem with gay people, just that he's not gay.

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To be fair, Steve has basically agreed that he doesn't have any problem with gay people, just that he's not gay.

Not just basically Chris, wholeheartedly. Also I'm not a Christian nor do I believe the story of how the earth was created one would find in the Bible.


Just one reason I take woody's self proclaimed genius with a grain of salt.


But allow me to repeat this in the off chance that he's bright enough to understand: being free means being free to be an asshole.


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Oh wait, I thought I was replying to diehards dumb ass.


Nvm the last part of that post then. I could have an actual debate with you



I thought diehard was giving me reasons why homosexuality was wrong. I was knocked out on Turkey


I know where Steve stands. Dude was a theatre arts major




I also don't proclaim to be a genius, but I am pretty smart.

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Oh wait, I thought I was replying to diehards dumb ass.


Nvm the last part of that post then. I could have an actual debate with you



I thought diehard was giving me reasons why homosexuality was wrong. I was knocked out on Turkey


I know where Steve stands. Dude was a theatre arts major




I also don't proclaim to be a genius, but I am pretty smart.



Oh wait, I thought I was replying to diehards dumb ass.


Nvm the last part of that post then. I could have an actual debate with you



I thought diehard was giving me reasons why homosexuality was wrong. I was knocked out on Turkey


I know where Steve stands. Dude was a theatre arts major




I also don't proclaim to be a genius, but I am pretty smart.

Call me when you grow some gonads junior.

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The trouble is, you think most everybody else is stupid.


That isn't smart.


Just sayin...

No I don't. Vapor isn't. Heck isn't. Chris isn't. That Tom guy that was here wasn't. Osiris isn't. Cysko isn't. A lot of people aren't stupid.


Bunker is stupid. You're either stupid or incredibly stubborn and gullible. Die Hard probably is a little stupid. or in the same boat as you

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Yes, you think everyone is stupid, ...


if they disagree with your liberal bs.


There. I bothered to continue the thought out for you.


Apparently, growing gonads is a lost cause with ya.

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No. I disagree with a lot of people here I don't think are stupid. I understand each issue isn't black and white.

you made the point that you don't think the Liberals on the board are stupid. Fair enough. You disagree a lot? With them? On what topics? Yes, Woodman, sorry about asking questions but you know how it goes...


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Woodypeckerheads are stupid.


What intelligent individual deliberately


makes himself a woodypeckerhead?


And Kosar had tea and crumpets with Obamao

in his wildest dreams....

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