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Obama is the NRA's best friend?

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Hey, nap time is very excellent. Just ask Uncle Si, on Duck Dynasty.


You wake up all refreshed, ready to go switch out the corn head off the combine,

to the grain head, which I did.


Or, go out back, and see if there are any deer hunters trespassing. None.


Or, we have lunch, and move furniture around the house...again. I never want to,

like it the way it is... but then I go ahead and we move it around, and I complain

that I'd rather be watching TV or playing with my new video editing software...

and then I admit I'm amazed how nicer it all looks, only after we're done.

And she reminds me that next time I should not complain because I always

like the new look but I complain a little every time anyways....


Naps rock. Little Woodypeckerhead sucks sock.

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There are two problems with the madmen getting guns things.


1) Why are they madmen? Some people of course will just have mental problems. Others will be driven to madness by things in their lives, feeling hard done by at losing a job, getting discharged from the army, flunking school, whatever. Those are more controllable things. We can't control everything and make everyone's life perfect, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't be striving towards that.


2) Why do they have access to guns? For mental illnesses, that's a pretty big red flag right there. But if he/she lives with 'regular' people, those people shouldn't be 'punished' by having their guns taken away (assuming they'll be living in a country that grants them the right to bear arms). But obviously there needs to be restrictions on access. It's trickier in the second scenario, where you have a regular joe that's just been driven to the edge by life. But I don't think regular people go on killing sprees, I think most people that have been involved in that kind of thing. So I guess where you end up is a full psych evaluation for the right to own guns. Would that be so bad?

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I've advocated that for a long time. Good luck, though, trying to get cal and some other folk to agree that psych evals ought to be a qualification. I also think a total move to only producing "smart" guns makes a hell of a lot of sense. If you had guns that could only fire if you were wearing, say, a magnetic ring, how would that put legal gun owners out?

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I've advocated that for a long time. Good luck, though, trying to get cal and some other folk to agree that psych evals ought to be a qualification. I also think a total move to only producing "smart" guns makes a hell of a lot of sense. If you had guns that could only fire if you were wearing, say, a magnetic ring, how would that put legal gun owners out?

I'd love to go a step further and get guns that match to palm prints, James Bond style. But that might be a bit prohibitively expensive.

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Maybe but putting a small touchscreen near the stock that reads fingerprints is probably quite cost effective these days. The problem is how quickly can you shoot if you need to.

Yes, if the idea is self defence, then you need to be able to draw and fire, like in those good old westerns. Thumb print recognition would be kinda pointless there. Still not seeing a downside to carrying tasers instead, FWIW.

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If I had had a taser, and the nutjob screaming epithets at me because he wasn't allowed

to hunt on our property had shot at me from 40 yds....a taser helps me defend myself...


not at all. All gun owners, I assume, know full well that madmen shouldn't have access to arms.


Psychology tests? Issued by... the gov? I'd laugh if that weren't so stupid. All the gov would

have to do, is mod the test to have most folks "fail" it. And anti gun gov's would accomplish

their disarming objective. Same thing with gun registration, which ObaMao and Moochelle want..

because a lot of the left wants it.


Mostly because, it's a political undermining of the American status quo that the left

doesn't relate to.


Common sense laws mean that background checks are a must. And they are in place allfreakinready.


Expanding them, no problem, until "expanding" turns into "registration". Then, just like has

already happened in NYC, the "registration" is used as a weapon against gun ownership.


It's too bad the arrogance, and ulterior motives, on the part of the left, has alienated

the very people whose help they need to be able to come up with some ways to enforce

gun safety, and restricted access to those who should not have access.


But when the left continuously, and belligerently, advocates laws that will do nothing

to solve their alleged concerns, but will restrict gun ownership for ALL gun owners...


the ulterior motive is out there, like a far too large and bright Broadway neon sign.

Until the left accepts responsibility for that, working together will never happen.

Case in point - a simple emphasis on criminalizing open access to those who shouldn't have guns.


Lending your gun to a criminal. Leaving loaded guns unsecured in a home. You can bet if it

was a felony, several of the killings wouldn't have happened, because the parents/relatives

would have their guns locked up. Of course, a person could be coerced into giving a nutjob

a key via threats of being killed with a knife...


But at least a sincere group work effort could take place. Meanwhile, the left is it's own

worst enemy.

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Half the drugged up people wouldn't be affected by the taser. My .357 mag, .40 cal semi auto, AR-15, and Remington 870 provide adequate home defense.

Being drugged up would have nothing to do with it. The electricity affects the signals sent to the muscles which cause spasms - it's not something determination of mind can really overcome.

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anyway to respond to the video I'm not particularly impressed by that or any of Aaron Sorkin's left wing horse shit. But no president Obama has not made any substantial strides toward taking guns out of the hands of the public. That doesn't mean it isn't a goal of the hard core left but that the moderates and conservatives have kept any of those things from happening. People used to criticize Reagan for being anti-choicers but when you look at the records was any substantial progress made toward outlawing abortion? Not really. As I said before Obama is wise enough to not let this be a key talking point.

I'm sure there is a faction, probably a big one, in America that believes our gun laws should be very similar to those in jolly old England.


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And no, Obama has no power to pass any significant legislature that reaches towards disarmament. Gun control advocates need to start thinking outside the box and start by looking more towards firearm safety and responsibility options and less toward getting rid of guns. Leaving the responsibility in the hands of the end user is a bad mistake. People who consider themselves responsible will still leave loaded guns on their nightstands and somehow justify that in their minds as safe and responsible.

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Also, I made Mrs gft and myself a thanksgiving dinner last night, after watching the packers get stuffed by the lions. Mostly just christmas dinner, but with scalloped corn and sweet potato mallow - since my aunt is from Ohio (Newark) I grew up on this stuff!


Glad we could get an outsider to comment on this American Thread! And gft is your last name, lol?

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You never have a point, woodypeckerhead. You just chime in

to bitch about what anybody else says.


You got nothin, Michigan hairdresser/toe nail polisher.

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You never have a point, woodypeckerhead. You just chime in

to bitch about what anybody else says.


You got nothin, Michigan hairdresser/toe nail polisher.


what was the point of your point though?


I seem to be missing the rule here where my posts have no point, no effort... but the responses to these meaningless posts are just super critical...

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