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Obama is the NRA's best friend?

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Obama’s Secret Plan To Destroy The Second Amendment By 2016


by Wayne LaPierre, NRA Executive Vice President

If you want a glimpse of a genuine nightmare for America, just look at what’s headed our way.

But unlike a nightmare, this isn’t some fantasy. It’s a very real, very dangerous conspiracy of public deception intended to destroy your Right to Keep and Bear Arms. It’s targeted directly at you.

And it’ll succeed unless you recognize it, understand it, and take action now to stop it.

The best way you could do so is by carrying your new 2012 membership card (see sidebar story on page 29) in your wallet as a symbol of your commitment—and by renewing or upgrading your NRA membership or making a contribution to defending freedom today.

But first, let me give you the facts, evidence, congressional testimony and documented words and deeds that reveal the frightening but irrefutable truth about this sinister plot.

Over the past three years, the Obama administration and its anti-gun allies have been engaged in a silent but sophisticated long-term conspiracy to:

1. Neutralize gun owners and NRA voters as a political force in national elections, and thereby:

2. Win re-election to a second term in the White House, where they then will be immune to the will of voters and free to continue consolidating and misusing their ever-increasing power to:

3. Prosecute a full-scale, sustained, all-out campaign to excise the Second Amendment from our Bill of Rights through legislation, litigation, regulation, executive orders, judicial fiat, international treaties—in short, all the levers of power of all three branches of government.

And the key to their success lies in keeping gun owners like you in the dark.

Obama White House Pushes Gun Control “Under the Radar”

Now, President Obama, his administration and his anti-gun allies in the media have tried to shrug off, laugh off, shout down or shut down anyone who dares to investigate their clandestine, back-channel anti-gun activities.

They’ll spout platitudes about protecting sportsmen and hunters. They’ll insist they’ve done nothing to attack your right to own a gun.

They’ll even claim to have strengthened your rights, by restoring your right to transport firearms in luggage aboard Amtrak trains, or possess firearms in national parks.

But that’s just a diversion to distract you from their true beliefs and objectives.

Think about it: Before moving into the White House, Barack Obama spent his entire career proudly, publicly advancing the most radical anti-gun positions you can imagine.

He endorsed a total ban on the manufacture, sale and possession of handguns. He opposed Right- to-Carry laws. He voted to ban nearly all common hunting-rifle ammunition.

In short, Obama never met a gun he liked, and never met a gun ban he didn’t like. The same was true of his running mate, then U.S. Senator Joe Biden, D-Del.

In fact, during presidential primary debates, Obama and Biden competed to be the most anti-gun candidate in the race.

Obama vowed to re-impose the discredited Clinton gun ban, and Biden bragged that, “I’m the guy that originally wrote the assault weapons ban.”

So what happened after they won the White House? Did Obama, Biden and the anti-gun extremists who soon filled the West Wing suddenly completely reverse their positions? No!

In an act of pure political calculation, they plotted to keep their gun-ban objectives concealed.

After all, Obama knew what happened in 1994, when the politicians who voted for Bill Clinton’s gun ban were swept out of Congress. Even Clinton admitted the nra was the reason Democrats lost their 40-year lock on control of the House of Representatives.

Obama saw what happened in 2000, when Al Gore built his campaign on the platform of gun control, and watched as the nra derailed Gore in the battleground states of Arkansas, West Virginia and even his home state of Tennessee—costing him the White House.

Obama saw how gun control was a loser—and NRA the winner—in election after election.

So his administration concocted a scheme to avoid the gun issue, lull gun owners into a false sense of security, and play us for fools in the 2012 election.

For the past three years, that’s exactly what they’ve tried to do.

But while they’ve rarely revealed their true agenda in public, in private they’ve remained true to their unchanged, if unspoken, ultimate objectives.

Ask Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy, D–N.Y. Before Obama’s inauguration, she pressured Obama’s transition team to back her ban on ammunition magazines. But, as she later confided to Newsweek, “They told me that’s not for now, that’s for later.”

Since then, the White House has maintained almost military discipline in its “don’t talk about gun control” directive. Whenever anyone breaks rank on that issue, they’re quickly brought back to toe the line.

For example, within a week of their election victory, the Obama-Biden transition team had posted a web page—at change.gov—that listed several anti-gun objectives as priorities, including:

• Permanently re-imposing the Clinton gun bans

• Opening up sensitive BATFE gun “trace” data for manipulation by anti-gun politicians

• Imposing restrictions that would severely restrict gun shows

You can bet some webmaster lost his job over that mis-step, because within days the web page, and its anti-gun agenda items, disappeared into cyberspace.

Even Attorney General Eric Holder departed from the company line.

In his first month on the job, at a news conference in Mexico City, Holder said, “As President Obama indicated during the campaign, there are just a few gun-related changes that we would like to make, and among them would be to reinstitute the ban on the sale of assault weapons.”

The phone lines must have been on fire between Washington and Mexico City that day, because Holder didn’t mention that plan again.

But that doesn’t mean that Holder and the White House aren’t planning and plotting, behind closed doors, to launch a massive anti-gun onslaught when the time is right.

Just this spring, gun-ban zealot U.S. Senator Frank Lautenberg, D-N.J., told The Washington Post that Attorney General Holder had visited him on March 29 “and tried to give us his assurance to help us with legislation” that Lautenberg and McCarthy were pushing to ban ammunition magazines.

The next day, March 30, 2011, according to The Washington Post, Sarah Brady—head of the gun-ban lobby formerly known as Handgun Control, Inc.—met with President Obama, who she said brought up the issue of gun control “to fill us in that it was very much on his agenda.”

According to Brady, as reported by the Post, President Obama told her, “I just want you to know that we are working on it,” and “We have to go through a few processes, but under the radar.”

The Obama conspiracy might be trying to run this operation “under the radar.”

But even the steps they’ve taken so far clearly indicate—and concretely support—the all-out war on the Right to Keep and Bear Arms that they positively plan for their second term.

Prelude to War on Second Amendment Freedom

For proof, just look at the Justice Department’s clandestine and deadly conspiracy in the “Fast and Furious” scandal.

The only plausible explanation for “Fast and Furious” is that they wanted to somehow “prove” the administration’s false and fraudulent claims that—to quote President Obama—“more than 90 percent of the guns recovered in Mexico come from the United States.”

So the Justice Department and BATFE appear to have secretly conspired to allow, encourage and assist an illegal gun smuggling operation—even spending your tax dollars to buy guns for the drug cartels—knowing full well that thousands of guns were heading straight to the most violent criminals on both sides of the border.

We were never supposed to find out about that.

The “Fast and Furious” operation might have remained a secret if it hadn’t led to the murder of one federal officer—U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, where “Fast and Furious” guns were found at the scene of that murder—and possibly many violent crimes both in the U.S. and Mexico.

As I’m sure you know, two congressional investigations into this criminal conspiracy have been under way for most of the year.

Yet so far, President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder have done nothing but shrug their shoulders, shirk responsibility and stonewall the investigations at every turn, as if Americans shouldn’t care that a massive criminal enterprise seems to have been run right out of our own Justice Department, just to set the stage for a future Obama gun ban.



Yet “Fast and Furious” is just the beginning of their sinister operations against Second Amendment freedom.

Instead of coming clean on the scandal to stop the killing of innocents on both sides of the border, the Obama administration has exploited that crisis to impose gun registration in four southwestern states through an unlawful, bureaucratic order.

Never mind that the administration has no legal authority to do this. Never mind that the order circumvents Congress, makes an end run around the Constitution, and short-circuits the idea of representative government.

It’s just another example of the arrogance, over-reach, abuse of authority and contempt for the rule of law that has characterized this administration since the beginning.

And you can bet it’ll get a lot worse.

Because they’re also working behind the scenes with tyrannical governments and global anti-gun groups at the United Nations, seeking to commit the United States to international gun-ban treaties.

Working in the shadows, they’ve quietly reversed the official U.S. position, and all but signed off on proposals for an international Arms Trade Treaty that would directly contradict our own U.S. Constitution.

And if you think our nation’s judiciary would never allow that, you could be in for a terrifying surprise.

Because Obama has been busy stacking the U.S. Supreme Court with justices who share his distrust and disdain—if not outright hatred—for firearm freedom.

His two appointees to the U.S. Supreme Court—Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan—prove that beyond any reasonable doubt.

Sotomayor and Kagan are two of the most rabidly anti-gun U.S. Supreme Court justices in American history. In fact, Sotomayor had to lie to get the U.S. Senate to confirm her. That’s right: She lied—while under oath—to the U.S. Senate.

During her confirmation hearings, Sotomayor was questioned about the Court’s historic 2008 ruling, in District of Columbia v. Heller, that the Second Amendment protects an individual right of all law-abiding Americans.

Rather than admit her true beliefs and intentions, Sotomayor dodged the question, telling members of the Senate Judiciary Committee that she considered the Heller case to be settled law.

Yet after securing her seat on the Supreme Court, Justice Sotomayor turned around and did just the opposite of what she’d suggested.

In the landmark case of McDonald v. Chicago, Sotomayor voted to allow anti-gun cities and states to deny the individual Right to Keep and Bear Arms that the Supreme Court had affirmed just two years earlier!

In fact, Sotomayor wasted no time in signing onto a freedom-threatening opinion declaring: “I can find nothing in the Second Amendment’s text, history or underlying rationale that could warrant characterizing it as fundamental.”

And Obama’s next nominee, Elena Kagan, used the same scripted “settled law” code—despite a clear record of hostility to gun owners’ rights from her days in the Clinton White House.

Make no mistake: Over the past three years, we may have won two milestone victories for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms in the U.S. Supreme Court. But both of those victories were won by a margin of just one vote.

If just one justice out of nine had voted the other way, the Second Amendment would effectively mean nothing today.

And it still could, tomorrow, if you and I fail to take action now.

The Cost and Consequences of Obama’s Re-Election

What would the consequences be if President Obama is re-elected?

For starters, just consider the cost to our U.S. Supreme Court.

Right now, four U.S. Supreme Court justices are over the age of 70.

By the end of Obama’s second term, three of those justices will be over the age of 80.

So if he’s elected to a second term, Obama will very likely appoint as many as three more justices to the highest court in the land for the rest of their lives.

Together with Justices Sotomayor and Kagan, those three new justices could control a 5-4 majority of the court, and be free to re-define firearm freedom out of existence for the rest of our lives.

In other words, our Second Amendment Supreme Court victories over the past three years could be reversed and wiped away forever as a direct consequence of just one presidential election.

What else would a second term for Obama mean for you and me?

It would mean the return of a Justice Department that has slashed prosecution of federal gun crimes to the lowest levels in more than a decade, and allowed an invasion of violent drug cartel criminals from Mexico into every community in America.

It would mean a White House freed from the control of American voters, and a president free to prosecute his war on the Right to Keep and Bear Arms with impunity.

Forget operating “under the radar” … now they could come out from behind closed doors.

So look for more global gun-ban treaties coming out of the United Nations in New York.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has signaled the administration’s support for the Organization of American States gun control treaty, and Obama has urged the U.S. Senate to ratify it.

The Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) is currently in the works, so look for that, as well.

Together, these two treaties could effectively ban or severely restrict civilian ownership of firearms worldwide.

If that surprises you, it shouldn’t. After all, according to the United Nations, there is no such thing as a human right of self-defense. In their view, only governments have rights.

Look for more federal regulations, more administrative rules, more bureaucracy and bureaucrats, executive orders and presidential proclamations governing every aspect of how you own, use, store, transport, trade, surrender and dispose of firearms and ammunition forever more.

As Steven Croley, the Obama White House gun regulation “czar,” wrote in his book Regulation and Public Interests: The Possibility of Good Regulatory Government, “The evolution of the regulatory state has not been gradual, but rather reflects accelerated growth in response to periods of crisis and national trauma. In this light, regulation seems not only ubiquitous but inevitable.”

Pay particular attention to those words: “periods of crisis and national trauma.”

Because if the government’s “Fast and Furious” disaster is any indication, it appears that Obama and company are willing to use any and every means at their disposal—even criminal conspiracy at the international level—to put their plan for America’s future into force.

If they’re successful, if they win another four years in the White House, look for the worst anti-gun legislative avalanche since 1968.



Gun bans. Microstamping. Bullet serialization. “One gun a month.” Global gun databases, secret watchlists and the holy grail they’ve worked to impose for the past 50 years: Gun owner licensing and gun registration regimes that could be used for gun prohibition, confiscation and ultimate destruction.

In other words, the end of firearm freedom as we know it.

Is this conspiracy real? You bet it is! There’s more than enough circumstantial evidence to earn this administration a guilty verdict in any American court of law.

The only alternative to conspiracy is an American president who is so clueless and out of touch that he doesn’t realize what his Justice Department, his State Department, his White House staff—or anyone else in the executive branch—is doing every day.

To believe that is to believe the Justice Department is arming multinational criminal organizations … and the State Department is negotiating United Nations treaties … and armies of federal regulators are doing as they please … and extreme anti-gun radicals are rising to the Supreme Court through luck, coincidence or happenstance … all without any input, supervision or even knowledge of the Commander in Chief.

If you buy that, I’ve got some swampland in Florida that might interest you.

Now, you know as well as I that this is a slick and ambitious American president who is orchestrating—in minute and precise detail—a plan to excise the Second Amendment from the Bill of Rights.

Motive for Conspiracy

You might be asking yourself, “Why do they want to do all this? Why do they hate and fear the Right to Keep and Bear Arms so much?”

But if you look at their motives and their ultimate goals, their conspiracy makes perfect sense and serves several overlapping and interlocking objectives.

By convincing gun owners that their freedoms are secure, and neutralizing the NRA as a force in national elections, they hope to win a second term in the White House.

From there they plan to use their power to take America down the same path as England, Australia, South Africa and Canada, where gun owners have suffered crushing gun ban defeats in the last 20 years.

Without the Right to Keep and Bear Arms to unite, inspire, empower and activate America’s 90 million gun owners, they hope to profoundly alter the political landscape of our country forever.

After all, election after election has proven that in some of the most closely contested Election Day battles in American history, the NRA has been the single most decisive game-changer in politics.

Why? Because of the passion and vision of patriotic NRA members and gun-owning voters all across America … 4 million NRA members like you … and 25 million more Americans who identify themselves with the NRA … and 90 million American gun owners who share our passion for freedom.

More than anything else, that’s what makes us an impediment to the likes of President Obama.

Centuries of history prove that the right to arms is all that stands between tyranny and freedom, and that when human freedom is threatened, the right to arms and the passion to preserve it are what muster and mobilize “we the people” to freedom’s defense.

We saw it among the Minutemen at Lexington and Concord, and we see it every year on the Tuesday following the first Monday in November, when millions of American patriots like you proclaim, “I’m the NRA and I vote!”

Make no mistake: The fate of our nation hangs on what we do now.

In your heart, you need to make one of the most important decisions on the future of freedom that you’ll ever face in your lifetime.

Every gun owner needs to be an active part of the NRA right now. Every member who doesn’t rejoin makes us one member weaker. Nobody can do what we can do together.

If there’s one thing I know about the NRA, it’s how to give voice to our membership. So let me give voice to you in defense of American freedom.

Put the NRA membership card I send you into your wallet, and carry it with pride through the monumental battles of 2012.

Pass along this story, e-mail the link and spread the word about this conspiracy menacing our freedom to your friends, fellow gun owners and everyone you know who shares your passion for the freedoms that make America unique in the history of the world.

Most importantly, renew your NRA membership, upgrade your level of NRA membership and make a contribution to help combat this dangerous conspiracy now.

Your NRA membership card is the single most important political investment you can possibly make in the preservation of American freedom.

And America has never needed patriots like you and me to come to freedom’s defense more than freedom needs us right now.

The Card That Counts

Your new 2012 National Rifle Association Membership Card is the key to preserving our freedoms and our country for future generations. With President Barack Obama orchestrating a sophisticated conspiracy to win re-election and ultimately excise the Second Amendment from our Bill of Rights, it’s vitally important that you carry this card as a symbol of your commitment to help combat that threat.

For the sake of our Right to Keep and Bear Arms, it’s vital that you renew your nra membership, upgrade your NRA membership and urge others to join NRA. This is a defining moment and we need every gun owner to make the personal commitment to NRA—and to the 2012 election fight—today.

Your NRA card represents the future for the Second Amendment. It is the key to the kind of America that our kids and grandkids will inherit.

For the future of the U.S.A we love, for the preservation of the values and fabric of the nation we protect, it’s vital that you renew or upgrade your NRA membership as soon as you receive your card in the mail.

Your NRA membership card and your 2012 membership commitment mean that we preserve a 5-4 pro-gun majority on the U.S. Supreme Court.

Your NRA membership card and your 2012 membership commitment will help to protect your Right to Keep and Bear Arms from United Nations global gun-ban treaties.

Your NRA membership card and your 2012 membership commitment will help defend Second Amendment freedom from Obama’s onslaught of rules, regulations, bureaucrats and executive orders.

And your NRA membership card and your 2012 membership commitment will help expose and combat dangerous, illegal operations that endanger freedom like the Justice Department’s deadly “Fast and Furious” disaster.

The NRA membership card represents your commitment to NRA—the one organization that can make a decisive difference in the 2012 elections. Standing together, we have changed the course of history at the ballot box, again and again—replacing an anti-gun Congress with a pro-gun Congress, and stopping Al Gore from becoming president. Carrying your 2012 Membership Card in your pocket means Obama loses next year.

In the coming months before the Nov. 6, 2012, elections, citizens like you will be the key to ending the Obama regime and dismantling its conspiracy targeting your Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

Working together, let’s take back our freedom as the birthright of every American that no president, no White House executive order or administrative rule, no bureaucrat, no Supreme Court justice—or anyone else—can ever take away.

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Yes, he is, along with pelosi, reid, and all the rest.

It's a political move to do what?


Why think disarming American citizens is a good idea?

Unless you don't want them to be able to defend themselves...




-------------------. Fill in the blank?

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Cal did you watch the clip. Kosar


Yeah, about 3/4 of it, to be honest.


Obamao is a liar on the 2nd Amendment. Outside of that,

I don't know what to make of the clip.

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They can ban all they want. Too many states and people are against it. It would never be imposed at the state level. States would simply nullify the law and the citizens would simply nullify the law.


I can see local arms gunsmiths and ammo producers sprouting up like brew pubs, with state support.


If you think some law in DC is going to be followed by the bulk of the people here in Tennessee, Texas, Alabama, you're crazy.


These people keep driving the wedge. One of these times this whole thing is going to split again. I sometimes wonder if a few Generals, just sitting around sipping Scotch shooting the crap sometimes don't discuss exactly how far they would follow orders?


I do know this administration has dumped a high percentage of generals and colonels in the military. Maybe prepping to have their guys in place. At any rate, the military is by far a right leaning majority. I doubt the vast majority would take up arms against citizens of this country and would flip on the government if it really came dcown to choosing sides.

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Yes, he is, along with pelosi, reid, and all the rest.

It's a political move to do what?


Why think disarming American citizens is a good idea?

Unless you don't want them to be able to defend themselves...




guns kill people. Fill in the blank?

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calfoxwc, on 25 Nov 2013 - 2:06 PM, said:

Yes, he is, along with pelosi, reid, and all the rest.

It's a political move to do what?


Why think disarming American citizens is a good idea?

Unless you don't want them to be able to defend themselves...




guns kill people. Fill in the blank? Chris


Buses,cars, knives, hands, sticks, electricity, lightning, planes,

trucks, trees, tornados, floods, huricanes, drugs, poisons, spears,

diseases, infections, tire irons, candlesticks, alligators, snakes,

moose, bears, cold weather, hot weather, dehydration, bad water, poison

plants,peanuts, poison ivy, poison frogs, chicken bones, hippos, rhinos,

gravity, parachuting, mountains, hiking, biking, driving, stress,tractors

on hillsides, rocks, snow, fire, helicopters, eating too much, eating too llttle,

elephants, lions and tigers, monsters and boredom...


all kill people. You'd like to just make the entire world disappear?


Guns and a few other things listed can save civilizations from tyranny/oppression, and save

otherwise defense people from animals and violent people.


And the only one that provides food for folks to survive on, is those guns.


Yet, the left, anti-conservative political wedge, is to go after guns, like

Obamao must do, to further his ? leftist total control plan.


Ah...turkey, stuffing, cranberry (whole berry), homemade pumpkin pie (I add extra cloves and

sugar), mashed potatoes, ham, more stuffing, and cranberry sauce, and the best part,

is the gizzard, liver and heart.


The only thing better than all that? The food on Christmas, too.

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I really can't be bothered to go through that list one by one, but they generally fall in to a few categories:


Accidental death - vehicles, etc - not exactly designed killing machines

Forces of nature - not much we can do about that

Animals - sure, some animals are threats to human life. In inner city detroit? No. In the wilderness? Sure - so let the officials around there deal with them

Stupidity - obesity, etc - well, evolution is evolution. Survival of the fittest ;) I'd also put poisonous plants in there

Weapons - originally designed to hunt prey, then people realised that people would be scared of the guy with the weapon. Now we don't really hunt prey, except for sport - so keep your weapons in a restricted place at your hunting lodge or whatever.



Of those man-made things, guns, spears etc, some have a primary function, such as a tire iron. Hit someone round the head with a tire iron, they go down. But you can't exactly go on a killing spree with one. Others are weapons - with a sole purpose of inflicting damage on other humans. You can't tell me your mp5 is a hunting weapon. And you also can't tell me that having no hunting weapon will lead to you starving.




You say guns have saved people from oppression. How are people to be oppressed if the oppressor themselves have no weapon? OK, the biggest guy then becomes the alpha male, as in nature. But we, as humans, have risen above the baser animal instincts of fighting over the kill, having a dominant male for reproduction etc, the jobs of the alpha male.


So tell me, why exactly would you want a gun? There's only one reason - so you can point it at someone, pull the trigger, and watch them fall down. To protect yourself from attackers? A noble reason, perhaps, but if the attacker had no gun? OK, if he has a knife, you get yourself a knife - it's just an arms race on a personal level.


I'm not advocating complete and immediate outlawing of guns - that would be disastrous. I'm saying it should be something to strive towards. As society moves on from using war to settle disputes, as has basically happened in northern america and most of europe, generally what we'd call the 'developed' world, there's little reason to have a significant standing army, in some hypothetical utopia. Once we reach that stage, your one last semi-valid point about government using the military to control the populous is negated also.


Rant over :)


Edit: took the flippancy out of the reply. Really wasn't helping anything

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Also, I made Mrs gft and myself a thanksgiving dinner last night, after watching the packers get stuffed by the lions. Mostly just christmas dinner, but with scalloped corn and sweet potato mallow - since my aunt is from Ohio (Newark) I grew up on this stuff!

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The freedom to be safe in your own house. Tent. Camper. The freedom to stop a violent, knife-armed thug

in a parking lot at a county fair, or mall.


The freedom to hunt, especially if you figure that all hell breaks loose with another depression/shutdown

of our economy.


The freedom to shoot an animal in self defense.


I've done it on our farm. A coyote was stalking our field, and my Cute Wifie was driving our JD, at one point, within

25 feet of it. And it kept coming back when I yelled and chased it off. So, I shot it when it kept coming back. The game warden said I did, he came out on my invite, and inspected it....said I did exactly the right thing - that behavior is worrisome


I was once threatened by a hunter off the edge of our land. The dude was enraged that he couldn't hunt on our land.

Said he was going to shoot a deer right next to my head. So, I got behind a tree, the nutjob was screaming and not making

any sense, waving his muzzleloader? at me, and it was getting dusk. I called my Wife to call the police, and

since they happened to be fairly close already, they were out there fast. He shut up and disappeared as it got dark.


So, I was pretty scared. Unarmed. I was lucky he just didn't charged across our woods and kill me. Pretty sure...

he was on something.


The sheriff came out, and said he was happy I was okay, and if he owned this beautiful woods and farm, he'd

be out watching for poachers, too.


But he said he would never, ever do it anymore without being armed. Seriously. And that he'd advise a ccw license,

because whatever drugs he mentioned, ...they were seeing more and more of it, almost every day, and people on it act

like vicious, enraged animals. Always be armed. And the ccw is required if you have your gun with you,

on your atv, on your own farm. And, you can't ccw without on license, on your own farm.


That is from the sheriff, Chris. Millions of folks are concerned enough to be armed. And to start stocking

up on food. And gardening. And, it's out God given right to be armed. And it can't be taken away.


That's fine with me. All this nonsense about "no guns" - come on, man. I could have been killed. Some druggie

breaks into a house - what retired folks, any folks, can just fight it out without serious injury? Risking being killed?


So, nirvana/utopia nothin. Real folks deal with real reality. And out in the country, you don't have but precious

moments to save your own lives someday. The police can't get there in time, all too often, no more than the gov

can feed everybody when they are hungry in the middle of a depression/economic crash.


Now I'm hungry for more turkey and dressing.


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November 25, 2013

Clerk frightens robbers with revolver, KOMO, Seattle, Wash. November 24, 2013, Seattle Police Blotter, Seattle, Wash. November 24, 2013
Robert Moore was working a shift at the Morning Star Mini Mart in Seattle, Wash. when a pair of masked criminals entered, brandished what appeared to be a gun, and attempted to rob the store. Moore responded by retrieving a revolver and telling the criminals, “I have a bigger one than you do.” Moore’s actions caused the robbers to flee the store to a waiting getaway car.

November 21, 2013

Store assistant manager fired for fighting off armed robber, WXIA, Atlanta, Ga. 11/08/13
Johnny Jarriel was working his shift in the back office of a gas station in Douglasville, Ga. when a robber armed with a gun and pepper spray attacked him. The criminal sprayed Jarriel with the pepper spray, then put a gun to his head and forced him to the ground while threatening his life and demanding cash. Jarriel told the robber that the store’s safe was in another part of the business, then, while the criminal was distracted, Jarriel retrieved a gun and fired at his attacker, causing the robber to flee. Unfortunately, a few days after the incident, Jarriel’s employer fired him for violating the store’s no guns policy. Despite his termination, Jarriel, a Right-to-Carry permit holder, told a local media outlet, “I would not change a thing; I would change nothing.”

November 18, 2013

Woman in her 60s fights off attacker, The Kansas City Star, Kansas City, Mo. 11/14/13
A woman in her 60s was at home in Kansas City, Mo. when a there was a knock at her door. She opened it to find a 24-year-old man, who asked after someone who didn’t live at the residence, then forced his way inside the home. The home invader then sexually assaulted the woman. During a pause in the attack, the woman was able to retrieve a revolver. She then shot and killed the criminal as he was making his way towards her again. The home invader was released from prison in 2012 after serving a sentence for burglary and robbery convictions.

November 15, 2013

Customer halts armed robbery inside Family Dollar store, WPMI, Mobile, Ala. 11/13/13
Two employees of a Family Dollar store in Mobile, Ala. were unloading a truck, when a pair of armed robbers approached them. One of the criminals forced one of the employees to the front of the store, past terrified customers, and demanded that the employee open the safe. Upon witnessing the robbery, one customer drew a gun and fired at the thief, striking him and causing his accomplice to flee. Following the incident, another customer inside the store during the robbery spoke with reporters and thanked the armed citizen, stating, “"I want to say thank you, thank you, thank you, from the bottom of my heart and God bless you.”

November 14, 2013

Town forms posse to capture armed robber, (WGXA, Macon, Ga. 11/11/13)
Ken Lowery entered Aden’s convenience store in Rhine, Ga. and found the clerk in distress, shouting that she had just been robbed. Lowery left the store and spotted the robber making a leisurely getaway, walking down the street. The robber’s brazen actions so upset the residents of Rhine that around 20 townspeople armed themselves and formed a posse intent on finding the criminal. Armed with a rifle, Lowery tracked the thief and cornered him in a shed, where the robber remained until police could arrive. Following the criminal’s capture, Major Donald Helms of the Dodge County Sheriff’s Office told local media, that the incident was an example of “good guys with guns.” Other townsfolk agreed with that sentiment when asked for comment by reporters. Resident Kayla Mitchell noted, “I’m glad I stay in a town like this, Rhine is a good town.”

November 12, 2013

Students fend off robber, face persecution from their university, The Spokesman-Review, Spokane, Wash. 11/11/13, The Associated Press, 11/11/13
Gonzaga University students Erik Fagan and Daniel McIntosh were at home in their university-owned apartment in Spokane, Wash. when a man came to the door asking for money. The man, who police later determined is a convicted felon, got aggressive with Fagan, who called to McIntosh for help. McIntosh, a Right-to-Carry permit holder, retrieved a pistol and came to his roommate’s aide. The aggressor fled once he spotted McIntosh carrying a firearm. Following the incident, the roommates alerted the Spokane Police and campus security to the situation. Despite plaudits from the Spokane Police Department, who said the students “did the right thing,” Gonzaga campus security confiscated the pistol, and a shotgun the pair also kept in their home. Further, the roommates were brought before the school’s disciple board and placed on university probation. In the wake of national exposure, Fagan and McIntosh have announced that they are appealing their probation, and Gonzaga has indicated that they will review their weapons policy.

November 5, 2013

Right-to-Carry permit holder stops armed robbers, The Reading Eagle, Reading, Pa. 11/05/13
A Right-to-Carry permit holder was leaving an apartment in Reading, Pa. when he noticed that the nearby Krick’s Korner convenience store was being robbed by a pair of armed and masked men. The permit holder went to the store’s entrance and ordered the criminals to halt. The robbers responded by drawing their guns on the permit holder, prompting the armed citizen to fire on the thieves, killing them. Following the shooting, Berks County District Attorney John T. Adams told reporters, “I think that this is an incident where the concerned citizen acted justifiably under the law.” A woman who lives near the store told a local media outlet that Krick’s Korner has been the scene of multiple robberies in recent years.

November 4, 2013

Female clerk fells armed robber, The Toledo Blade, Toledo, Ohio 11/4/13
An armed robber entered the Stop & Go convenience store in Toledo, Ohio and got into a confrontation with clerk December Long. At some point during the attempted robbery, Long was able to retrieve a firearm, and exchanged gunfire with the criminal. During the exchange, the armed robber was fatally shot, and Long was wounded. Following the shooting, a frequent Stop & Go customer told a local media outlet that Long is “real nice and friendly. Hard-nosed. She doesn’t take guff from anybody.”

October 30, 2013

Married couple fights off violent burglars, The Selma Times-Journal, Selma, Ala. 10/29/13
A married couple was returning to their home in Selmont, Ala. when they happened upon a pair of burglars. Upon being discovered, one of the burglars attacked the husband. The husband responded by drawing a pistol and shooting the attacker, killing him and causing his accomplice to flee. Following the incident, Sgt. Mike Grantham of the Dallas County Sheriff’s Department noted, “At this point, everything that we have found, everything the investigation has turned up, tells us this was a justified shooting.”

October 29, 2013

Pizza delivery driver fells robber, The Observer & Eccentric, Detroit, Mich. 10/25/13
A pizza delivery driver for restaurant Hungry Howie’s was working his shift in Redford, Mich. when a group of men attempted to rob him. As the delivery driver was confronted by a member of the group, he drew a gun and fired at the robber, killing him and causing his accomplices to flee. Police captured the other thieves a short time later. The robbers face armed robbery and gun charges, with bail set at $250,000.

October 24, 2013

Differently abled store owner captures robbers, WATE, Knoxville, Tenn. October 23, 2013
The wheelchair bound owner of Malone’s Jewelers in Alcoa, Tenn. was working at his shop when a man entered and began to occupy his attention. Soon after, another man, who was in league with the first, entered the store and attempted a robbery. The owner responded to the threat by retrieving a gun, shooting one of the criminals in the abdomen, then holding the pair of thieves until police could arrive. When interviewed by a local media outlet, Det. Kris Sanders of the Alcoa Police Department said of the owner, “He did a really good job detaining both individuals until we got there.” The owner has not been charged.

October 21, 2013

Pastor halts armed robbery, WFIE, Evansville, Ind. 10/20/13
Pastor Carl Sanders walked into a Dollar General store in Evansville, Ind. in order to purchase a Gatorade, but ended up stumbling upon an armed robbery in progress. Shortly after Sanders entered the store, the thief turned his attention to the pastor, ordering him to the ground. Sanders responded by drawing a firearm and telling the armed robber to get on the ground. The thief complied and Sanders held the man until police could arrive. Sanders took no pleasure in the actions some have called heroic. When forcing the armed man to the ground, Sander told the man that his actions were “out of love.” Sanders later said of the criminal, “He didn’t deserve to be hurt… I wanted him to know you can’t do this.”

October 17, 2013

Permit holder thwarts robbery, The Independent Tribune, Concord, N.C. 10/09/13
Gary Spencer was waiting in his truck in the parking lot of a bank, as his wife deposited a check, when he spotted two men just outside the bank struggling over a money bag. One of the men had waited while the other withdrew $5,000 from the bank, and was now using a stun gun to incapacitate his victim and steal the money. Spencer, who along with his wife, are Right-to-Carry permit holders, drew a .380 pistol from his wife’s purse, ran to the site of the attack and confronted the robber. Upon seeing Spencer’s gun, the criminal fled without the cash. Following the incident, Spencer said to a local media outlet of his actions, “Do you want to help somebody if they’re in need of help, or are you going to turn your head… and act like it’s not going on? I don’t see it as a hero thing. I just see it as me stepping up for somebody who needed a hand.”

October 15, 2013

Homeowner halts burglary, The Tulsa World, Tulsa, Okla. 10/12/13
A homeowner in Tulsa, Okla. was returning home from a walk when he became aware of an intruder who had broken into his house. The homeowner retrieved a gun, found the burglar and fired at him, striking him three times. The criminal was taken to a local hospital with life-threatening injuries.

October 9, 2013

Man defends children from violent dog, NBC, Los Angeles, Calif. 10/07/13
Two children were outside on a public street in San Bernardino, Calif. when a pit bull attacked them. As the children tried to escape from the dog, the children’s aunt picked up a toy scooter and attempted to use it to fight the dog off. A neighbor noticed the attack, retrieved a gun, and shot and killed the dog. Following the incident, the aunt explained to a reporter that she was fearful for the children’s lives and said that the armed citizen is a hero. One of the children was taken to a local hospital for her injuries, but is now fine.

October 7, 2013

Business owner protects friends and family from armed robbers, KTRK, Houston, Texas 10/05/13
Mack Agaybi was inside the back office of his car dealership, A B Motors, in Houston, Texas when he spotted two armed men entering his store on a surveillance camera. Agaybi retrieved a gun, went to the front of the store, which was filled with friends and family members, and fired at the criminals, causing them to flee. Following the shootout, Agaybi realized his friend had been shot in the fracas and immediately put him into his car and drove to a local clinic. The friend is expected to survive. Agaybi told reporters that without his gun, he, his friends, and family members would have been killed.

October 4, 2013

Business owner fells one intruder and captures another, The Seattle Times, Seattle, Wash. October 2, 2013
The owner of Frager Farm Stand and Fruit Tree Nursery in Kent, Wash. was about to go to bed when he heard a suspicious noise at his business, which is right next to his home. The owner retrieved a shotgun, went to investigate, and discovered a pair of intruders inside the farm stand’s office. The owner shot and killed one of the criminals and held the other at gunpoint until police could arrive. The break-in was the second in as many days for the farm stand. An investigation revealed that the surviving burglar was facing a domestic violence charge and had a recent history of drug use.

October 2, 2013

Elderly woman scares off home invader, The Times and Democrat, Orangeburg, S.C. 10/01/13
An 85-year-old woman was asleep at home in Orangeburg County, S.C. when she awakened to the sound of her dog barking. The woman retrieved a gun, went to investigate, and discovered an intruder inside her home. The woman asked the intruder, “what are you doing in my house?” The criminal refused to answer or move, prompting the woman to fire at the home invader, which caused him to flee.

September 26, 2013

Convenience store owner holds robber for police, The St. Louis Dispatch, St. Louis, Mo. 09/24/13
A robber entered the Raetta Quick Stop convenience store in House Springs, Mo. displayed a gun and demanded money from the clerk. The clerk complied with the demand, but the owner of the store retrieved a handgun and confronted the criminal. The owner was able to hold the robber at gunpoint until police could arrive, without anyone getting hurt.

September 24, 2013

Retired federal agent fights off robber, KHOU, Houston, Texas 09/16/13
A family was returning home from a funeral when a masked and armed robber approached them in the driveway of one of their houses in Harris County, Texas and demanded cash. The brother-in-law of the homeowner, a retired federal agent, responded to the threat by drawing a gun and firing at the thief, striking him twice and causing him to flee. The robber was captured a short time later after seeking treatment at a nearby hospital. The retired agent’s actions seem to have inspired at least one of his brother-in-law’s neighbors who told a local media outlet, “I might start taking gun classes for protection.” Investigators believe the thief may have been involved in other robberies earlier in the evening.

September 19, 2013

Convenience store owner fights off armed robbers, WHIO, Dayton, Ohio 09/15/13, 09/16/13
Two men, at least one of whom was armed with a gun, entered the 3rd Base Drive Thru convenience store in Dayton, Ohio and attempted to rob the store. Store owner Thomas Mauro was in an office in the rear of the store when he spotted the pair on a surveillance feed. Mauro retrieved a gun and fired at the criminals, striking one in the chest and causing both to flee. The wounded robber only made it to the restaurant next door before collapsing. When interviewed by a local media outlet, Dayton Police Lieutenant Donald Burden stated that it is unlikely the store owner will face charges.

September 18, 2013

77-year-old man defends home from burglar, The Missoulian, Missoula, Mont. 09/16/13
A man approached the home of a 77-year-old man in Missoula, Mont. and threw a chair through a window to gain access to the house. Upon becoming aware of the intruder, the homeowner retrieved a gun and fired at the burglar, striking him once. Once authorities arrived, the wounded man was taken to a local hospital where he is expected to survive. Missoula Detective Sgt. Scott Pastian noted that police suspect drugs may have been a factor in the attempted burglary.

September 13, 2013

Pharmacist protects himself and employee from machete-wielding robber, KATV, Little Rock, Ark. 09/05/13
Owner Andy Blansett and employee Melanie Miller were working at the Medicine Shoppe pharmacy in North Little Rock, Ark. when a man came in and demanded painkillers. The man then drew a machete, intimidated Miller and attempted to climb over the pharmacy’s counter. In response, Blansett retrieved a .45-caliber pistol and pointed it at the thief, causing him to flee. Drug thieves beware, in an interview with a local media outlet Blansett noted, “All of the independently owned pharmacists I know carry a concealed [weapon] on them or have one in the store.”

September 12, 2013

Pregnant woman scares off burglars, KGBT, Harlingen, Texas 09/09/13
A pregnant woman was inside her home in Palmview, Texas when a pair of burglars approached the house. One thief went to the front door and rang the doorbell, while the other moved to a back door. After spotting the burglars, the homeowner retrieved a handgun and the telephone, and called the police. Eventually the woman fired at the intruders, causing them to flee. The thieves were captured a short time later after police cornered them in a nearby home. Following the incident, the homeowner told a reporter that she had initially been against her husband purchasing the handgun she used to defend herself, but noted that after the shooting she told him, “thank you for doing that.”

September 11, 2013

Armed driver stops carjackers, WECT, Wilmington, N.C.09/05/13
A man was driving his truck with the windows down through Wilmington, N.C. when a pair of robbers approached him while the vehicle was stopped. One of the thieves grabbed the driver’s arm, pointed a gun at him and said, “Give me your truck.” The driver responded by retrieving a pistol and pointing it at the carjackers, causing them to flee.

September 6, 2013

Armed homeowner ends wild crime spree, KCTV, Kansas City, Mo. 09/05/13
A man was at home asleep with his wife and child in their Kansas City, Mo. home when the family was awakened by a suspicious noise. The man retrieved a shotgun, went to investigate, and discovered a burglar who had broken into the home’s garage. The homeowner fired at the intruder, killing him. The shooting ended a lengthy crime spree perpetrated by the burglar that included the theft of three cars, one by a carjacking at gunpoint, and another burglary.

September 5, 2013

Veteran thwarts liquor store robbery, The Springfield News-Leader, Springfield, Mo. 09/03/13
Jon Alexander was clerking at the Beer 30 liquor store in Marionville, Mo. when a man entered the store, drew a gun, and pointed it at him. Alexander, a 30-year military veteran who served four tours in Iraq, immediately pushed the robber’s gun away with his left hand, drew a pistol with his right, and pointed it at the thief’s head, causing the robber to flee the store. Following the incident, the owner of the store, Jeannine Dawson, spoke with a local media outlet. Dawson explained that Alexander acted just as she would have predicted during the robbery, and stated that she enjoyed showing her friends the surveillance footage of the confrontation, noting, “They’re shocked when they see the robber pull a gun, but then they’re just delighted when Jon stops him.”

August 30, 2013

73-year-old retired teacher defends himself and a neighbor from an intruder, The Sun-Sentinel, Palm Beach, Fla. 08/29/13, WFOR-TV, Miami, Fla. 08/28/13
A 73-year-old retired teacher was at home in Oakland Park, Fla. when a burglar smashed a window to gain access to the house. The homeowner retrieved a gun, went to investigate, and discovered the thief just outside the home, carrying a TV and attacking a neighbor intent on reporting the crime. The homeowner fired at the criminal, striking him several times and causing him to flee to a nearby getaway vehicle. A short time later, police found the getaway vehicle wrecked, with the thief still inside it, about a mile away. The homeowner made clear to a local media outlet that he did not relish being forced to defend himself and his neighbor, but one of his friends offered effusive praise, stating, “Good for him; wonderful. I wish more people would do that. It’s ridiculous for people to break into homes and think they can get away with it.” The Broward County State Attorney’s Office may look into the shooting, but Broward County Sheriff’s Spokesman Mike Jachles indicated that charges were unlikely, telling reporters, “It appears this was a justifiable shooting... Every indication is that the homeowner was defending himself, his property and his neighbor from being attacked by the intruder.” The intruder faces charges of burglary of an occupied dwelling and grand theft.

August 29, 2013

Liquor store owner fights off armed robbers, WMAZ, Macon, Ga. 08/27/13
A pair of men, at least one of whom was armed, entered the Helena Package Store in Helena, Ga. and confronted the woman who owns the store. The owner responded by retrieving a handgun and firing at the intruders, striking one and causing the other to flee. The wounded man was taken to a local hospital where he is listed as in stable condition and faces armed robbery charges. Helena Police Chief Glenn Giles has made clear that the store owner will not face charges.

August 26, 2013

Pizza deliveryman thwarts attempted robbery, Space Coast Daily, Brevard County, Fla. 08/24/13
A pizza deliveryman was getting into his car following a delivery to a motel in West Melbourne, Fla. when a man armed with a knife confronted him and demanded cash. The delivery driver responded by retrieving a gun and firing at the criminal, killing him. An investigation revealed that the deceased criminal had a criminal record that included aggravated battery, armed robbery, and false imprisonment. Following the incident, Brevard County Sheriff Wayne Ivy noted, “Preliminary evidence in the case demonstrates that the intended victim of the robbery acted in self-defense while being robbed by a violent criminal who was armed with a knife.”

August 23, 2013

Bar owner defends himself and customers from armed robbery, The Journal Sentinel, Milwaukee Wis. 08/16/13 and 12/21/08, TMJ4, Milwaukee, Wis. 08/20/13
Three men armed with what appeared to be real guns, but were later determined to be air pistols, entered the Concertina Beer Hall in Milwaukee, Wis. and demanded cash. Owner Andy Kochanski responded by retrieving a gun and firing at the criminals, striking one and causing the others to flee. A former firefighter, Kochanski administered CPR to the wounded criminal before authorities could arrive at the scene, but the robber later died. Kochanski later told a media outlet, in regards to his attempt to save the criminal, “That's who I am, you know. I'm a firefighter, even though I don't have my badge anymore. I always will be a firefighter.” The following night Kochanski reopened his bar and was greeted by a throng of well-wishers. Milwaukee Country prosecutors have noted that Kochanski will not face charges. The incident was the second time in five years that Kochanski was forced to protect himself, his customers and his bar. At a 2008 Christmas party at the beer hall Kochanski was forced to fire a .45-caliber pistol at a pair of robbers toting a sawed-off shotgun.

August 21, 2013

Elderly man protects himself and wife from escaped inmate, The Des Moines Register, Des Moines, Iowa 08/20/13
Jerome and Carolyn Mauderly were asleep at home in Bedford, Iowa when an armed criminal broke into their house and held the elderly couple hostage. The criminal was Rodney Eugene Long, a convicted felon and escaped inmate from the nearby Clarinda Correctional Facility, who police believe shot a Taylor County Sheriff’s Deputy a day earlier, and who was the subject of an extensive manhunt. After being held captive for four hours, Jerome took an opportunity to retrieve a shotgun kept in the home. After getting hold of the shotgun, Jerome shot and killed Long. As an escaped prisoner, Long made a terrible choice of victims; Jerome Mauderly is a retired prison guard. However, Long might not have had much luck choosing another household to victimize in Bedford, as a pair of waitresses interviewed at the local Junction Café during the manhunt explained to a reporter that their loved ones were aware of the fugitive, armed, and prepared for the worst.

August 19, 2013

Female clerk thwarts knife-wielding robber, The Republican, Springfield, Mass. 08/19/13, The Recorder, Greenfield, Mass. 08/16/13
A female employee was clerking at the Spirit Shoppe package store in Sunderland, Mass. when a masked man armed with a large knife entered the store and demanded cash. The employee responded to the threat by retrieving a gun, causing the criminal to flee the scene.

August 15, 2013

Wife protects husband from robbers at restaurant, KPRC, Houston, Texas 08/08/13
A woman and her family were dining at a Denny’s in Houston, Texas when a group of six men armed with guns attempted to rob her husband while she was in the restroom. When the woman exited the restroom and spotted the hold-up, she drew a pistol and exchanged gunfire with the criminals, causing them to flee. Following the incident, a local media outlet spoke with the victim’s brother who noted that his brother’s wife is a Right-to-Carry permit holder. The brother went on to add, “Self-defense saved my brother’s life.”

August 14, 2013

Resident of student apartment complex fights off home invader, WTVD, Raleigh, N.C. 08/2/13, The News Observer, Raleigh, N.C. 08/10/13
Vincent Reed Bellamy was at home in a student apartment complex in Raleigh, N.C. at around 1:45 a.m. when an armed intruder broke into the dwelling. Bellamy responded to the threat by shooting the criminal, and then triggering a fire alarm to call for help. When police arrived they found the home invader dead in a nearby hallway. Following an investigation, Wake County Prosecutor Colleen Janssen made clear that Bellamy would not face charges. Janssen explained to a local media outlet the laws that protect residents like Bellamy, stating, “Those laws were put in place to protect homeowners or residents of homes when they protect themselves against intruders… and that’s exactly what I see as having happened here.”

August 8, 2013

Gas station employee halts knife-wielding man, WKYT, Lexington, Ky. 08/04/13
An employee of a Marathon gas station in Lexington, Ky. confronted a man who was urinating on the outside of the building. The public urinator responded to the employee with racial slurs, drew a knife and moved towards the employee. The employee, and Right-to-Carry permit holder, countered by drawing a pistol and firing a shot. Startled by the shot, the criminal inadvertently stabbed himself with his own knife, requiring medical attention at a nearby hospital. Police told a local media outlet that they will not charge the employee.

August 6, 2013

Pawn shop employee fells robber, WWJ, Detroit, Mich. 08/01/13
Three armed men entered the Detroit Pawn Shop in Hamtramck, Mich. and attempted to rob the store. A store employee responded to the threat by firing at the criminals, killing one and ending the robbery. Following the incident, Hamtramck Police Chief Max Garbarino noted that the shooting appeared to be a case of self-defense. Garbarino went on to tell a local news outlet, “Frankly, I’ll be honest, it’s pretty stupid for anyone to try and rob someone in Hamtramck... Most of … our store owners are armed."

August 1, 2013

Right-to-Carry permit holder defends himself and friend from violent attack, The Cleveland Plain Dealer, Cleveland, Ohio July 29, 2013
Timothy Peak and a female companion were getting inside a car in his driveway in Cleveland, Ohio when a pair of armed and masked men confronted them. After one of the criminals pistol-whipped Peak, the homeowner and Right-to-Carry permit holder retrieved a handgun from his car and fired at his attacker multiple times, killing him. The deceased criminal’s accomplice managed to escape the scene with Peak’s companion’s purse. Following the incident, Cleveland Councilman Mike Polensek showed support for Peak’s actions, stating “As far as I’m concerned, [the criminal] got exactly what he deserved… lead poisoning.” Polensek went on to say of the homeowner, “If he hadn’t had that gun, we’d be reading about him in a two paragraph story in the paper as another innocent victim of violent criminals looking to prey on him like jackals. [the criminal] picked on the wrong man this time.”

July 26, 2013

Homeowner aids police in capture of burglar, KHOU, Houston, Texas 07/25/13
A homeowner was at his house in Houston, Texas when he noticed a burglar on his property attempting to steal an air conditioning unit. The homeowner retrieved a gun and confronted the criminal, and fired one shot at him, but missed. After firing at the thief, the homeowner called the police and followed the criminal as he fled, eventually helping police to locate him. Following the incident, police credited the homeowner with helping them find the burglar and made clear to a local media outlet that “the homeowner was legally armed.”

July 24, 2013

Clerk thwarts robbery, KHOU, Houston, Texas, 07/19/13
Noman Ali was a working the register at a Fuel Expo in Houston, Texas when a man brought some beer to the counter, drew a gun, and demanded cash. Ali handed over some money, but then retrieved a gun and fired at the criminal, striking the robber multiple times before he fled to a nearby car. As he was making his getaway, the criminal crashed his vehicle into a ditch, then attempted to force at least one passerby at gunpoint to take him to a hospital. However, before anyone else could be hurt, police captured the gunman. Ali harbors no ill will towards the criminal, telling a local media outlet, “Crime needs to be stopped and [that’s] it, my goal [was] not to kill him… I’m good, the customers are good. Hopefully he’s good too.”

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There are several hundreds of these. Maybe thousands.


Let me know if you want me to keep posting them, Chris.... B)



New Search Search Within Results

July 18, 2013

Man saves family from armed attackers, WEWS, Cleveland, Ohio, 07/16/13

Jacquella Lattimore was leaving her home in Cleveland, Ohio to take her children to camp when three armed men confronted the family. One of the gunmen took the children to the home’s garage while the other two criminals attempted to force Lattimore into the house. The gunmen were unaware that Lattimore’s fiancé, Johnny Bridges, was watching the scene unfold and was armed with a gun. Bridges fired at one of the criminals forcing his fiance into the home, striking him and causing all three to flee. The trio was captured by police a short time later. Following the incident, Cleveland Councilman Mike Polensek expressed his support for Bridges actions, telling a local news outlet, “Whoever shot this dirt bag ought to get a medal… I might get a proclamation for him.” But even with the councilman’s words of support Bridges remained humble, telling a reporter, “Right now I don’t consider myself a hero… I just wanted to make sure my family was alright.”

July 17, 2013

Pawn shop clerk fights off armed robber, WKMG, Orlando, Fla. 07/05/13

An armed robber wearing a shirt on his head entered the Queen of Pawns pawnshop in Kissimmee, Fla. and demanded cash from two employees. A clerk on duty responded to the threat by retrieving a gun and firing at the criminal, causing him to flee. One employee suffered a minor injury during the incident and was taken to a local hospital.

July 16, 2013

Business owner confronts pair of metal thieves, MyFOX8, Greensboro, N.C. 07/08/13

The owner of Hall Well & Plumbing in Reidsville, N.C. was at his home when an alarm installed at his business alerted him to a break-in. The owner retrieved a gun, went to his business to investigate, and came upon a pair of criminals attempting to steal two rolls of copper wire valued at nearly $5,000. When the criminals spotted the owner, one of them charged, forcing the owner to shoot and kill him. The deceased robber’s accomplice fled, but was captured by police several hours later. Following the incident, Rockingham County Sheriff Sam Page noted, “At this time all indications are (the business owner) was acting in a manner of self-defense,” with deputies adding that Hall Well & Plumbing has been burglarized three times this year. The business owner’s neighbor expressed his support for the armed citizen after the shooting, stating, “Hate to see anybody get killed, but when you go to somebody’s place of business and you’re messing with their livelihood where they make a living… just got to stand your ground and look after yourself.”

July 11, 2013

Homeowner fells hatchet-wielding intruder, ABC57, South Bend, Ind. 07/08/13

A homeowner was asleep in his LaPorte County, Ind. home when he was awakened by the sound of glass breaking. The homeowner retrieved a pistol, went to investigate, and discovered a hatchet-wielding intruder inside the house. The armed homeowner responded to the threat by shooting the criminal in the chest, killing him. Following the incident, one of the homeowner’s neighbors shared his thoughts on the matter with a local media outlet, stating, “I have no sympathy for [the home invader] because if he’s going to take the risk of going in to someone’s home, you’ve got to take the risk of getting shot.”

July 9, 2013

Right-to-Carry permit holder stops robbers on spree, WCSC, Charleston, S.C. 06/28/13

A pair of armed robbers entered a Kangaroo convenience store in Mount Pleasant, S.C. and demanded money from the clerk. Despite the clerk complying with the demand, one of the criminals fired at the employee while leaving, grazing his arm. However, also inside the store was a Right-to-Carry permit holder, who drew a pistol and confronted the robbers as they were leaving. Upon seeing the armed citizen, one of the criminals surrendered and waited for police to arrive, while the other fled on foot only to be captured by U.S. Marshals the next day. Following an investigation, law enforcement officials now believes the duo is responsible for a rash of convenience store robberies in the Mount Pleasant area.

July 8, 2013

Father saves family from violent home invaders, KTRK, Houston, Texas 07/01/13

A father was at home in Houston, Texas with his wife, four children and the children’s uncle when three armed home invaders entered the apartment. As the uncle was surrendering to the criminals, the father retrieved a gun and fired at the intruders, killing two and causing the third to flee. Police have questioned the armed citizen, but have made clear to a local media outlet that they believe the father acted within his rights. In the aftermath of the shooting, the family of the armed father showed their support, with his son telling reporters that his father is a “great hero.”

July 3, 2013

Clerk defends convenience store from masked robber, The Times-Georgian, Carroll County, Ga. 06/26/13

A man armed with a gun and wearing a ski mask entered the Junior Food Store in Villa Rica, Ga. and demanded that the clerk on duty open the register. When the criminal’s attention turned to the cash in the register, the clerk retrieved a gun and shot the criminal, killing him. Following the incident, the armed clerk received support from the community, with one customer referring to the store’s employees as, “the nicest people you could want to meet.” The clerk has not been charged.

June 26, 2013

Homeowner shoots non-compliant burglar, KDFW, Dallas, Texas 06/24/13, The Dallas Morning News, Dallas, Texas 06/24/13

An alarm installed in a tool shed alerted a homeowner in Dallas, Texas to a burglary in progress on his property. The homeowner retrieved a gun, went outside to the shed and ordered the criminal, who had been attempting to steal a weed eater, to stop where he was. When the burglar did not comply, the homeowner -- fearful for his own safety and that of his family -- fired, striking the criminal multiple times. Despite suffering from gunshot wounds, the burglar managed to hop a fence and flee a half-mile to his apartment. However, once there the criminal’s family called 911 and he was discovered by authorities and taken to a local hospital. An investigation revealed that the criminal has a previous burglary conviction.

June 24, 2013

Armed customer defends shoppers waiting in line, The Atlanta Journal Constitution, Atlanta, Ga. 06/23/13, NBC News, 06/24/13

A group of shoppers were waiting outside Wish clothing store in Atlanta, Ga. in order to purchase a new model of $180 Lebron James sneakers, when a man drew a gun and attempted to rob them. One of the customers, a Right-to-Carry permit holder, responded to the threat by drawing his own gun and firing at the criminal, killing him. A customer who witnessed the shooting said of the armed citizen, “He really stood up for all of us.” Police have made clear that they will not press charges against the Right-to-Carry permit holder.

June 20, 2013

Jewelry store owner kills armed robber, The Star-Ledger, Newark, N.J. 06/17/13

An armed robber entered the Top Dollar jewelry store in Newark, N.J., threatened to shoot the people inside, and demanded that the owner fill a bag with valuables. The owner complied with the criminal, placing merchandise into a bag, but then drew a gun and shot the robber. Upon being shot, the thief fled the store, but succumbed to his wounds a short time later. No charges have been filed against the store owner.

June 18, 2013

Armed father rescues daughter from home invader, The Press-Enterprise, San Bernardino, Calif. 06/16/13

A father and daughter were at their home in San Bernardino, Calif. when the daughter was confronted by a home invader. Upon seeing the intruder, the daughter screamed for help, at which point the criminal grabbed her. The father heard the screams, retrieved a gun, and went to his daughter’s aid. When the father arrived in the room with his daughter and the home invader, the intruder attempted to attack him, to which the father responded by shooting the criminal and ending the attack.

June 14, 2013

Tobacco store clerk fires on robber, CBS-DFW, Dallas, Texas, 06/13/13

A man entered a game room and tobacco store in East Fort Worth, Texas, pretended to play a game and then drew a gun on a clerk and demanded cash. The clerk complied with the demand, but a second clerk, who had overheard the robbery from another part of the store, retrieved a shotgun and fired at the criminal, striking him in the knee and head, and ending the robbery. When police arrived, the armed robber was taken to a local hospital, with police planning to charge him with aggravated robbery once he has recovered. Local media has reported that the armed clerk will not face charges.

June 13, 2013

72-year-old woman defends herself and husband from home invader, The Associated Press, 06/12/13

72-year-old Jan Cooper was at home with her 85-year-old husband in Anaheim, Calif. when a man attempted to break into the house through a sliding glass door. As the criminal made his attempt, Cooper retrieved a .357 revolver and called 911. While she was on the phone with the dispatcher, Cooper fired at the criminal, missing, but stopping him in his tracks. The would-be intruder then said to Cooper, “I’m sorry, ma’am. I’m leaving. Please don’t shoot,” before fleeing. The burglar was captured by police a short time later. An investigation revealed that the intruder has a criminal history that includes burglary, and was currently on parole and living at a halfway house near the Cooper residence.

June 12, 2013

Right-to-Carry permit holder fights off three carjackers, The Tribune Chronicle, Warren, Ohio 06/07/13

23-year-old David Ferguson was inside South Avenue Gas Mart in Youngstown, Ohio, when he heard his cousin calling for him from outside the store. When Ferguson came outside he witnessed two men inside his car, and a third with a gun outside the vehicle firing at Ferguson’s cousin who was crawling on the ground. Ferguson, a Right-to-Carry permit holder, responded to the threat by drawing a 9mm pistol and firing at the carjackers; at which point the criminals returned fire and fled. Ferguson and his cousin suffered non-life-threatening wounds during the incident.

June 4, 2013

Resident fights off two armed robbers, The Journal Gazette, Fort Wayne, Ind. 06/03/13

A resident of Fort Wayne, Ind. was near the front steps of his home when a pair of armed robbers approached and demanded money. The resident responded to the demand by retrieving a gun and firing at the criminals several times. One robber was struck multiple times and killed, while the other escaped harm. Following the shooting, Sgt. Mark Brooks of the Fort Wayne police said of the incident, “If someone tried to rob you on your front porch… you could be justified in using force to protect yourself, including deadly force.” A neighbor, who plans to leave the troubled south-side neighborhood where the shooting occurred, showed support for the armed citizen, telling local media, “I carry a gun myself, and if it was me, I’d have done the same thing.”

June 3, 2013

Criminal's second encounter with armed citizen proves fatal, WISTV, Columbia, S.C.)

A homeowner in Orangeburg, S.C. shot and killed a home invader after the criminal used a shovel to break a back window to gain entry to the house. Neighbors expressed support for the armed citizen and were grateful for the fact that his daughter was not at home at the time of the incident. One neighbor in particular could empathize with the homeowner’s situation. Marion Ammonds had an encounter with the deceased criminal in 2010. At the time, Ammonds was helping to build a nearby house for his daughter when the criminal attempted to burglarize the home. Ammonds discovered the burglar, retrieved a firearm and held the criminal at gunpoint until police could arrive.

May 30, 2013

Homeowner detains intruder, KKTV, Colorado Springs, Colo. 05/23/13

Jeremy Strong was at home with his wife and son when his wife alerted him to someone attempting to break into their house. Strong retrieved a gun, went to investigate, and discovered a man who had broken through one of the home’s windows. Strong aimed his firearm at the intruder, ordered him to the ground and held him at gunpoint until police could arrive. Police later determined that the man was likely high on methamphetamines at the time of the disturbance. A charitable man, despite the damage, Strong has not pressed charges against the criminal, explaining that the man needs help.

May 24, 2013

Woman captures burglar at gunpoint, WTVG, Toledo, Ohio May 16, 2013

Just before 5 a.m., Betty Collins received a phone call from her boyfriend, who was on his way to work, warning her of a suspicious person he had spotted outside her home. Having been the victim of vehicle burglaries on the last two mornings, Collins retrieved a .357 revolver and watched the outside of her home. The suspicious looking man eventually made his way up to Collins’ door and attempted to kick it in, to which Collins responded by shouting at the criminal, “Get off my porch. I have a gun. I will shoot you.” When the would-be intruder did not comply, Collins opened the door, aimed the revolver at the burglar and ordered, “put your face in the dirt and you’re gonna stay there.” The criminal obeyed and Collins held him at gunpoint until police could arrive. Collins later spoke to the media regarding the incident, remarking, “That’s what the Second Amendment’s for.”

May 22, 2013

Resident fires at trio of burglars, The Palm Beach Post, Palm Beach, Fla. 05/21/13

A group of three burglars approached a home in Delray Beach, Fla. and knocked at the front door. When they received no answer, the trio went around to the back door and attempted to break inside. A resident of the home noticed the would-be intruders, retrieved a gun and fired at the criminals, striking one and causing all to flee in a nearby getaway car. Police captured all three burglars a short time later at the Delray Medical Center, where the injured burglar underwent surgery.

May 20, 2013

Clerk halts robbery, KHOU, Houston, Texas 05/11/13, KTRK, Houston, Texas 05/12/13

A masked and armed robber entered the Alexander Food Store in Baytown, Texas and demanded money from the clerk. The clerk asked the criminal to lower his weapon, but the attacker refused, prompting the clerk to retrieve a gun and fire at the criminal, striking him at least once in the stomach and causing him to flee. The robber didn’t make it far, collapsing outside the front of the store, where he remained until police could arrive. The foiled robbery came following three robberies in Baytown the previous day. Local media noted that the reason the Alexander Food Store clerk was armed was due to a previous robbery at the store.

May 15, 2013

Homeowner's son fights off home invaders, KHOU, Houston, Texas, 05/14/13

A trio of home invaders entered a house in Houston, Texas, forced the homeowner’s son into a closet and ransacked the house. While the criminals were searching for valuables, the son left the closet, retrieved a gun and fired on the intruders, striking one in the leg and neck and causing all to flee. The wounded criminal only made it to a nearby home before collapsing, at which point neighbor Craig Gaddis discovered him and called the police. Following the incident, Gaddis showed support for the young man who was forced to defend himself, telling local media “The owner, thank God for rights, he shot one of ‘em.” Gaddis also addressed the criminal adding, “He got what he deserved… You want to come over here and rob houses? Those of us who carry guns in our houses, they are there for one reason – to keep you people out.”

May 10, 2013

Family defends itself from domestic abuser, The Daily Astorian, Astoria, Ore. 05/08/13

A woman, her two teenage daughters and a 19-year-old man were at home in Warrenton, Ore. when the woman’s estranged husband, who has a criminal history of domestic violence, forced his way inside the home while carrying a weapon. The residents armed themselves and fled to a bedroom, locked themselves inside and called 911. Once arriving on scene, the police assumed tactical positions, but the husband, already inside, was unfazed and continued his attack by breaking through the bedroom door. After breaching the door, the intruder was met by defensive gunfire and killed.

May 9, 2013

Grocery manager defends employees from armed robbers, The Dallas Morning News, Dallas, Texas 05/06/13

Manager Joe Cho was working in the office of Pepe’s Grocery and Deli in Dallas, Texas when two armed men wearing bandannas entered the store and demanded money from a cashier. Cho responded by retrieving a .38-caliber revolver and firing at the criminals, who returned fire and fled. None of Cho’s employees were hurt during the incident.Cho’s decision to provide for his and his employee’s defense proved to be a wise one. Following the attempted robbery, Cho notified the police, telling them, “Hey, we got robbed, I need police as soon as possible.” “As soon as possible” turned out to be about an hour and 20 minutes later.

May 7, 2013

Jewelry store owner chases off robber, KOMO, Seattle, Wash. 05/04/13, KIRO, Seattle, Wash. 05/04/13

An armed man wearing a hood entered Bonaci Fine Jewelers in Kent, Wash. and attempted to rob the store. The store’s owner responded to the attack by retrieving a gun and exchanging gunfire with the criminal, causing the robber to flee. In an interview with local media, Kent Police expressed their belief that the criminal was struck twice during the incident. Additionally, Sgt. Jarod Kasner made clear to reporters that “people have the right to protect themselves.”

May 6, 2013

Right-to-Carry permit holder captures violent attacker, The San Diego Union-Tribune, San Diego, Calif. 05/02/13

What police are calling a fight in Oceanside, Calif. escalated when one man stabbed another man with a large knife. The attack was witnessed by several people in a nearby restaurant, some of whom went to the scene to help the stabbing victim. One of the witnesses who rushed to the scene was a concealed carry permit holder. The permit holder drew his gun, halted the knife-wielding criminal’s attack, and held the attacker until police could arrive. Unfortunately, the stabbing victim died from his wounds.

May 2, 2013

Store owner stops shotgun toting robber, WPMI, Mobile, Ala. 04/29/13

A robber toting a shotgun entered Sandie’s Beer Wine and Spirits in Irvington, Ala., put the gun to the owner’s head and demanded the money in the register. The owner responded by retrieving a gun and firing at the criminal, striking him in the torso and causing him to flee in a getaway car. Police captured the robber a short time later. Recalling the incident to local media, the owner stated, “He had a shotgun and held it to my head. I saw my life passing by and I thought I wasn’t going to see my kids anymore. That’s when I got really angry. That’s when I went after him.”

April 30, 2013

Elderly business owner defends wife, fells attacker, The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, Pittsburgh, Pa. 04/28/13

Alfred and Sylvia Armen were tending to their music store, Armen’s House of Music, in Bethel Park, Pa. when a man, who had just been inside the store, returned with a club. The criminal struck 71-year-old Sylvia in the head, prompting a physical altercation between 73-year-old Alfred and the attacker. During the struggle, Alfred was able to retrieve a .38-caliber revolver and shoot the criminal, killing him. Sylvia and Alfred suffered minor injuries during the incident, but Sylvia assured local media that she is “a tough cookie.”

April 29, 2013

Man uses AR-15 to defend self and girlfriend, CBS Philly, Philadelphia, Pa. 04/25/13, phillyburbs.com, Philadelphia, Pa. 04/25/13

A college student and his girlfriend were outside his apartment in Cheltenham, Pa. when a stranger approached them. Fearing for their safety, the pair retreated into the house. The stranger followed the couple inside and menaced them, at which point the college student retrieved an AR-15 rifle and fired at the intruder, killing him. Following the incident, District Attorney Risa Ferman said of the case, “This is what we refer to when we talk about Castle Doctrine. The notion that your home is your castle and you have the right inside of your home or in the home environment to defend yourself.”

April 24, 2013

Woman defends herself from abuser, The Billings Gazette, Billings, Mont. 04/17/13

A woman was at home in Billings, Mont. when her estranged boyfriend came to her front door, and when he was refused entry, kicked in the back door of the house. As the abusive ex-boyfriend came inside, the woman retrieved a gun and forced him from the property. The woman then called police, who captured the criminal a short time later. Evidently, the firearm the woman keeps for self-defense proved more persuasive than the order of protection issued against the ex-boyfriend in December.

April 17, 2013

Crime victim halts burglaries, CBS, Sacramento, Calif. April 8, 2013

In recent months, Darin Fowler had been the victim of several burglaries at his Oroville, Calif. store, Air Cooled Unlimited. Fed up, Fowler, a Right-to-Carry permit holder, decided to arm himself and camp out at the business. While sleeping behind the shop one night, Fowler was awakened by a thief. Fowler drew his gun on the criminal, who complied with the business owner’s orders to stay put until police arrived. A subsequent search of the burglar’s home uncovered several of the items that had previously been stolen from Fowler. Following the incident Fowler commented, “It was almost closure because now we can relax a little bit now and get back to work.”

April 5, 2013

Elderly man holds burglar for police, NWCN, Portland, Ore. 03/28/13

82-year-old Jim Brazel and his wife were asleep at home in Linn County, Ore. when they were awakened by suspicious noises coming from Brazel’s workshop. After retrieving a .410 shotgun, Brazel went to investigate and discovered a burglar. Brazel said to the man, “You take one more step and this gun goes off in the middle of your chest. Do what you want.” The criminal chose to stay put until police could arrive, 20 minutes later. Following the incident, Brazel spoke of the burglar to local media, stating, “He’s making a mistake to try country people… Because 99 percent of us are all the same. We’re not afraid to shoot.”

April 3, 2013

Young woman fights off attacker, KPTV, Portland, Ore. 04/01/13, KGW, Portland, Ore. 04/02/2013

Just after a 22-year-old woman got out of her car in Oregon City, Ore., a man grabbed her by her ponytail and dragged and attacked her. The criminal continued his attack until the young woman drew a handgun, which caused the attacker to flee. In describing the incident to local media, Oregon City Police Sgt. Matthew Paschall recalled, “He continued to assault her until she was able to defend herself by producing her legally-owned handgun.”

March 26, 2013

Woman fights off two home invaders, WRAL, Raleigh, N.C. 03/22/13

A woman in Elm City, N.C. was home sick from work when she heard a banging at her back door. The noise turned out to be a pair of home invaders who forced their way inside as the woman fled to retrieve a gun and hide in a closet. Eventually the burglars made it to the room where the homeowner was hiding, and when they opened the door, the woman fired at them, striking one and causing both to flee. Neighbor Wayne Crumpler spotted the home invaders after hearing one of the criminals screaming for help in the street. As one of the burglars moved towards Crumpler’s property, Crumpler retrieved a revolver and ordered the man to halt. The criminals fled, but were captured by police a short time later. Speaking to local media about the incident, Crumpler approved of his neighbor’s actions, stating, “She was lucky she knew how to use a handgun and lucky she had it. Because if she hadn’t, we might be going to a funeral.”

March 22, 2013

Couple battles violent home invaders, KENS, San Antonio, Texas 03/21/13

A homeowner in Maypearl, Texas was at home watching TV when she heard a suspicious noise at the door. When she got up to investigate, the woman spotted one of a pair of armed criminals trying to get into her home. The homeowner then went find her husband and retrieve a gun. The husband was on another part of the property, but once he heard of the intrusion he went inside the house and retrieved a rifle. A gun battle ensued, with the husband and wife firing at the criminals and the criminals returning fire. The homeowners managed to strike one of the home invaders in the foot, while the other fled in a pickup truck to a nearby field. After succumbing to the armed resistance, both criminals took their own lives. Following the incident, Lt. James Saulter of the Ellis County Sheriff’s Department told local media, “Our sheriff is always letting homeowners know to arm themselves. This is one of the reasons why… Sometimes it takes a while for us to get out this far, and they have to take care of themselves.”

March 20, 2013

Cab driver thwarts robber, News Day, Melville, N.Y. 03/14/13

A cab driver was driving a passenger in Jericho, N.Y. when the passenger asked the cabbie how much money he was carrying and directed him to a parking lot. Suspicious, the cabbie parked and ran from the car while trying to call 911. The criminal gave chase, and repeatedly hit the cabbie with an object. The cabbie, authorized to carry as a former law enforcement officer, responded by drawing a pistol and firing at the robber, striking him in the leg. When police arrived, the criminal and the cab driver were taken to a local hospital; neither had life-threatening injuries.

March 19, 2013

Couple captures burglar, KVAL, Eugene, Ore. 03/15/13

As Derek LeBlanc was leaving his home for work at 5 a.m. he noticed the rear window of his truck was smashed and that a criminal was inside. LeBlanc tackled the burglar, and shouted to his girlfriend, who was still inside the home, for help. The girlfriend, Heidi Lusk, retrieved a shotgun and phone, and rushed to LeBlanc’s aid. Together the couple detained the criminal until police could arrive. While recalling the incident to local media, LeBlanc stated, “You never know what you’re going to do until it happens, but I sure as hell wasn’t going to be a victim.”

March 15, 2013

Right-to-Carry permit holder saves woman from vicious beating, WITI, Milwaukee, Wis. 03/12/13, The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Milwaukee, Wis. 03/13/13

Charlie Blackmore Jr. was driving home from work at 4 a.m. through West Allis, Wis. when he noticed a man beating a woman who was lying on the ground, who according to Blackmore suffered a “big laceration by her eye” and what looked like a broken nose. Blackmore, a Marine Corps veteran and Right-to-Carry permit holder, immediately pulled over, exited the vehicle, and ordered the man to halt the attack. The attacker complied, but then moved towards Blackmore, at which point the veteran drew a 9mm pistol. Recalling the moment for local media, Blackmore stated, “I mean I’ve already made it up in mind that if he came at me I was going to have to take him down and I told him that. I warned him multiple times not to come towards me because he was a big guy and I wasn’t playing around and he didn’t seem like he was playing around.” The criminal then began to walk away, with Blackmore following him as he called the police on his cell phone. A short time later police arrived and captured the criminal. Following the incident, Milwaukee County Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr. had kind words for Blackmore and reaffirmed his recent support for armed self-defense, noting, “I want to get to a day when acts like this are viewed as a citizen doing their civic duty. Criminals have got to be reassessing things right now. They have to be asking themselves if it is worth it anymore, might they face resistance or be shot? That’s a good thing.”

March 12, 2013

81-year-old halts robbery attempt, The Miami Herald, Miami, Fla. 03/11/12

81-year-old James Stevens was driving home through Ocala, Fla. when he noticed a car following him. Reluctant to go home with the person tailing him, Stevens pulled over and retrieved a .38-caliber revolver from his vehicle. The person behind him followed suit, then got out of his car, approached Stevens, and ordered him to hand over “everything you got.” Stevens responded by firing at the criminal, striking him in the abdomen and ending the robbery. When the authorities arrived, they found the robber in some nearby grass and transported him to a local hospital. An investigation revealed that the wounded criminal had previously been convicted of altering the serial number of a firearm.

March 7, 2013

Woman defends home and children from armed intruder, WDSU, New Orleans, La. 03/05/13

A woman was inside her Covington, La. home at around 1:40 a.m. when she was awakened by an armed man inside her bedroom. After retrieving a shotgun from a nearby closet, the woman checked on her children, then forced the home invader out of her house. Once the authorities arrived, police used a K-9 unit to track the criminal and found him nearby.

March 4, 2013

Son defends parents from home invaders, KHOU, Houston, Texas 2/22/13

A 21-year-old man was at home with his parents in Houston, Texas when three armed men approached the house. After hearing a knock on the door, the father went to see who it was, opening the door slightly. The home invaders used this opportunity to force their way inside, and pushed the father and mother to the ground. The son ran into another room, retrieved a gun and fired at the criminals, killing one and causing the others to flee. Police captured the surviving criminals in a getaway car a short time later.

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The freedom to be safe in your own house. Tent. Camper. The freedom to stop a violent, knife-armed thug

in a parking lot at a county fair, or mall.

You're looking at the problem from the wrong angle. I know it's ambitious, but we should be trying to reduce the number of violent, knife wielding thugs, rather than entering in to an arms race.


The freedom to hunt, especially if you figure that all hell breaks loose with another depression/shutdown

of our economy.

Ok, keep your gun at your hunting lodge, or wherever, in a secure place. People in the UK hunt with shotguns, perfectly legally.


The freedom to shoot an animal in self defense.

Farmers etc. are also able to keep guns on their land to protect themselves. But still, is deadly force necessary? How about using a taser or something that will incapacitate the animal while you deal with the problem in a more permanent way?

You posted a bunch of stories. Meh. You can find stories to back up anything on the internet.

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Cal, NO ONE here, maybe Woody, does NOT agree with you. It is our right to protect ourselves and own a gun. Again I am PRO gun. It's our right. The point of the post is to confront the Alex Jones' followers saying Obama and the Bilderburg group are out to get you. Despite facts that Obama is the most pro gun of ANY president in our lifetime, people still believe they are out to get you. It's like religion, believe in something that is not there to make them feel safe or with a false sense of security.

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The freedom to be safe in your own house. Tent. Camper. The freedom to stop a violent, knife-armed thug

in a parking lot at a county fair, or mall.


The freedom to hunt, especially if you figure that all hell breaks loose with another depression/shutdown

of our economy.


The freedom to shoot an animal in self defense.


I've done it on our farm. A coyote was stalking our field, and my Cute Wifie was driving our JD, at one point, within

25 feet of it. And it kept coming back when I yelled and chased it off. So, I shot it when it kept coming back. The game warden said I did, he came out on my invite, and inspected it....said I did exactly the right thing - that behavior is worrisome


I was once threatened by a hunter off the edge of our land. The dude was enraged that he couldn't hunt on our land.

Said he was going to shoot a deer right next to my head. So, I got behind a tree, the nutjob was screaming and not making

any sense, waving his muzzleloader? at me, and it was getting dusk. I called my Wife to call the police, and

since they happened to be fairly close already, they were out there fast. He shut up and disappeared as it got dark.


So, I was pretty scared. Unarmed. I was lucky he just didn't charged across our woods and kill me. Pretty sure...

he was on something.


The sheriff came out, and said he was happy I was okay, and if he owned this beautiful woods and farm, he'd

be out watching for poachers, too.


But he said he would never, ever do it anymore without being armed. Seriously. And that he'd advise a ccw license,

because whatever drugs he mentioned, ...they were seeing more and more of it, almost every day, and people on it act

like vicious, enraged animals. Always be armed. And the ccw is required if you have your gun with you,

on your atv, on your own farm. And, you can't ccw without on license, on your own farm.


That is from the sheriff, Chris. Millions of folks are concerned enough to be armed. And to start stocking

up on food. And gardening. And, it's out God given right to be armed. And it can't be taken away.


That's fine with me. All this nonsense about "no guns" - come on, man. I could have been killed. Some druggie

breaks into a house - what retired folks, any folks, can just fight it out without serious injury? Risking being killed?


So, nirvana/utopia nothin. Real folks deal with real reality. And out in the country, you don't have but precious

moments to save your own lives someday. The police can't get there in time, all too often, no more than the gov

can feed everybody when they are hungry in the middle of a depression/economic crash.


Now I'm hungry for more turkey and dressing.



Cal you are missing the point. No one is saying you don't have the right to protect yourself, my 9mm is safely next to my bed. What proof other than sensationalism proves Obama is going to take away your guns, other than a wolf story, lol?

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You posted a bunch of stories. Meh. You can find stories to back up anything on the internet.


gft, it's a completely different country. As an English citizen, I can tell you that the whole mentality is different from here to England. Yes everyone has guns here, and 97% of them are responsible with them. People love their freedoms here, speech, religion, etc, but some can't take the fact that they have to take the good with the "bad". They love to speak out about gun control, and have that freedom to do so, but can't handle the fact that it is a RIGHT to own a gun as well as it is to speak freely.

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What they have said in the past, in conjunction with what they are saying, and trying to accomplish




About 234,000,000 results (0.38 seconds)

Search Results

'I Don't Believe People Should Be Able To Own Guns' - CNS News


Mar 6, 2013 - "I don't believe people should be able to own guns," Obama told Lott one day at the University of Chicago Law School. Lott explains that he first ...

Obama Said 'I Don't Believe People Should Be Able to Own Guns'


Mar 7, 2013 - In his newest book, At The Brink, author John Lott tells his readers what he told Breitbart News in mid-January: when he met then-lecturer ...

'I don't believe people should be able to own guns - The Daily Caller


Mar 6, 2013 - Obama told John Lott at University of Chicago Law School I don't believe people should be able to own guns.

'I Don't Believe People Should Be Able to Own Guns' - The Blaze



by Billy Hallowell - in 297 Google+ circles

Mar 6, 2013 - Economist and author John Lott Jr. makes a shocking claim in his new book, "At the Brink." According to Lott, President Barack Obama once ...

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I googled "I don't believe people should be able to own guns" and "Obama" and I couldn't find one site that wasn't a right wing blog in the search results. I mean, if Obama really said this I think it would be a big deal. So I did some digging and the source is an interview an author had with Breitbart News. What do you know, there is no quote directly from Obama. It is a guy that is trying to sell a book that said Obama said people shouldn't be able to own guns. So it is a second hand account of someone we are believing to be 100% accurate? We are believing that Obama said something super controversial to him, and only him. Something that is exactly what his audience wants to hear.


Yeah, Cal, I wasn't born yesterday. Apparently you were though...

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Remember that the sites that do report on his and his partys left wing tendencies are labeled right wing blogs.

most of the national media soft peddles that kind of thing.

Keep in mind that just because the blaze or breitbart lean to the right does not make them untrue.

Nor, in fairness, does MSNBC's left wing slant make their reporting necessarily false.

The president, or more likely his handlers, are smart enough not to put too much red meat in his actual speeches as far as gun control.


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Look, Steve, I followed where the quote came from. It isn't even directly from Obama. It is from a pro gun activist author that just happened to have Obama say to him, years ago, exactly what his readers want to hear....


It is anything but solid



Also, I can only read so many CNS, or Breitbart, or The Blaze, or whatever articles that are obviously flawed in some way

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