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Crack smoking mayor of Toronto Rob Ford has higher approval rating than Obama


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Crack smoking mayor Rob Ford has higher approval rating than Obama

By Eric Pfeiffer1 hour ago

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President Obama finds himself in similar polling territory as embattled Toronto Mayor Rob Ford (AFP)

What could be worse for President Obama than having a lower approval rating than his predecessor George W. Bush ? It sounds too crazy to be true, but recent polling suggests that embattled Toronto Mayor Rob Ford actually has a slightly higher job approval rating than Obama.

The New York Daily News makes the comparison between the two political figures, noting that in a new Forum Research Poll , Ford has a 42 percent approval rating from Toronto voters. That gives him a one-point edge over Obama’s 41 percent approval rating in the most recent Gallup poll.

Of course, it’s a bit of a stretch to say that Rob Ford is more popular that President Obama. First of all, the polls were conducting by different agencies, so it’s far from precise to say a head-to-head comparison is by any means scientific.

Secondly, we’re talking two men in different countries, with different jobs. And while Toronto is Canada’s largest city, it’s still only a population of around 2.6 million, compared to more than 300 million people living in the U.S.

Also, Ford is facing calls to step down from his position, with 60 percent of Toronto voters in the Forum Research Poll saying he should resign, even as less than half of the same voters favor a recall.

Nonetheless, the polling comparison is just another example of how much recent events including the troubled rollout of the Affordable Care Act website has hurt Obama’s standing with the public , as his approval has fallen by an average of six points in the month and a half since the site first went live.

Although at least one polling expert says troubles with implementing the health care law aren’t actually the biggest factor in Obama’s recent stumbles .

"The real damage came in June, when reports about NSA spying and IRS treatment of conservative groups caused an eight-point drop in his approval rating - a far more significant change than what the numbers from October suggest," CNN Polling Director Keating Holland said.

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    Q. What does the average Michigan player get on his/her SAT?

    A. Drool.


    Q. How many Wolverines does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

    A. One, but he gets 5 credits for it.

Q. Why do women from Michigan wear high heels?

A. To keep their knuckles from dragging on the ground.

Q. Why doesn't Ohio slide off into the Ohio River?

A. Because Michigan SUCKS.

Q. What do you tell the U of M cheerleader to pick her up after she smiles at you?

A. Nice tooth, babe.

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Major: Economics (This Major's Salary over time) Gender: Male This person cares more about Individual Value than the average student. Intelligence:
Bright ACT: SAT: 1310 Lowest Rating
Individual Value D Describes the student body mostly as:
Arrogant, Approachable, Closeminded

Describes the faculty mostly as:

Highest Rating
Safety A+ How this student rated the school:
Educational Quality B+ Faculty Accessibility A- Useful Schoolwork B Excess Competition B Academic Success C- Creativity/Innovation B+ Individual Value D University Resource Use B+ Campus Aesthetics/Beauty B+ Friendliness B Campus Maintenance A- Social Life B Surrounding City B Extra Curriculars B- Safety A+
Coming to the University of Michigan is probably the most dissapointing decision I could have made in selecting a college. The Greek life is turning to shit because the president of this school is enforcing numerous new rules and laws for parties, something that is hurting the only real positive that used to exist when I first showed up in Ann Arbor. So now the party scene sucks and all frats and sororities are constantly worried about getting kicked off campus for some ridiculous offence. The weather is TERRIBLE. If you like to be active and do things outside, forget it. Expect 6 of the 8 months to be the coldest you've ever experienced and expect to always be dressed up in big jackets while all the girls go into hibernation and eat all winter long and come out in the spring like plums. That reminds me. Worst girls I have ever seen in my life and I swear. It is so hard to find one attractive girl at this school. The school is way too tuff. You have random kids who can easily get good grades but for most people its a struggle to get anything above a B+. The football is good I must admit. But everything else sucks. I guess if your from Michigan you are used to all of these things so have a good time spending your in state tuition here, but if you are from out of state take your $36,000 somewhere else and at least have a semi-decent time while your attending college. I know college is about the education, but its also about having a good time with some good people. Don't look for that here. There are plenty of other schools that you would love and also have a great academic reputation.
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So that review is some one from a warm state complaining about the cold. He complains about there not being enough parties. He even says the school is tough, so...


He sounds like some dumb frat liberal arts major that wants to go to school to party only. I'm sorry we aren't Ohio U or Kent or something, too bad.



You really want to post "jokes" like OSU is a better school than Michigan? HAHAHAH. Are you Retarded? I mean, I expect it from DieHard. He honestly believes in things like creationism and the anti christ and other fairy tale bullshit. So it is no surprise he thinks OSU or whatever is a better school.


If you really want to try to have this debate, go ahead. I've had it with Gipper before who seems to think Miami of Ohio and his kids random LAC is on the same level of Michigan. So really, if you want to keep being a Retard, try to back it up. (Go find that obscure major that OSU is rated higher on)




there is a reason why MichiganRejects.com is a thing, or OhioStateRejects.com lol

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You have some serious issues Peckerhead. You seem to think I'm some bible thumping fucker, which I'm not. I do it to draw a reaction from stupid fucks like you. You have nothing on anyone here. You're just some stupid ass punk. And I could care less about OSU or Michigan as I went to neither. Some day when you grow up maybe you won't either.

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Yeah Michigan IS a good school. There's no denying it. I mean, its not a great school but it is a damn good one for a state university. But, OSU has the edge in the one thing the public cares about. Football. OSU stomps Michigan's face just about all the time and this year will be no difference. I'll tell you this, woody, when you go for interviews, it won't matter a rip whether you went to Michigan, M.I.T., the Air Force Academy or Bryan and stratton. It's all a bullshit dance at that point. Only a Michigan alumni will hire you BECAUSE you went to Michigan.

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You have some serious issues Peckerhead. You seem to think I'm some bible thumping fucker, which I'm not. I do it to draw a reaction from stupid fucks like you. You have nothing on anyone here. You're just some stupid ass punk. And I could care less about OSU or Michigan as I went to neither. Some day when you grow up maybe you won't either.


You post incorrect or misleading shit, and I might just take the time to correct it or call you out on it, sorry.


I know you said you didn't believe in evolution. You also seemed pretty serious about the "antichrist" thing. That is enough for me to think religion has too strong of a hold on you

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Yeah Michigan IS a good school. There's no denying it. I mean, its not a great school but it is a damn good one for a state university. But, OSU has the edge in the one thing the public cares about. Football. OSU stills Michigan's face just about all the time and this year will be no difference. I'll tell you this, woody, when you go for interviews, it won't matter a rip whether you went to Michigan, M.I.T., the Air Force Academy or Bryan and stratton. It's all a bullshit dance at that point. Only a Michigan alumni will hire you BECAUSE you went to Michigan.


1) What are you considering great schools? Really, I'm wondering. We've been ranked as one of the top 20, top 15 schools in the world. I am in the #2 ranked Mech E program in the country. No, ratings aren't the end all be all, but if that isn't great than what is?


2) OSU is an up cycle while Michigan is still climbing out of a down. Right now they have the edge in football, yeah. Have they always had it? No. Will they always have it from here on out? No. Was Tressel 100% clean in getting them there? Of course not. Also, why does this even matter if the subject was Michigan as an academic school, and people saying they were worse than OSU? The football side of it really doesn't fit here.


3) I've been going to interviews, a good amount. I just got back from the East Coast on Friday. Later in my career will my school matter? Probably not. Does it matter now? Of course it does. Many top companies only actively recruit the top schools in the country. Lockheed Martin said we were one of only like 10 or 15 schools they visit. Seeing "University of Michigan" on a resume absolutely helps me out. From regional jobs to nationally.


4) I actually did basically get a pass on the 1st rd interview and went straight to the 2nd because a U of M alum in a high position was working for me on the inside. My roommate got the same treatment. That also ended in a job offer like 16 hours after the interview event. I would say out of all the alumni bases to have on my side, this is a pretty good one.

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1) What are you considering great schools? Really, I'm wondering. We've been ranked as one of the top 20, top 15 schools in the world. I am in the #2 ranked Mech E program in the country. No, ratings aren't the end all be all, but if that isn't great than what is?


2) OSU is an up cycle while Michigan is still climbing out of a down. Right now they have the edge in football, yeah. Have they always had it? No. Will they always have it from here on out? No. Was Tressel 100% clean in getting them there? Of course not. Also, why does this even matter if the subject was Michigan as an academic school, and people saying they were worse than OSU? The football side of it really doesn't fit here.


3) I've been going to interviews, a good amount. I just got back from the East Coast on Friday. Later in my career will my school matter? Probably not. Does it matter now? Of course it does. Many top companies only actively recruit the top schools in the country. Lockheed Martin said we were one of only like 10 or 15 schools they visit. Seeing "University of Michigan" on a resume absolutely helps me out. From regional jobs to nationally.


4) I actually did basically get a pass on the 1st rd interview and went straight to the 2nd because a U of M alum in a high position was working for me on the inside. My roommate got the same treatment. That also ended in a job offer like 16 hours after the interview event. I would say out of all the alumni bases to have on my side, this is a pretty good one.

People are naked talking monkeys so nepotism is often how the world works. I prefer the best guy for the job over the guy who went to the sane place as me but I realize sometimes that gets it done.

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Mit is a great school. Harvard. Ucla berkely. Michigan is good no doubt. I just wouldn't put it in the very top tier. The bungles are a very good team, I guess, but winning the division doesn't put them in the top tier.


Then what is your adjective for OSU? Ohio? Just trying to get perspective


Also, UCLA, Cal and Michigan are in the same tier, FYI

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People are naked talking monkeys so nepotism is often how the world works. I prefer the best guy for the job over the guy who went to the sane place as me but I realize sometimes that gets it done.


Who is to say I wasn't the best candidate? They know the quality of Michigan grads and that got me the interview. I'm not sure how much he was involved in the hiring process after that point as it wasn't his department.


I also said some other stuff in that post to counter stuff in your post, but you know, whatever.

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Who is to say I wasn't the best candidate?

Well I have a friend who graduated from Cleveland State law. Took a bar with 3 other guys from Ohio who had gone to Harvard. He passed on the first try - they didn't. That doesn't particularly answer the question but we don't know you weren't the best candidate Woody. You might be just fine.


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Well I have a friend who graduated from Cleveland State law. Took a bar with 3 other guys from Ohio who had gone to Harvard. He passed on the first try - they didn't. That doesn't particularly answer the question but we don't know you weren't the best candidate Woody. You might be just fine.


Either way, that was one point of a bunch I made. Was I aided because I went to Michigan? Of course. The alum helped me get the interview. Plus, like I mentioned, the Michigan engineering degree carries weight, so I was helped from that too. Was I given the offer because I go to Michigan? No. Most likely they rated all the candidates after the event and I was high enough on that list.


So I benefit from the alumni network. I benefit from the degree.



Either way, this whole topic change was just to make some posters on here realize how good of a school Michigan is. I know facts and logic are frowned upon in this board, but I figured I'd try.

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From across the pond, I know basically nothing about University of Michigan. Literally not heard of it outside of football. I *have* heard of the ones listed above by Cysko. That doesn't say anything about the quality of the program, but it does speak to the reputation of the university outside of America.


And, in my experience, having a degree from a good name university will get you an interview - but *you* have to earn the job still. You can't just turn up wearing the right tie and expect to get the job.

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I hate the Michigan football team, but academically they're an elite-tier school, especially when it comes to physics and medicine. If I applied there for medical school, they likely wouldn't consider me


Anyways, you could make the argument that UofM is a tier lower than MIT and Harvard because those two schools are in a league of their own. However, the guys up north make the top 10 in many, many academic rankings so if you're going to argue that they're not an elite school, I'd say you were wrong.

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Congrats Vapor on the med school acceptance.


Also, thank you for agreeing with me.






Daddy footed the bill for you MLD, you're lucky. However, you seem to be lazy and I doubt you will do well unless you change your attitude.
I know I am lucky. I pay for everything else, but I know I am very lucky my tuition was covered. Why exectly am I lazy though? Literally all you know about me is that I am an engineering student at Michigan, and that doesnt sound like lazy.
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