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Closer and closer to big serious trouble


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..just keeps seeming that way more and more. Closer and closer, but

still time to roadblock it.


But, we have serious military hardcore equipment going to police depts

around the country. Small police depts. Ridiculous. Why?


And, we have the dems in the Senate going with the dreaded "nuclear option"..

which they have OPPOSED. Obamao, Reid, etc...all vehemently opposed it.

But, they flipped for the power it will give them.


See? No principle. Just dangerous arrogance and desire for more and more power.


And Obamao delays Obamaocare until after the next election.


More power. It must not get in their way.


And, with the nuclear option now in place, the dems can give Obamao

any judge or appointee he wants. More power. Except there is the House...


But plenty of time to manipulate public opinion against reps in the House,

one way, or the other.


Obamao signed the UN anti gun treaty. Remember when we were posting

the pic of the twisted pistol barrel in front of the UN hq in our country?


Remember when Obamao said he "supported" our 2nd Amendment?


Remember when he said he was AGAINST the "nuclear option" and

REALLY AGAINST raising our national debt?


And, Obamao declared that exec order, giving himself, for the first time,

the right to declare martial law...in ****peacetime*******.

And to take over farms, anything else they want to own. Oh, and

the EPA is now declaring sovereignty over ***any*** watershed,

ditch, collection of water. Like after a spring rain, when water runs

across your yard. And your farm. You know, EPA lawsuits/fines/MM Global Warming taxes.



Say, that's one way for a marxist gov to squelch private ownership

of land. Have at private ownership with bogus lawsuits.


So, why all the military grade equipment, large and small, going to

all these police depts? Suppose, it all hits the fan, and Obamao

happily declares martial law, and goes for a nationwide gun grab..

with UN troops. All they have to do, is take over all police dept

military hardware and...


That's what "Fast and Furious" was all about. Trying to manipulate

public opinion against guns. They even SAID that's what they needed to do.


Yeah, "haha", that's silly. Until you go back and read about every

marxist gov that has taken power over a country in world history.

Then look at how the marxists want to take our guns....which also

happens every single time in history when tyrants and nazis and the like

take over.


It's what happens. All the talk about "the people"..is cover for

the opposite. Taking complete power over them. If they resist, millions

and millions and millions have died.


Just an uplifting op ed, well before we all have to have

a Happy Thanksgiving.

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and, Common core style "ownership" of parent's children.


Control over ...everything.


And everybody.





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I honestly don't know enough about the situation to comment on Obama's intentions, but I will say a couple of things on a more general theme.

1) It's unlikely that Obama has intentions on running a militarily controlled state.

2) If he attempts, he will be destroyed

3) If he succeeds, there's a long line of foreign countries that will be waiting to forcibly remove him and his army from power - and not just Russia, China, PDR Korea, but other leading UN members such as Germany, France, the UK.


So while I'd say it's 99.9% not going to happen (even without factoring in that he'd have to change the constitution or whatever to allow him to be president for more than 2 terms), even on the off chance that it did happen, it wouldn't be for very long.

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Lol, no. Not at all


Or do you not know what that means?




Or, better yet, give me an example of me being like Cal in this sense. Really, show me. I have a feeling you won't have anything of substance, just "he disagrees with me! raaarrr! I think the rapture will actually happen!" or something.

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I didn't say the worst would happen. Just worrying that we are where we are now,


and how historically, that leads to despair, and destruction of freedom...


and worst case, destruction of lives. Millions of them.


That wouldn't happen here. We still have our Constitution, our own army. But Obamao

is underming our courts with activist, loyal to leftist dogma judges.


And slowly and surely, getting rid of leadership in our military, who refuse to say they

would fire upon civilians.


And any lib want to explain the arms/un treaty? and all the other things I mentioned?

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ZOMG! Obama worships hitler and he wipes his ass with the Israeli flag! ZOMG! Obama is going to put all white republicans in fema death camps! Never mind that he only has one year to accomplish this daunting task. It's GOING to happen! ZOMG! Obama us going to take over the rest of the world by force! I know because it was on theblaze.com! ZOMG!, cal, ZOMG!

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Still can't man up and talk honestly about how ObaMao is a dismal failure, Cysko,

and you still have his lip-stained butt ugly face poster on your wall, promising

you a fancy new hc plan, which only costs you $4.23 cents?


That's my best guess. Okay, so YOU try to explain everything that Obamao has been

doing in context.


Go ahead, make my hay.

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Here's the more realistic approach cal. Obama IS a failure. He's presided over the single most partisan period in modern history,. He's failed to get anything of note done, Putin made him look like a fool and I think he's lowered our international standing. He's done a bunch of ridiculous stunts like his gay beer summit which made him look like a douchebag. Race relations have gone down the toilet during his presidency and he's made a lot of people resent him. I respect the idea of trying to curb the ridiculous private insurance companies who you love (which is beyond me. They're raping all Americans in the ass and for some reason the republicans seem to love it) but his implementation has been disastrous. I literally have never disliked a president more and I can't wait until he's gone, but after all that the things you say are still insane bordering on Retarded.

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And by the way, friends and neighbors, my premium under Obamacare is over $500 a month cheaper than through the ass raping group plan I was on through my company. Because now I'm not paying for the secretary's diabetes and my co worker's wife's MS. So yeah, Obamacare actually IS good for me.

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Cysko, I liked the honest reply, but then

you went berserk critizing my crap.


But personal jabs aside, ...


1. Yes, it is TRUE - military hardware going to police depts, even small ones.



Okay, forget relisting.


Ignoring the true points I made, about what the Obamao regime has been up to...

isn't talking about reality.


But thanks for criticizing Obamao now. I have a clearer concept of the rest of your stuff.


But I wouldn't play too much on that cheap rate. By the time it's actually implemented,

it could be a lot higher, given that that rate is calc'ed based partly on the # of folks

who are enrolled. And we are already in deep crap with our national debt. There is negative

money to implement it. Good luck, though.

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thanks. Yes, I man up myself, posting my dumb crap, so

I can have it out there to be shot down like a duck flying close to

a duck blind with Phil and Si in it.....


Entertaining, I am.....

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thanks. Yes, I man up myself, posting my dumb crap, so

I can have it out there to be shot down like a duck flying close to

a duck blind with Phil and Si in it.....


Entertaining, I am.....

Thoroughly entertaining. Probably an ardent collector of tinfoil hats, but entertaining nonetheless ;)

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Steve just likes talking about free shit and how corrupt free shit is. Free shit wins this and free shit does that. It is like his catchphrase.


Catchphrase ?

We all love free shit. Unfortunately all too often it's the determining factor in an election. Hard to vote against somebody who's robbing Peter to pay, well, you. Among the examples are having homeowners pick up the tab for you when you don't own a home. Why not vote to raise property tax? Or funding a project with a sin tax if you don't drink or smoke. That's an easy vote, right?

Unfortunately too many of us have been ingrained with the idea that we are owed certain things by society.


Sooner or later most people who were once too proud to apply for handouts will say to themselves what the hell. They begin to feel stupid for not taking advantage of the system. That's how those in power secure their positions.


the sad thing about free healthcare is that it tends to make citizens think that these very specialized services should cost them nothing.


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the sad thing about free healthcare is that it tends to make citizens think that these very specialized services should cost them nothing.


Such as what? What very specialised services are people who get free healthcare expecting? Other things that will keep them alive? Education? A police force? How very dare they.

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Nothing is free. Someone is paying, somewhere. This healthcare which is called 'Obamacare' basically takes from the people who make money, and gives to the people who don't, via subsides, etc. Many more are qualified for Medicaid (free medical care) then previously. This all sounds great, however, many physicians are now refusing to accept medicare patients due to the rules imposed by the government which leads to much lower payments for medical services. This means that seniors will lose their trusted doctors, have to travel farther to find care, etc.

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Such as what? What very specialised services are people who get free healthcare expecting? Other things that will keep them alive? Education? A police force? How very dare they.

I understand that the Europeans are well ahead of us in the free shit department. It just makes me wonder just exactly what everyone should get for nothing? Free housing? Food? Medical care? Cable television? Heating and cooling? Clothing? Transportation? Beer? Movies? College degrees?

The French tried a few years ago to tighten up the free job for everybody program as I recall, even though I forget the particulars. I remember seeing, what was it Tunisians Algerians or somebody rioting in the streets smashing windows burning cars looting etcetera etcetera etcetera

I think human beings maybe even all living creatures, tend not appreciate things they've gotten for free generation after generation.


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