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Another WW2 Vet murdered by punks


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FROM FOX AND FRIENDS // OCT 29 2013 // 12:31PM

Fox and Friends reported this morning on the murder of an 87-year-old WWII veteran, who died after being mugged in the driveway of his Greenville, Mississippi home.

Terrance Morgan, 19; Edward Johnson,19; Leslie Litt, 18; and Geblonski Murray, 18; were arrested on charges of capital murder,according to AP.

Lawrence "Shine" Thornton died Sunday of injuries sustained in the Friday afternoon attack. Police say the attackers pushed Thornton to the ground and stole his wallet.

Thornton's son, John, talked to Elisabeth Hasselbeck this morning. He said his father was "defenseless" and suffered a broken hip in the senseless attack.

"They saw him as an easy target," he said, expressing mixed feelings over the possibility that the defendants will receive the death penalty, if convicted.

"I'm Roman Catholic, so I'm really not a proponent of the death penalty, but these people need to be punished severely for what they did to my dad. I just hope that justice is served," said Thornton, remembering his dad as a "very kind and caring person."


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Our death penalty is a circus, nothing more. They ought to drag convicts out back within a minute of their convictions and put a bullet behind their right ears. Goodnight, criminal. We're keeping way way too much scum alive on the taxpayer dime. We're sitting here bitching about how much we spend on welfare? Lmao. How much are we spending feeding, boarding and giving prime medical care to murderers, sex offenders and their ilk? Welfare is a drop in the bucket.

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Our death penalty is a circus, nothing more. They ought to drag convicts out back within a minute of their convictions and put a bullet behind their right ears. Goodnight, criminal. We're keeping way way too much scum alive on the taxpayer dime. We're sitting here bitching about how much we spend on welfare? Lmao. How much are we spending feeding, boarding and giving prime medical care to murderers, sex offenders and their ilk? Welfare is a drop in the bucket.

Not sold on the death penalty in general. An eye for an eye is fine, but there'll always be that 1 in 10000 chance that you got the wrong guy, and you've killed an innocent person.


How about, given that America is big enough to do it, all prisons are built with farmland, which the inmates work, to provide food for themselves, and any surplus goes to the local authorities for redistribution - perhaps among food stamp people. You could even have solar panels etc on the farm to provide the power. Probably a little pie in the sky, I agree, but I just hate the idea that they basically just sit around all day and get free board and lodging.


Alternatively, you could do like Shawshank, and create a labour force out of them, chain gang style (oppa chaingang style). but that has other consequences, like taking jobs away from people. The farming thing would probably do that too, but to a lesser extent.

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Actually they do work in prisons. It's called prison industries in the Federal Prisons, the states also have mandatory work. License plates are made by convicts in most states. They already have farms at some also. But for people like this, child murderers/rapists, etc. I would gladly put the noose around their neck and pull the trap door if their were still hangings. Perhaps a good draw and quarter? Or maybe boiling oil?

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Actually they do work in prisons. It's called prison industries in the Federal Prisons, the states also have mandatory work. License plates are made by convicts in most states. They already have farms at some also. But for people like this, child murderers/rapists, etc. I would gladly put the noose around their neck and pull the trap door if their were still hangings. Perhaps a good draw and quarter? Or maybe boiling oil?

I didn't realise that. Not sure it's the case here. But the point I was trying to make was about prisons becoming self-sufficient, and 'economy neutral' if you like - not costing money to the government at all, and potentially giving back.

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I'm not advocating killing all prisoners just the ones who deserve death. Who gives a rip if one in ten thousand times you kill an innocent guy. It's a small price to pay to be rid of 9999 scumbags.


As for the rest of the prisoners, a work farm is not a terrible idea. Other work just steals jobs from non criminal Americans who need to make a living.

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How do these violent, murderous young thugs end up with

no humanity in them?


Isn't that the definition of psychosis? No ability

to know right from wrong?


No concience? Mind damage from drugs?


Scary, offensive stuff.

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How do these violent, murderous young thugs end up with

no humanity in them?


Isn't that the definition of psychosis? No ability

to know right from wrong?


No concience? Mind damage from drugs?


Scary, offensive stuff.

I just really don't get the 'younger' generation - and they're only about 10 years younger than me. Seriously, people have no respect for anything. You guys know I work with kids in my free time, and they tend to be your stereotypical underprivileged kids from inner london (Kennington, in fact), and they just have no respect for authority. Don't get me wrong, I was always taught that respect was earned, not given, but that only applies to peers. You respect authority figures until given reason not to.


this extends to other people and their property. If other people have something, take it or break it, who cares, don't care about them, just how I can make my life better the quick easy way. Perhaps it's also to do with a lack of punishment, if there's no fear of consequences or retribution then why not just do what you want? Marshall law?

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I think its the prevelance of broken families, especially among the urban poor but in all walks of life. No one is teaching them right from wrong so they have no moral compass. They are ignorant of the concept of respect for anything.

See I have to disagree with this. The kids I work with are all about 'respect' - for themselves. As soon as anyone shows them any kind of disrespect they explode in anger, because if they don't it's a sign of weakness. Maybe they don't know it about respect, to them it's rep or street cred or whatever, but it's the same thing, they demand the utmost respect and reverence from their peers while showing none to anyone or anything else.

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Not sold on the death penalty in general. An eye for an eye is fine, but there'll always be that 1 in 10000 chance that you got the wrong guy, and you've killed an innocent person.


How about, given that America is big enough to do it, all prisons are built with farmland, which the inmates work, to provide food for themselves, and any surplus goes to the local authorities for redistribution - perhaps among food stamp people. You could even have solar panels etc on the farm to provide the power. Probably a little pie in the sky, I agree, but I just hate the idea that they basically just sit around all day and get free board and lodging.


Alternatively, you could do like Shawshank, and create a labour force out of them, chain gang style (oppa chaingang style). but that has other consequences, like taking jobs away from people. The farming thing would probably do that too, but to a lesser extent.




See Sherriff Joe Arpaio - http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/sheriff-joe-arpaio-institutes-cost-saving--vegetarian-meals-for-inmates-220538735.html





stick with what works - and dont cave to the detractors is what Arpaio accomplishes in Arizona -


if you dont want to do the time - dont do the crime, but if you do, you WILL go to work.

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