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Self appointed Obamao Mafia threaten Gov. Scott Walker's family


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It's what marxists do.Win by any means necessary, and destroy opposition, via the same.







Has Wisconsin ever had a governor assassinated? Scotts heading that way. Or maybe one of your sons getting killed would hurt him more. I want him to feel the pain. I already follow them when they went to school in Wauwatosa, so it won’t be too hard to find them in Mad. Town. Big change from that house by [bLANK] Ave. to what you got now. Just let him know that it’s not right to [EXPLETIVE] over all those people. Or maybe I could find one of the Tarantinos [Tonette’s parents] back here.

.Walker eventually told his wife about the threats — but only after some time had passed.

Erwin worked tirelessly to ensure Walker’s safety, the book notes. And it wasn’t just for him: Walker’s entire family was apparently being stalked.

“Governor, I’ve been at this awhile, and when the hairs stand up on the back of my neck, you have to be concerned,” the former Marine told Walker. “They know where you go to church; they’ve been to your church. They’re following your children and tracking your children. They know where your children go to school, what time they have class, what time they get out of class.”

“They know when they had football practice. They know where your wife works, they know that she was at the grocery store at this time, they know that she went to visit her father at his residence,” he said.

The size of Walker’s security detail was eventually increased and troopers had to be assigned to monitor his children at school.

During the protest, demonstrators left ghastly messages for the governor.

“The Wisconsin State Capitol had taken on an eerie quiet by late Friday. … The chalk outlines around fake dead bodies etched with Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s name remained in dismembered parts, not yet completely washed away by hoses,” Time magazine reported in 2011.

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I really have a hard time reading anything on the blaze, they seem to be in the business to sell doomsday gear so every article seems to lean that way.


Any way to the issue any credible threat that any elected official gets needs to go to the appropriate authorities, I would assume for the Gov this would be the FBI or some sort of the state agency. Gov. Walker isn't the first one to get death threats nor will he ever be the last the higher the ranking and the more controversial the position the more threats they will get , though no stats are released(secret service being secret) the president is usually one of the most threaten individuals.

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True. There are deranged people scattered all over the country, I suppose. In this case, it's fair to say

that conservatives who agree with Walker aren't making the threats.


On the flip side, if a marxist pig president gets threats, the deranged who make those threats

probably won't be marxists who agree with him.


Although, maybe not so much on the later, that's my bias, and I'm stickin to it !

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  • 2 weeks later...

The comments on that video are disgusting

What is more disgusting is the actions in the video; Not the comments of cowards behind keyboards. Maybe I'm just used to derogatory comments, but people will be idiots as long as they are tucked safely behind keyboards.

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