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Obamao knew that millions would lose their health insurance


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It's happening, we said it would.


Really bad news - and headed for worse. This marxist pig president is doing all

he can to divide us as a nation, and cause strife, class warfare, racial strife,


really not good.


Meanwhile, history has PROVEN that marxist regimes head countries that fail,

and cannot possibly be self-sustaining, much less thriving.


So, marxists want to "spread the wealth". Obamaocare - taxes to help the rest.

MMGW, tax every damn thing, and "help the rest".


Meanwhile, the move is on, to put black boxes in our vehicles, and tax mileage.


And the attempts to outlaw gun ownership, a bit at a time? They'll let you own one...

but you will pay through the nose, haha?


Only Obamao has declared, via his exec order, the right to declare martial law...

in peace time. Congress passed a law against the CDC to prevent them from

politically attacking gun ownership with "studies". Obamao overruled it.


Big, serious trouble.



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