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Messed Up Halloween Costume

MLD Woody

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Meet The Florida Men Who Got Dressed Up As George Zimmerman And Trayvon Martin For Halloween













So if the liberal base is everything you guys make it out to be, is this the conservative base?

They just look like some dumb ass kids, I doubt they are either. Kind of like you.

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They guy who is dressed up as Martin is 25...


I'd also never be THAT ignorant, jesus.





It just seems like we're always hearing about the low lifes in the liberal base. The moochers, the illegal criminal immigrants, the people that contribute nothing.


Ignorant hicks never come into your side though. Only honest, hard working patriots.


And yes, I am just completely assuming any kind of political affiliation here, and I may be completely wrong. If I am, I apologize. I was just trying to make this thread political in some way.

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The ASSumption is that those two jerks are conservative...why?


Stupid kids doing something stupid and outrageous for halloween.


Hardly any kind of political statement.

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The ASSumption is that those two jerks are conservative...why?


Stupid kids doing something stupid and outrageous for halloween.


Hardly any kind of political statement.


Going have to agree with Cal on this, I remember when I was a college kid and went to some of the bigger parties, there was always that one or 2 douches that would dress up with at the time something very controversial outfit(once saw people dressed as terrorists in 2001), sometimes to make a statement but most of the time just get to either piss people off or a look at me attitude.

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I seem to recall our old buddy heck having a belly laugh over Woody's dead N*****.com thing with the Photoshop pictures of Martin's corpse on a basketball court etc...


I would guess that just by their nature conservatives might take more offense to this outrageous stuff than liberals.





Are you talking about the picture bunker posted, where the file was actually like dead bigger.jpeg or something?


I'm pretty sure the humor there was at how predictable that was coming from Bunker






Also, my assumption here is just to level out every other fucking thread on here. You'd think every liberal is a dead beat moocher or criminal Mexican. I'm just trying to shed the light back on those here and say that hey, conservatives have their bottom too.




And the dude is 25. He isn't "some dumb college kid"

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Nobody I've ever heard of thinks that, Woody. Straw man justification for...nothin.


And, 25? Let's see, guys go into the military, (you don't know about that, either), after high school.


Four years later, they are about 22,23. They get the GI bill, and two years later, in bach program,


they are 24, 25.


Not that hard to figure. It's easy to be 25 for whatever reasons. I went to college after working a whole year,

as a machinist, (hated it, talk about BORING)...., to pay off my '66 Chevy Belaire, (3 on the column, big straight six).


Wish I still had it, cept the frame started rusting out.


No, Woody, you don't know much at all.

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Nobody I've ever heard of thinks that, Woody. Straw man justification for...nothin.


And, 25? Let's see, guys go into the military, (you don't know about that, either), after high school.


Four years later, they are about 22,23. They get the GI bill, and two years later, in bach program,


they are 24, 25.


Not that hard to figure. It's easy to be 25 for whatever reasons. I went to college after working a whole year,

as a machinist, (hated it, talk about BORING)...., to pay off my '66 Chevy Belaire, (3 on the column, big straight six).


Wish I still had it, cept the frame started rusting out.


No, Woody, you don't know much at all.



You'd still be graduating at like 22/23


If you went to the military for a few years I'd hope you wouldn't be as big of an idiot as this guy


25 is not a "dumb college kid"



And HAHAHA at that "no one here says anything like that" line... my god. Are you serious? Looks like this thread is already getting to the point where it isn't even worth it to respond

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You don't join the military, you enlist. You don't enlist for a couple of years, you enlist for


4 or 6 years. As usual, you don't know what the hell you are talking about, and you resort to


personal attacks instead of explaining WHY you think what you think.


And yes, they did a stupid stunt, that makes them stupid kids in college.

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Seriously do you guys have to make everything about liberal vs. conservative? Anybody with an ounce of common decency would find this offensive.


"Damn liberals, they only drink Pepsi cause the bottle is blue, freaking republicans drink coke cause the can is red."


Seriously, we're all fucking Americans, get over it.

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liberals are not Americans - they are marxists.


Or, maybe really, really dipsy, locked-in, emotionalist, technically "American" in terms of citizenship.


Then there's woodypeckerhead. Who may or may not be an alien insect from another planet. That would explain a lot....

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liberals are not Americans - they are marxists.


Or, maybe really, really dipsy, locked-in, emotionalist, technically "American" in terms of citizenship.


Then there's woodypeckerhead. Who may or may not be an alien insect from another planet. That would explain a lot....



And there is your answer Osiris...




I don't like to participate in the broad generalizations, and you'll see that on this board I don't. What I said here was an attempt to shed some light on their own hypocrisy... which of course failed.

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liberals are not Americans - they are marxists.

I assume you mean American in the 'good old fashioned' sense? The standard gun loving, immigrant hating, bible worshipping, beer drinking, fag bashing, commie killing kind of way? Because if so, I suspect Woddy - and a few others - would happily distance themselves from being American.


Not everyone who believes in equality is a fucking marxist - change the record, we've all heard it before, with your 'marxist pig ObaMao' in every single post. Global warming? Marxist conspiracy. Terrorists? Marxist ObaMao lets them all in to the country. Gun control? That fucking marxist pig, ObaMao, trying to take away my right to have a death ray. Do you not get bored of posting the same shit, post after post, day after day, week after week?!

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free speech.... let freedom ring - while we have it


Obamao is satire - geez get over it


libs ARE marxists !


death to tea party repubs - (sound familiar?)


nobody said anything about the middle / moderates


get over yourselves



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I assume you mean American in the 'good old fashioned' sense? The standard gun loving, immigrant hating, bible worshipping, beer drinking, fag bashing, commie killing kind of way? Because if so, I suspect Woddy - and a few others - would happily distance themselves from being American.


Not everyone who believes in equality is a fucking marxist - change the record, we've all heard it before, with your 'marxist pig ObaMao' in every single post. Global warming? Marxist conspiracy. Terrorists? Marxist ObaMao lets them all in to the country. Gun control? That fucking marxist pig, ObaMao, trying to take away my right to have a death ray. Do you not get bored of posting the same shit, post after post, day after day, week after week?!

Dude. This has been going on so long. The answer is "no". He does not get tired of it. Ever.

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Actually, Chris, you are exhibiting typical liberal crap.

Characterizing other's words, so you can make some kind of invalid point, disguised.

I never use the "F" word. Ask anybody.


You don't like my opinions, too bad. And it's odd you never criticize woodypeckerhead

for his personal crap, which he started.


Therefore, I stand as a bulwark against the tides that would sweep

free speech away on this board.


I am tired of Obamao being a marxist pig. You seem to be afraid to admit he's a profound

failure, and a blight against everything he promised.


In other words, Obamao is consistently doing things that are causing us to go

into more and more serious debt, less freedoms, more social, racial, and economic

strife. He's either a failure, and completely mentally incompetent...


or, as ADMITTED by top dems... he never meant for "obamaocare" to succeed.



in Obamao's OWN FREAKIN WORDS - he said he wanted single payer health insurance.

That means no private companies, all gov owned.


Chris, if you are denying the dangerous marxist direction Obamao and co. is taking all of us...


then you need to read up, study up, man up and figure out for yourself just what the hell is going on.


I know, start with all of Obamao's "promises"..broken...and then "Fast and Furious"...then

"Banghazi", then the IRS going after conservative groups, then Syria and Obamao arming ..

terrorists, then to Obamao saying Bush debt was "UNPATRIOTIC", then he raises the debt

profoundly, and wants to keep it going...


And then go back and read what happens in other countries destroyed by marxism.


Oh, and then go and read up on a class Obamao TAUGHT: Saul Alkinski's Rule for Radicals.

Oh, and then go read up on CLOWARD-PIVEN. (Hint, they were two profs where Obamao went to

college, who said to topple America by overwhelming it with entitlements and too much spending),


Read up, man up, or you will f-word yourself up, and not see what danger our country is in.


I am tired of continually pointing out what you don't see, or won't see, Chris.


You get Woody to straighten his stupid act up, and get Obamao to resign, and I will

happily quit railing about it.

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I assume you mean American in the 'good old fashioned' sense? The standard gun loving, immigrant hating, bible worshipping, beer drinking, fag bashing, commie killing kind of way? Because if so, I suspect Woddy - and a few others - would happily distance themselves from being American.


Not everyone who believes in equality is a fucking marxist - change the record, we've all heard it before, with your 'marxist pig ObaMao' in every single post. Global warming? Marxist conspiracy. Terrorists? Marxist ObaMao lets them all in to the country. Gun control? That fucking marxist pig, ObaMao, trying to take away my right to have a death ray. Do you not get bored of posting the same shit, post after post, day after day, week after week?!

Immigrant hating? Uh, all Americans are immigrants or sons/daughters of immigrants gft. Except of course the Indians (Native Americans).

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Actually, Chris, you are exhibiting typical liberal crap.

Characterizing other's words, so you can make some kind of invalid point, disguised.

I never use the "F" word. Ask anybody.

Call it artistic license, used to represent the aggression in your posts without actually having to replicate them. I'll happily agree, you don't swear.


You don't like my opinions, too bad. And it's odd you never criticize woodypeckerhead

for his personal crap, which he started.


Therefore, I stand as a bulwark against the tides that would sweep

free speech away on this board.

You certainly have your right to free speech, nobody's denying that. But I'm saying, if you were standing on a street corner saying 'Obama's a Marxist' non-stop, people would get annoyed with it. We get your point, you believe - rightly or wrongly - that Obama's a Marxist.


I am tired of Obamao being a marxist pig. You seem to be afraid to admit he's a profound

failure, and a blight against everything he promised.

He certainly hasn't lived up to expectations. He was that beacon of hope, after the perceived ineptitude of George W., and started off so well with his speech about disarmament. But since then, for whatever reason he seems to have not lived up to the potential. A bust.

In other words, Obamao is consistently doing things that are causing us to go

into more and more serious debt, less freedoms, more social, racial, and economic

strife. He's either a failure, and completely mentally incompetent...

OK, I'm curious, what freedoms has he taken away, or is looking to? The only big one I can think of is guns. As far as I understand it, you still have the option of private healthcare. The whole Obamacare thing is basically like saying he wants to institute the NHS that we have over in america, which to me is not a bad thing.

or, as ADMITTED by top dems... he never meant for "obamaocare" to succeed.


Not seen that so I'll take your word for it.

in Obamao's OWN FREAKIN WORDS - he said he wanted single payer health insurance.

That means no private companies, all gov owned.

I disagree with the principal you seem to be suggesting he wants, and that is for people to not be allowed to take out their own private health insurance if they want to. Besides, he wouldn't/shouldn't be able to stop you from going to see a private doctor if you pay for it.

Chris, if you are denying the dangerous marxist direction Obamao and co. is taking all of us...

Good job he's only got another couple of years in power then, and from what I can gather, Obama's popularity is so low that when the Repubs put forward a viable candidate - not Mit Romney - he'll be voted in. Just find that guy.

then you need to read up, study up, man up and figure out for yourself just what the hell is going on.

I probably do. But I have more interesting things to do with my life ;)


I know, start with all of Obamao's "promises"..broken...and then "Fast and Furious"...then

"Banghazi", then the IRS going after conservative groups, then Syria and Obamao arming ..

terrorists, then to Obamao saying Bush debt was "UNPATRIOTIC", then he raises the debt

profoundly, and wants to keep it going...


And then go back and read what happens in other countries destroyed by marxism.


Oh, and then go and read up on a class Obamao TAUGHT: Saul Alkinski's Rule for Radicals.

Oh, and then go read up on CLOWARD-PIVEN. (Hint, they were two profs where Obamao went to

college, who said to topple America by overwhelming it with entitlements and too much spending),


Read up, man up, or you will f-word yourself up, and not see what danger our country is in.


I am tired of continually pointing out what you don't see, or won't see, Chris.


You get Woody to straighten his stupid act up, and get Obamao to resign, and I will

happily quit railing about it.




Immigrant hating? Uh, all Americans are immigrants or sons/daughters of immigrants gft. Except of course the Indians (Native Americans).

That was kind of a point as well. I'm well aware of America's history - at least where it concerns the British :P

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