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Illegal Alien Heads Obamacare 'Navigator' Program in New York City


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ILLEGAL ALIEN Heads Obamacare ‘Navigator’ Program in New York City

by John Hill on OCTOBER 15, 2013 in UNCATEGORIZED


Above: Maria Marroquin: Illegal alien…and ObamaCare “Navigator”


Americans were outraged after the Obama Administration denied access to the WWII memorial for veterans - but allowed illegal aliens to hold a rally for amnesty on the “closed” National Mall.

Americans were also angered last week after the Healthcare.gov ObamaCare website, which cost $634 million to build (half a billion dollars over budget), utterly failed to work.

Now it has emerged that an illegal alien in New York is serving as an Obamacare navigator, according to the Center for Immigration Studies.

According to the CIS report, Maria Marroquin — identified as an illegal alien as recently as March 2013 — from Peru is also the “Health Education Organizer” for the Restaurant Opportunities Center of New York (ROC-NY).

ROC-NY is listed as a subcontractor for the “New York Health Benefit Exchange: In-Person Assistors and Navigators.”

“IPA/Navigators will provide in person application assistance to individuals, families and small businesses and their employees at initial enrollment and when renewing coverage. IPA/Navigators remove barriers to the application process by providing assistance in multiple languages, in community based settings during non-traditional hours such as evenings and weekends,” The New York health care exchange explains.

Marroquin has avoided all media inquiries about her position since the CIS report broke, and would not speak about her immigration status or Obamacare position when contacted by The Daily Caller, telling them she would “call back.”

Multiple attempts to reach Marroquin after the fact were unsuccessful. She reportedly applied for President Obama’s virtual amnesty “Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals” program in September 2012.

While shocking and disgraceful, the report of an illegal alien ObamaCare “navigator” should not come as a surprise.

A House Oversight Committee recently issued a report exposing the fact that navigators are not required to undergo background checks, and warning of personal security risks involved with handing over sensitive consumer information to such workers.

“[T]he main concern for consumers is the heightened risk of identity theft and financial loss from a poorly managed outreach campaign,” the Oversight Committee report read. “Navigators and Assisters will come into contact with a plethora of personally identifiable information (PII), including an applicant’s Social Security number, date of birth and income, as well as the PII of everyone in an applicant’s household.”

James R. Edwards Jr., a CIS fellow and the author of the report on Marroquin explained that identity theft concerns are even more of a concern when an illegal alien is a navigator.

“If you are illegally present then you might be inclined to use some of those folks who you are supposedly helping, use their information for your own or somebody else’s benefit,” said Edwards.

HHS – currently under seige due to the massive failure of the Healthcare.gov website – has refused to comment on Ms. Marroquin’s position.

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Just against the common article posted on here. You know, heavy on the stuff I pointed out but light on facts. ... "We'll post stuff for people that already know what they want to hear, and we'll make sure what we write agrees with them."


That kind of stuff.



How are the first two statements of fact?


Would it be fact to say Americans think that aliens caused 911? I mean, some Americans somewhere probable do...


Unless by Americans they mean the other people reading their articles. Then yeah, that probably works. What better to put in an article then "Everyone agrees with you! You smart reader you!"

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Also in case you didn't know it a good portion of illegal aliens are in the United States on a visa which has partially been over stayed or might be for a purpose other than the one they have.

If you are on, say, a tourist visa then if you attend classes (like going to flight school) in the United States you are technically breaking the rules of said visa.



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Also in case you didn't know it a good portion of illegal aliens are in the United States on a visa which has been over stayed or might be for a purpose other than the one intended.

If you are on, say, a tourist visa then if you attend classes (like going to flight school) in the United States you are technically breaking the rules of said visa.



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woody just wants to be a victim, liberal weinie style.


"oh, poor me, little woodpecker, the article talks about Americans, and I

think I am the world, and all Americans, but I disagree, and this article

slights me boo hoo, poor me.."

Enough to gag a crocadile. This Obamao regime is so corrupt, they aren't

trying to hide it anymore.


Meanwhile, illegals are assualting border agents, and Obamao's kgb style INJustice dept won't

press charges.


go figure...

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In other words, I nailed it.


It isn't all about you, woodpeckerhead.


There are millions of Americans concerned about immigration.


Gosh, oh so sorry you feel left out and persecuted.

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And yet again, you prove us right.


You don't have anything intelligent to add to any subject, so


you start personal little victim crap.




The moron is the idiot you see in the mirror, if ever you look in it.



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Woody avoiding the subject to attack the author. Classic lib BS. Now if the thread title was "article on illegal alien heading part of obamacare tells you how to feel!" then you might have something to add. But that's not the title, and you still have nothing to add to this board.

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Oh god ... yes, I am the only one here capable of avoiding a subject.


If I don't comment on every thread about dirty illegals, dirty obamao, dirty libs, etc


Looking at any underlying theme in the articles, or pointing out why they're false or a shitty source idols just avoiding the topic...


Yeah, you got me

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