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the shutdown continues


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So if you are Obama, keeping in mind that you've already postponed big chunks of your signature legislation, would you go ahead and allow a one yr postponement of the individual mandate? Especially after all the hand wringing and hyperventilating about the great catastrophe that looms before us if we don't extend that limit?


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If your Obama would you give the republicans another year to find a way to get rid of more chunks of your signature legislation when they have already tried 42+ times in 2 years?http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/09/13/tim-huelskamp-obamacare-repeal_n_3921960.html If your the House Republicans and your support of preventing the legislation is slowly disappearing wouldn't you want to try to find a compromise?


But my point is simple 2 weeks into a shutdown with a major issue coming up(the default) and they seem to be back to square 1...

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Did you ask if I were a Republican congressman would I do a compromise?


I think tying this deal to the ACA was a bad idea in the first place.

That being said, the voters don't like it either and even the President realizes its fucked up at least in some ways.


But back to your question, sure I'd compromise but remember I haven't been offered one.

And that's because the president wants to look tough after being buttfucked by Putin on the world stage. He won't offer a compromise and I think the Republicans would take just about anything.


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Actually a postponement would probably help the Democrats in the long run. Here's why, in a year people will have gotten even more tired of worrying about it.

It will give them some breathing room to get these ridiculous website clusterfucks figured out. And those of us who will purchasing from the exchanges will already be in the fold.


So the president is holding all these things hostage to his own ego.

They should be happy to allow the Republicans to postpone something they weren't ready to run anyway.


By the way legacy from what you have heard will any of these exchanges cover dental?


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By the way legacy from what you have heard will any of these exchanges cover dental?


Coverage will be mandatory for children, but not for adults. States that cover dental under medicaid* (I think OH is one) will continue to do so, but wont see any expansion of those benefits.


There is a 10 or so "Essential Health Benefits" criteria that all plans on the exchange will be required to offer/ carry. That only includes pediatric oral health care (dental-wise).




*Edit - for adults

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And Sad, you didn't answer my question.



1. I answered in my response, obama isn't going to give them another chance to try and get rid of obamacare.

2. I am assuming you mean the great catastrophe being the default, here is the hard question do you back down and basically give the republicans what they want just so the gov't functions, this would be like giving into a hostage situation. The republicans have basically decided to say hey as long as obamacare is as is we are not going to pass a budget.

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Yes that is basically the question. But one more time would you do it if you were president? I realize Obama has too much face to save. I mean really why would he delay a portions of this bill if everything were as it should be? And from what I hear the Republicans have even made it easier for him. They've offered to pass the budget if somebody wrires into the ACA that the president, his family and Congress must sign up.



But the question is would you personally give them a one year postponement? If you were president...


Also would you, as president, agree to put your family, the unions and Congress on Obamacare?



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Yes that is basically the question. But one more time would you do it if you were president? I realize Obama has too much face to save. I mean really why would he delay a portions of this bill if everything were as it should be? And from what I hear the Republicans have even made it easier for him. They've offered to pass the budget if somebody wrires into the ACA that the president, his family and Congress must sign up.



But the question is would you personally give them a one year postponement? If you were president...


Also would you, as president, agree to put your family, the unions and Congress on Obamacare?




They won't accept an inferior plan.

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I really don't like obamacare that much, so would I postpone it or I would likely cancel it, but if I was president and felt as strongly for a piece of legislation that has already been made into law and upheld by the supreme court then yes I would.


Imo congress/whitehouse/etc should get the samething everyone else gets for many things.


I have not been checking each proposal that the house has sent but has there been one with only that change? The most recent one had

"The House proposal goes beyond the Senate with two smaller changes to the health care law. It would delay for two years a medical-device tax and prevent the government from contributing to the health insurance of members of Congress, the president, the vice president and the Cabinet."

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It would have been comical, except for the fact that hindsight is crucial to this scenario, if the Republicans would have gotten out front and demanded Obama delay the mandate for business.

Even so it was his own plan I wonder if he would have refused to do it just because it would look like he was giving in.



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