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Nat Park stooges give people citations, for entering Grand Canyon


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Worse and worse all the time. And now? Immigrants get a free invite to invade our country,

our vets are locked out of their memorial, and immigrants get special Obamao permission

to have a rally there, and unpaid police have to pick up the garbage, and now Obamao's

park ranger brown shirts cite people for seeing the Grand Canyon?


Hey, it isn't only a few of us who are really disgusted by all this. Read the comments

after this article....



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What part of "if the nps has the money to close it and enforce a close,

they have the money to leave it open." do you not understand, sad?


What part of "closed" allows the immigration rally to take place, but

enforces the close for our WWII veterans?


The Obamaocare site wasn't close. The WH site wasn't close.

Oh, but the Amber Alert site was.


Come on, Sad, try to keep up.

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Worse and worse all the time. And now? Immigrants get a free invite to invade our country,

our vets are locked out of their memorial, and immigrants get special Obamao permission

to have a rally there, and unpaid police have to pick up the garbage, and now Obamao's

park ranger brown shirts cite people for seeing the Grand Canyon?


Hey, it isn't only a few of us who are really disgusted by all this. Read the comments

after this article....



That is fucked up that the mall is open to illegal immigrants for a rally but not to American citizens. What the hell is up with that?

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A rally/demonstration is protected under the first amendment keeping a memorial/national park open isn't.


chicken crap. Do you all know, that in Yellowstone, the chicken crap park rangers threatened old folks

on a bus with arrest...if they took PICTURES of the bison? One npr admitted they were ordered

to make visitors unwelcome and miserable. He was upset about it.

One inn was closed, and the parking was off limits. It's a private inn on federal land.

Obamao has the tsa, and the npr, the ATF, and his INJustice dept, and the irs turning hostile to



Just wait til you are a gun owner on Obamaocare. Why, ya think your premiums will

be skyrocketed?


And Obamao is refusing to sign onto a bill to fund benefits for families soldiers who have died.


And admitted that he's refusing to accept these House Republican funding bills (along with the Senate dems

at his orders)...for purely antagonistic reasons - to manipulate and manufacture hostility toward

the Republicans.


Like "Fast and Furious" was supposed to manipulate hostility toward all gun owners in America.


Like taking the side of Travon Martin and that black prof in Mass. without any regard for the truth about those

incidents... that's inciting racial unrest.


Actually, some dem congresspeople were arrested by the police at that immigration rally.

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So the vets should just demonstrate in the ww2 memorial then.


I don't know if there are any city ordinances/national laws against protesting at memorials/monuments such as that or if people usually don't since that would bring a backlash against them, but traditionally people would protest on the national mall and not at the memorials themselves.

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If I had a magic wand, I would institute large long-term cuts to sacred cows and reform the Byzantine tax code.

Not to be rude but I didn't ask for a magic wand solution. I'm asking what you as either the President of the United States or the Speaker of the House would do in this situation. As Speaker of the House would you just give in and say take all the spending you want we won't stop you? As the president could you find a small relatively meaningless piece of compromise and invite congressional leaders to the White House and shake hands?


Or possibly, as president, admit that the ACA isn't quite as smooth as we'd hoped by this time and give them a one year postponement of the individual mandate as they have done for business?


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Not to be rude but I didn't ask for a magic wand solution. I'm asking what you as either the President of the United States or the Speaker of the House would do in this situation. As Speaker of the House would you just give in and say take all the spending you want we won't stop you? As the president could you find a small relatively meaningless piece of compromise and invite congressional leaders to the White House and shake hands?


Or possibly, as president, admit that the ACA isn't quite as smooth as we'd hoped by this time and give them a one year postponement of the individual mandate as they have done for business?



I don't really see either side backing down soon. Though the longer it goes on the more and more people will notice things being cut/gone such as the recent money to fallen soldiers, things like wic and meals on wheels will be coming more to front as the local agencies run out of funds.

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I don't really see either side backing down soon. Though the longer it goes on the more and more people will notice things being cut/gone such as the recent money to fallen soldiers, things like wic and meals on wheels will be coming more to front as the local agencies run out of funds.

A pint of good beer as a bet. I say they come to a bullshit compromise before the 17th of October. My question was for koala who said he blamed Somebody for this I was just wondering what he would do if he was in either position of power.


I agree neither one wants to cave on this. But the president has the ability to save all these precious programs with the stroke of the pan. Remember that it's been he himself who asked to postpone this legislation which was ill conceived to put it mildly. I understand they were in a rush to hammer it through while they still had complete power but in doing so they allowed a flawed bill to get out of the gate. Now they are walking it back and can hardly blame Republicans for wanting to walk back more of it.


I would imagine if they took the Osiris compromise and dropped the medical device tax everyone could save face.



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I would have taken that bet about an hour ago however it looks like there "might" be movement http://www.cnn.com/2013/10/10/politics/shutdown-showdown/index.html?hpt=hp_t1


Though koala was not technically wrong it is congress's fault(senate dems vs house reps) since its congress job to approve/disapprove a budget(yes senate dems are following obama's lead on the matter).

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But remember Congress did send up a raft of bills which would keep everything running that Harry Reid and the gang refused to look at...




I think your mixing up congress and the house, the house of representatives sent those bills to the senate where Reid dismissed them. Congress is the combined House and Senate

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I think your mixing up congress and the house, the house of representatives sent those bills to the senate where Reid dismissed them. Congress is the combined House and Senate


I did indeed mean the House of Representatives when I said Congress.


The statement still holds true even if you correct the semantics no?


(Just an aside does that mean when polls say that the public hates Congress that it means the Senate and the House?)


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Like I said he was "technically" correct its congress job to come to an agreement about the budget, though as you know the white house for decades have had their hand in directing the budget(usually they propose the budget that congress usually rubberstamps).



I would "assume" so since its difficult to separate the 2 when looking at the results, when we have the house and senate on opposite sides of the aisle very little actually gets done(see the last 2yrs) and actually has a larger impact on our country as a whole than who the president is.

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Though koala was not technically wrong it is congress's fault(senate dems vs house reps) since its congress job to approve/disapprove a budget(yes senate dems are following obama's lead on the matter).

Yeah, it's a collective failure amongst everyone in Congress. All they ever do anymore is stall and veto.

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