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Westside Steve

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Is there anyone here who seriously, honestly and actually believes that there is even a point 000 chance that there will be a default on the part of the United States government? What a crock of shit. Sometimes I wonder how stupid the media thinks we are and I am talking Fox News as well as MSNBC and everybody else. We are hyperventilating over this situation which will come to an end probably at midnight on the 16th of October with some meaningless horse shit compromise and life will go on as it always has. The people who have missed a paycheck or two will get it soon enough and those who got laid off will look at it as a paid vacation. Our debt will continue to soar. Hard to tell whether it's worth the trouble to get pissed off or just shake your head and laugh at yourself for giving a fuck in the first place.


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Sounds to me, like Obamao is committing extortion and racketeering,


and Boehner is telling him "no way we're negotioting with a marxist pig terrorist and his little queefs"...

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Actually I think it's probably political. Right now the public really dislikes Obamacare. Unfortunately, like with so many things, worrying about something that's coming is usually worse than when it arrives.

Even if something is bad the longer you have to wait the less worrysome it becomes. You just get bored with being angry. I think the Republicans probably see that window of opportunity slowly closing and want to make some noise before people just give in.

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the braver thing for the house to do would be to allow the ACA to go forward,


but use the skill of the conservative / libertarian faction of its members to


file suit and prosecute the Obama administration on the grounds of breaking the law / failing to implement the entire law...


by allowing all of the exemptions to go forward like Obama did. this would give the house R's credibility ...


So yes - concede the frickin debt ceiling yet again, and without any concessions by obuma,


Let the people of USA see for themselves just how bad the ACA is.... let the democrats sweat it out...


maybe just maybe the liberal lemming thought process might change here?


and let them (us) decide in 2014? (like 2010)

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Hey woodykoalafullofpoopa,


Don't tell other people what they think. It makes you look like

a pile of crap, with less intelligence.


Read the article Kosar posted. I had that sent to me by a friend,

but the link didn't work.


Millions of Americans are concerned about the direction we are heading in.

The hardest part is believing it could ever happen here.


This regime is going for broke. This regime doesn't plan on losing the power

they have accrued.


The Great Ship America will right it's course. But the current commander is

hell bent on steering us toward an iceberg. Most of the passengers are wondering why.


Some are getting their lifejackets on, the closer we get. America will get back on course.


But, it's remotely possible we may graze an iceberg first.

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Is there anyone here who seriously, honestly and actually believes that there is even a point 000 chance that there will be a default on the part of the United States government? What a crock of shit. Sometimes I wonder how stupid the media thinks we are and I am talking Fox News as well as MSNBC and everybody else. We are hyperventilating over this situation which will come to an end probably at midnight on the 16th of October with some meaningless horse shit compromise and life will go on as it always has. The people who have missed a paycheck or two will get it soon enough and those who got laid off will look at it as a paid vacation. Our debt will continue to soar. Hard to tell whether it's worth the trouble to get pissed off or just shake your head and laugh at yourself for giving a fuck in the first place.


And cut.....





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I liked this, had to share-



A Day for Sackcloth and Ashes
I’m watching the spectacle occurring on the Senate floor. They have passed the 60 vote threshold for ending cloture. I want the American people to understand that tonight the Constitutional Republic we know as America has suffered a horrible defeat. Obamacare is not the law of the land. It is an edict handed down by a tyrant, not a President. The US Senate has just voted to affirm a new precedent that the executive branch can amend law without Congressional approval, and Congress allows it. The waivers, exemptions, and delays implemented by President Obama have delineated a separation, not of powers, but between the political elite and their cronies - and you, my fellow Americans. This is reprehensible, and we can expect even more bad behavior from a President that continues to spit on our Constitution and in our eyes...and smile. The incessant government spending continues with no solution for economic growth. Anyone voting for this tonight owes some explaining to Americans….but maybe not. As Obama stated, “I won.” - Allen West



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Well, if I understand it correctly,


- they allowed the debt limit to raise again til Jan.


- added to Obamaocare is income verification, to try to stem

the tide of people who have too much income getting free Obamaocare.


- In Feb... okay, I just forgot what was Feb.


The left is playing hardball with hand grenade type of vicious propaganda

against any opposition.


The right, too many of them, are squeamish little wimps who will back down

every time out of self interest politically.


But this pres has gone extreme radical leftist in throwing billions, and now trillions of $$$$$

(Obamaocare biggest issue), at leftist maneuvers, and now says "well, gee, we have no money

to pay all of our bills, let's borrow more."


It's not just kicking the can down the street. It's moving us into serious consquences economically.

It's no longer a question of adjusting interest rates, and that's a danger sign.


BTW, reportedly, Obamaocare must have about 7,000,000 people signed up, assuming they are

not getting sick and costing it money, for Obamaocare to break even.


Companies are dropping insurance for employees, or at least spouses and families, laying people off,

cutting full time hours to part time,


and we have an illegal alien beeactch in charge of Obamaocare navigators.


It gets worse. I hope everybody at least looks into contingency plans to become at least

a good bit more self-sufficient... and stock up on some stuff. We're heading for economic

disaster, and some experts see no way to avoid it, outside of a monumental slashing

of our budget. And the marxist pig in our WH won't let that happen.

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