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This is happening in Venzuela, watch out here.


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Social dependency on gov, socialism-->communism, is never



This is what some of us have been saying. I think it was Margaret Thatcher

who said that socialism is a great thing until the money runs out.


Which, it always does. Read this, and tell me it can't happen here,

when we are going down the same road, with the same kind of corrupt

socialist type in our WH. Socialist utopia sounds good to a lot of folks,

but ...it....cannot....work...forever by itself. It is not sustainable.


As in, ends in hyperinflation, civil strife, economic disaster.

Crime skyrockets.






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The US is the only country in which health expenses are the sole responsibility of the private sector (individuals and houses of employment). In every other country on the planet, the government pays for all critical health services and most or all secondary services (dentistry, cosmetic surgery, etc). By this vital metric, the US is the most laissez-faire country in the world.

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But our gov is 16 trillion in debt, and our debt is climbing like a missile space launch.

Total gov control ends up being total gov corruption. Again, even if the gov confiscated

100% of the top ten percent of well to do, it wouldn't pay for Obmaocare. At all.


Utopian pipe dreams don't last long. When the money runs out, you do NOT want

to be on gov health care.

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But our gov is 16 trillion in debt, and our debt is climbing like a missile space launch.

Total gov control ends up being total gov corruption. Again, even if the gov confiscated

100% of the top ten percent of well to do, it wouldn't pay for Obmaocare. At all.


Utopian pipe dreams don't last long. When the money runs out, you do NOT want

to be on gov health care.

You're such a Debbie Downer- props to Soju! Why don't you just move to Canada or England?

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Reality bites, I know. But don't hate on the messengers. Take a poll, read some polls.


Americans are worried. And me leaving doesn't change anything.


But right now, we have your pres in our WH, who is closing the WWII memorial to our vets, but giving

the green light to the dems immigration rally on the same closed grounds?


And taking down the Amber Alert website down, because of the shutdown the dems ordered up all this time?

But Moochelle Obaamao's website is still up? Seriously?


This president and his leftwing ilk are dangerous to our freedom. That is the truth.


Meanwhile, Obamao's ATF is trying frantically and desperately to stop a tell all book by an AFT whistleblower over

"Fast and Furious"....


Why? Because it would put them, Holder and Obamao in a very, very bad light.


Oh, and the cover up on Benghazi? Obamao and his injustice dept are threatening witnesses

who may testify before Congress.


And the national power grab "Obamaodoesn'tcare"...? Is a disaster.


You don't like my seeing what a lot of us are seeing, make you own choice about leaving this country.


It's ours, it's our Constitution, it's our freedom, and the left will never take it away. So there. ^_^

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Reality bites, I know. But don't hate on the messengers. Take a poll, read some polls.


Americans are worried. And me leaving doesn't change anything.


But right now, we have your pres in our WH, who is closing the WWII memorial to our vets, but giving

the green light to the dems immigration rally on the same closed grounds?


And taking down the Amber Alert website down, because of the shutdown the dems ordered up all this time?

But Moochelle Obaamao's website is still up? Seriously?


This president and his leftwing ilk are dangerous to our freedom. That is the truth.


Meanwhile, Obamao's ATF is trying frantically and desperately to stop a tell all book by an AFT whistleblower over

"Fast and Furious"....


Why? Because it would put them, Holder and Obamao in a very, very bad light.


Oh, and the cover up on Benghazi? Obamao and his injustice dept are threatening witnesses

who may testify before Congress.


And the national power grab "Obamaodoesn'tcare"...? Is a disaster.


You don't like my seeing what a lot of us are seeing, make you own choice about leaving this country.


It's ours, it's our Constitution, it's our freedom, and the left will never take it away. So there. ^_^

OK, McVeigh. I'm packing for Vancouver to avoid the imminent Cultural Revolution 2.0.

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It isn't about me, woodypecker. Why infer I'm a terrorist because millions of us see the writing on the wall, the direction


our country is going in? What's happening in Venzuela is an example of what some of us


have been talking every so often, since months ago.


This ObaMao regime is sending us straight into disaster, they couldn't care less. Why?


It takes "hardball" to economic disasterous directions.


You think it's just me, or a few of us here?


  1. As the United States enters into 2012, the number of daily fears and worries forAmericans continues to grow. Food prices, unemployment, war with Iran, and deg
    www.examiner.com/article/economic-collapse-is-the-number... - Cached
    More results from examiner.com »
  2. A recent survey was conducted to see what Americans feared the most. The results might surprise you. There was surprise at what showed up on the list.
    www.freezedriedsurvivalfood.com/6577/survey-shows... - Cached
  3. The Number One Catastrophic Event Americans Worry Economic Collapse December th TheEconomicCollapseBlog com Can guess number one catastrophic event Americansworry ...
    www.cathinfo.com/catholic.php/What-Americans-fear-most - Cached
  4. “A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts ...
    theurbansurvivalist.blogspot.com/2010/03/79-of-americans... - Cached
  5. Are they related? Two different surveys show one third of Americans fear an Obama reelection and two thirds fear an economic collapse.
    usactionnews.com/...reelection-economic-collapse-top-fears - Cached
  6. Most Americans Fear Economic Collapse - Thanks Obama. This is a discussion on Most Americans Fear Economic Collapse - Thanks Obama within the Politics forums, part of ...
    www.usmessageboard.com/politics/110494-most-americans... - Cached
  7. As finance titans collapse, Americans fear for their life insurance Americans who have ploughed their savings into life insurance and annuity-linked ...
    www.thefreelibrary.com/As+finance+titans+collapse%2c... - Cached
  8. [Jan 21, 2012] Some are driven by a fear of imminent societal collapse, ... "A lot ofAmericans sense that a massive economic storm is coming and they want to be prepared ... ( 370 Comments )
    www.reuters.com/.../01/21/...collapse-idUSTRE80K0LA20120121 - Cached
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It isn't about me, woodypecker. Why infer I'm a terrorist because millions of us see the writing on the wall, the direction


our country is going in? What's happening in Venzuela is an example of what some of us


have been talking every so often, since months ago.


This ObaMao regime is sending us straight into disaster, they couldn't care less. Why?


It takes "hardball" to economic disasterous directions.


You think it's just me, or a few of us here?


  1. As the United States enters into 2012, the number of daily fears and worries forAmericans continues to grow. Food prices, unemployment, war with Iran, and deg
    www.examiner.com/article/economic-collapse-is-the-number... - Cached

    More results from examiner.com »

  2. A recent survey was conducted to see what Americans feared the most. The results might surprise you. There was surprise at what showed up on the list.
    www.freezedriedsurvivalfood.com/6577/survey-shows... - Cached
  3. The Number One Catastrophic Event Americans Worry Economic Collapse December th TheEconomicCollapseBlog com Can guess number one catastrophic event Americansworry ...
    www.cathinfo.com/catholic.php/What-Americans-fear-most - Cached
  4. “A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts ...
    theurbansurvivalist.blogspot.com/2010/03/79-of-americans... - Cached
  5. Are they related? Two different surveys show one third of Americans fear an Obama reelection and two thirds fear an economic collapse.
    usactionnews.com/...reelection-economic-collapse-top-fears - Cached
  6. Most Americans Fear Economic Collapse - Thanks Obama. This is a discussion on Most Americans Fear Economic Collapse - Thanks Obama within the Politics forums, part of ...
    www.usmessageboard.com/politics/110494-most-americans... - Cached
  7. As finance titans collapse, Americans fear for their life insurance Americans who have ploughed their savings into life insurance and annuity-linked ...
    www.thefreelibrary.com/As+finance+titans+collapse%2c... - Cached
  8. [Jan 21, 2012] Some are driven by a fear of imminent societal collapse, ... "A lot ofAmericans sense that a massive economic storm is coming and they want to be prepared ... ( 370 Comments )
    www.reuters.com/.../01/21/...collapse-idUSTRE80K0LA20120121 - Cached



Relax, I wasn't calling you a terrorist. Since you don't appear to know about the McVeigh story, let me refresh you: he was a radical libertarian who joined a violent anti-government group. The point I was trying to make is that you seem to have a fatalistic view of the US government, like McVeigh. You seem certain that the President is going to initiate the 2nd Cultural Revolution, making the Civil War look like a minor skirmish. If you genuinely believe this to be inevitable, you, your family and like-minded people should flee the country to escape the bloodshed. This wouldn't be cowardly by any stretch. A person should do whatever is necessary to ensure security of themself and their family.

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Relax, I wasn't calling you a terrorist. Since you don't appear to know about the McVeigh story, let me refresh you: he was a radical libertarian who joined a violent anti-government group. The point I was trying to make is that you seem to have a fatalistic view of the US government, like McVeigh. You seem certain that the President is going to initiate the 2nd Cultural Revolution, making the Civil War look like a minor skirmish. If you genuinely believe this to be inevitable, you, your family and like-minded people should flee the country to escape the bloodshed. This wouldn't be cowardly by any stretch. A person should do whatever is necessary to ensure security of themself and their family. koala


McVeigh was a homegrown terrorist. So, yes, you were. And of course i know the McVeigh story. I'm not a radical libertarian,

nor would I ever join a group like that. And no, I'm not certain the pres is going to, I'm concerned that that is the

direction he seems to be going in. And yes, OBAMAO SAID HE WAS GOING TO TRANSFORM AMERICA.

Given that he admits in his book that he gravitated to socialist professors, and his own career started in

Bill Ayers' home. Ayers, in case you missed it, was the terrorist who, along with Bernadine Dorn, bombed

some police stations, and ayers lamented that he couldn't do it more than he did. Ayer's father helped finance

Obamao's first political campaign. And Obamao has contradicted himself at every turn. I call people who contradict

themselves hypocrites. And, he admitted that he had a dim view of our Constitution. And he said energy prices

must necessarily skyrocket. And he openly launches antagonistic racial sides of issues. He race baits, and

everybody knows he is big on class warfare rhetoric. it goes on and on.


And a lot of Americans are concerned what what he is SAYING and DOING.


Millions and millions of Americans should leave? Nah. Our America is the greatest nation on earth,

and we are still a free country.


The only way that changes is if Obamao goes off the deep end, and thinks he is a cross between Stalin

and Mao. I would never really be worried that he would do that...until they take all of our guns away.

Then, most of America would be terrified. OTH, that will never happen.


If nothing else, I am concerned about a financial crash, and you seem to not understand, because you seem to not know about the Weimar Republic. Or the depression.


Besides, we jaw-flappy on this board about all this crap, and in real life, we're regular folks

who have happy lives and most? have happy marriages, like myself, and tons of friends.


But, that doesn't mean I won't call a marxist pig a marxist pig. So there.

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Relax, I wasn't calling you a terrorist. Since you don't appear to know about the McVeigh story, let me refresh you: he was a radical libertarian who joined a violent anti-government group. The point I was trying to make is that you seem to have a fatalistic view of the US government, like McVeigh. You seem certain that the President is going to initiate the 2nd Cultural Revolution, making the Civil War look like a minor skirmish. If you genuinely believe this to be inevitable, you, your family and like-minded people should flee the country to escape the bloodshed. This wouldn't be cowardly by any stretch. A person should do whatever is necessary to ensure security of themself and their family. koala


McVeigh was a homegrown terrorist. So, yes, you were. And of course i know the McVeigh story. I'm not a radical libertarian,

nor would I ever join a group like that. And no, I'm not certain the pres is going to, I'm concerned that that is the

direction he seems to be going in. And yes, OBAMAO SAID HE WAS GOING TO TRANSFORM AMERICA.

Given that he admits in his book that he gravitated to socialist professors, and his own career started in

Bill Ayers' home. Ayers, in case you missed it, was the terrorist who, along with Bernadine Dorn, bombed

some police stations, and ayers lamented that he couldn't do it more than he did. Ayer's father helped finance

Obamao's first political campaign. And Obamao has contradicted himself at every turn. I call people who contradict

themselves hypocrites. And, he admitted that he had a dim view of our Constitution. And he said energy prices

must necessarily skyrocket. And he openly launches antagonistic racial sides of issues. He race baits, and

everybody knows he is big on class warfare rhetoric. it goes on and on.


And a lot of Americans are concerned what what he is SAYING and DOING.


Millions and millions of Americans should leave? Nah. Our America is the greatest nation on earth,

and we are still a free country.


The only way that changes is if Obamao goes off the deep end, and thinks he is a cross between Stalin

and Mao. I would never really be worried that he would do that...until they take all of our guns away.

Then, most of America would be terrified. OTH, that will never happen.


If nothing else, I am concerned about a financial crash, and you seem to not understand, because you seem to not know about the Weimar Republic. Or the depression.


Besides, we jaw-flappy on this board about all this crap, and in real life, we're regular folks

who have happy lives and most? have happy marriages, like myself, and tons of friends.


But, that doesn't mean I won't call a marxist pig a marxist pig. So there.


Obama is in bed with Wall Street. Why do you think he hired the scumbags Geithner and Paulson? He's as Marxist as Adam Smith. As for your main point, even if the US has another Great Depression, the country will ultimately right its ship. We have so many natural resources, skilled and unskilled labor. And you really discredit your arguments by using inflammatory terms like "Obam*o."

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Actually if you take a look at any Marxist or Communist takeovers you will notice that the leaders and the power brokers don't consider themselves actual comrades and live at the same level as "the people." Communism or Marxism is something that always appeals to the common people and is merely a vehicle for attending and retaining power. The president preaches equality and taking from the rich but he and his wife and his fellow politicians live a more opulent lifestyle that most kings of third world countries. Marxism is only a tool.


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Actually if you take a look at any Marxist or Communist takeovers you will notice that the leaders and the power brokers don't consider themselves actual comrades and live at the same level as "the people." Communism or Marxism is something that always appeals to the common people and is merely a vehicle for attending and retaining power. The president preaches equality and taking from the rich but he and his wife and his fellow politicians live a more opulent lifestyle that most kings of third world countries. Marxism is only a tool.



The Obama family is relatively poor, by world leader standards. He didn't pay off his student loans until his books became bestsellers.

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The Obama family is relatively poor, by world leader standards. He didn't pay off his student loans until his books became bestsellers.

I I am not positive but at least in my lifetime I can't remember any president of the United States and family living in such an opulent manner. As a matter of fact I think that underscores the dangers. Someone who is newly rich beyond the wildest imagination is more easily corruptible. & I believe that his socialist with a small s programs are what propel him to power.


it's hard for anyone to resist the allure of free shit no matter who they are.



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I I am not positive but at least in my lifetime I can't remember any president of the United States and family living in such an opulent manner. As a matter of fact I think that underscores the dangers. Someone who is newly rich beyond the wildest imagination is more easily corruptible. & I believe that his socialist with a small s programs are what propel him to power.


it's hard for anyone to resist the allure of free shit no matter who they are.



Nancy Reagan? Bush Dynasty?

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I I am not positive but at least in my lifetime I can't remember any president of the United States and family living in such an opulent manner. As a matter of fact I think that underscores the dangers. Someone who is newly rich beyond the wildest imagination is more easily corruptible. & I believe that his socialist with a small s programs are what propel him to power.


it's hard for anyone to resist the allure of free shit no matter who they are.



And just think of the money he will make after he leaves office speaking at NAACP conventions, gay/lesbian/transgen rally's and such.

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And just think of the money he will make after he leaves office speaking at NAACP conventions, gay/lesbian/transgen rally's and such.


So true, clinton has made over 100mill(passed that mark this year) from speeches alone, I couldn't find a more recent figure for bush jr than 2011 where he was over 15 mill a year and a half after leaving office. Thats about 10mil a year for both just for speeches and not including any book deals, gov't paycheck, gov't health care, and secret service protection.

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Nancy was certainly eccentric but none of the other first ladies, including Hilary, spent money jet setting like Michelle Obama.


Also I tend to look askance at any politician who makes millions off a book deal, especially a relative unknown.


Kennedy had a best-selling memoir. Teddy was a superstar when he ran for office.

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Kennedy had a best-selling memoir.


And also won a Pulitzer. I'd say that's the exception to the rule.


Teddy was a superstar when he ran for office.


But that has nothing to do with the first ladies extravagant spending Eisenhower was well-known Washington was well known...

unless you meant Teddy Kennedy.... ;)


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