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Fake Fox News Story

MLD Woody

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Cal, did you know Obama is offering to pay out of pocket to keep the museum of Islam faith open? Yeah me neither!


but I mean, pretty blonde lady, so who cares




Side note: I had no idea it takes absolutely no money to run parks and memorials. Good to know.

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Side note: I had know idea...



You should KNOW better than to fail to use "no" in the above sentence.







Too bad that gave you a reason to ignore everything else... bummer, you got your out

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  • 2 weeks later...

Uh just how much does it cost to leave the memorial completely unmanned? That would mean anybody could walk up the steps walked around and leave, correct? Now think really hard, would it cost more or less to pay federal Park Rangers to put up barricades?


Since you are so good at mathematics maybe you can figure it out for the rest of us, Woody...

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Well of course she apologized, lol. I'm pretty sure it was just a scare tactic for the viewers.


I have no idea how much that would cost. I assume you'd need security and janitorial services to keep it up though.


There wasn't any money at all, right? But somehow they found enough to hire Rangers to come threaten the vets.



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