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Buy some Dr.; Pepper, be a prepper


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To whatever point you think is wise. But our economy is looking like

we could crash more and more. Sure, we're talking in the future. But I think it's

in terms of several months, instead of years.


This Obamao national debt that is ...intentionally? spiraling up and away?

Not good. The affect on jobs by Obamaocare? Not good.

Raising the debt ceiling again and again, while the left buys more votes with it?


Keeping in mind, that Obamao himself voted against raising the debt ceiling back

when he was in the Senate. Yes he did. He also called Bush's national debt "unpatriotic".

This is a dishonest marxist pig we have in our WH.


You may just want to consider storing some food over the coming year. Maybe having cash

on hand, instead of in the banks. Even get a gun for home protection.


We have headed further down a bad road, I think. Add it all up, and it paints that picture.


Anyways, for some really good info:



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What do you think Obama stands to gain by getting us into crazy debt, cal? What ,exactly, does it benefit him?

Seriously? Remember that poor people are among his largest group of constituents. If we go into recession it doesn't so much affect them as the middle class on up. Spend as much as you can without thinking of the consequences. Those who benefit from that spending are happy, right? Those who pay it, well, not so much.

Unfortunatelytoo many of us are happy to spend on credit and worried about the bills when they come. Instant gratification bud.


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and maybe as predictable with how Social Security revenue was pilfered largely by democratic administrations over the years (see Lyndon Johnson )


so too, the new entitlement ACA - obummercare will become a money grab of proportions not even imagined?


because, remember ... who has read through the entire bill, and the few that have are calling it an epic mistake


the link in the article cal posted talks about hyperinflation.....


and the reference to Wiemar Germany before during and after WW1 could provide a history lesson in current day reality...


with all the QE's going on -the bubble is bound to burst again?


but like Steve said, we are too used to putting it on the charge card.


but the central banks - FED doesnt care.

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Seriously? Remember that poor people are among his largest group of constituents. If we go into recession it doesn't so much affect them as the middle class on up. Spend as much as you can without thinking of the consequences. Those who benefit from that spending are happy, right? Those who pay it, well, not so much.

Unfortunatelytoo many of us are happy to spend on credit and worried about the bills when they come. Instant gratification bud.


He's only got until 2016 Steve. It's 2014 in about three months. There is no possibility of a re-election so I'm really not sure what you believe it buys him.
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and maybe as predictable with how Social Security revenue was pilfered largely by democratic administrations over the years (see Lyndon Johnson )


so too, the new entitlement ACA - obummercare will become a money grab of proportions not even imagined?


because, remember ... who has read through the entire bill, and the few that have are calling it an epic mistake


the link in the article cal posted talks about hyperinflation.....


and the reference to Wiemar Germany before during and after WW1 could provide a history lesson in current day reality...


with all the QE's going on -the bubble is bound to burst again?


but like Steve said, we are too used to putting it on the charge card.


but the central banks - FED doesnt care.

So in your mind his whole presidency has been a Montgomery burns scheme to get more money? I'm kind of amused at what lengths you guys think he would go to for such a petty goal. Not even world domination, like Dr. Doom? Money? Ok. You'd be horrible comic book writers.

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So in your mind his whole presidency has been a Montgomery burns scheme to get more money? I'm kind of amused at what lengths you guys think he would go to for such a petty goal. Not even world domination, like Dr. Doom? Money? Ok. You'd be horrible comic book writers.

well not in such a singular way...

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ObaMao, is obviously only one of many in our gov now. People like soros can buy the power to manipulate,


through this corrupt regime's moves. It isn't just him. It's all his radical friends. It's bill ayers, bernanine dorn,


and pelosi, reid, bloomberg, and all the little willing marxist peep followers.


It's Sen. Sherrod Brown. Having a career...$$$ all these years, by being a leftist hack who does

what he's told.


Really, that explains Obamao's teleprompters. It's a movement. This marxist pig president is all too happy

to explode the debt to create more and more dependency.


And if it all implodes....why, the big gov will just have to get a lot bigger. And more controlling.

The only way to sustain a socialist economy, is to take everything you can get, from those who have any of it.

and even then, that doesn't work. That's why Mao ended up murdering about 60 million in their commie revolution.

That's why Stalin starved 6-8 million of the population of the breadbasket of Europe - the Ukraine.


ObaMao has changed the law, to allow himself to also declare martial law.... in PEACETIME. That's a first.

Want to know why he did that?


A lot of Americans do. The guy running for mayor of NY. It an avowed communist. It's the trend in some big cities now.

Gov dependency, and they don't give a flip about the long term repercussions.


Does anybody think that it's odd, that Obamao wants to give arms to the rebels, including terorist factions ?

And gave free weapons, untracked, to the drug cartels?


But he wants to install serious gun control on every American gun owner?


And Obamaocare. Signing up doesn't work for anybody. All the false promises, the admissions that

there will have to be "death panels", the lost hours in jobs, the lost jobs, they admitted that millions will

LOSE the insurance they have now, and that abortion is most certain part of it, that premiums can't possibly

(honestly) be expected to go down, that in all the thousands of pages in a bill that dems never read...

there is interference in our entire medical insurance structure, our entire hospital system in our entire country?


What does that have to do with offering up a subsidized insurance that non-insured folks can join up with?


Some unions are frantically claiming "FOUL", and have serious, frantic buyer's remorse. It's too late now, dammit.


Bad moon rising. Add it all up, and it paints a very worrisome picture made up of broken promises, racial division,

economy teetering on the brink of hyperinflation and disaster, looming numerous attempts to violate our

Constitution, class warfare, and aid to our terrorist enemies in syria.


Or, does anybody see all the above as a good thing?

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a long read but worth it http://themattwalshblog.com/2013/10/03/an-open-letter-to-president-obama/


an excerpt -


Your legacy, Mr. President, will be defined by small, shameful things, as your presidency has been primarily a succession of small, shameful things. The platitudes you spouted during your campaign — the theatrics, the pomp, the hype — have all faded. Replaced by the scheming partisan machinations that have come to define your tenure.

Every president has a moment that encapsulates their time in office; your moment, Mr. President, happened this week. Sure, future generations will look at you with mockery and scorn because of bigger scandals — Benghazi, the IRS targeting conservatives, Obamacare, the birth control mandate and your attacks on religious liberty, spying on journalists, arming terrorists overseas, Fast and Furious, the green energy scams, the bailouts, your support for infanticide, the billions you’ve given to the abortion industry, your cowardice in refusing to address the Gosnell murders, your reckless exploitation of the Zimmerman trial, the out of control deficit spending, your refusal to enforce immigration laws, the massive expansion of the Welfare State, the lies, the broken promises, etc — but I think, in an understated way, what you’ve done this week is a better microcosm of your entire reign.


Chicago political thuggery....

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Fair, that amused me as I really do hate Obama from the bottom of my heart. Some extremely short sighted, dull, deluded people may think that. Because I want my health care costs to decrease thereby freeing up a significant amount of money per month ($700) to be spent on my young families many other needs that somehow equates to me high fiving Barack Obama and joining all in with his agendas.


Your article says he just wants to win but is that any less true of your republican heroes? Point that mirror inwards, friends, and ask if you like what you see there. Can any republican really say they're non partisan? That their goal is not to "win" that's our system in a nutshell. Our country in a nutshell. And our people in a nutshell. We elect our representatives now to stick it to the people we don't like. That is all. True story.


I hate Obama. I hate Rand Paul too. And Boehner. Our government is a piece of shit. But the immediate needs of my family are one hundred million times as important to me than making sure Obama eats a humble pie. That's for people that don't have real problems.

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no, no, no. Other folks have families, too, Cysko. Like me. And other people

have serious needs, too. The phoney claim that people don't like your op to get

less expensive hc coverage so they can screw with Obamao, is so ignorant I can't

believe you don't know better. See? I just complimented you. You know better.


Millions of folks who DO have hc insurance will LOSE it. Some of the dems are admitting it.


and, reps aren't the ones who are getting a lot of folks dependent on gov. The idea you keep

lambasting the forum with, that reps are partisan, so that somehow excuses the interference

and damage to our economy, and interference and damage to all the millions and millions

and millions of Americans who do have health, can afford it, and don't want it screwed up because

they worked their whole lives to have it.


Nobody here is going to be upset if you can get a more affordable hc insurance from Obamaocare.


Some of us are just concerning it's a pig in a poke, a trojan horse, or more simply, a gigantic, impossible

to pay for political overreach that is going to do real damage on top of all the rest of our nation's economy,

along with all the deficit spending already going on.

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The subject of the thread is not about Cysko. It's about the direction our economy is taking,

which, with what has happened historically in other places like the Weimar Republic with them

doing the same things we are now.....


That being prepared for disaster is not some cracked up idea. And Obamaocare is so huge,

so expensive, and is so much more than a simple way for families to afford hc insurance.....

we are headed toward financial and social disaster.


Read up on "Cloward and Piven". They were profs where Obamao went to school. Think about that,

and what is happening now. Unions are already looking at Obamaocare and choking at what

it really is, what it will really do to our country.

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Yeah how were those wars in Iraq and Afghanistan in our budget? And what did any of us get out of that? I bet $100.00 that you supported those hook line and sinker. And yes I am aware Obama continued them.


Republicans shit on Medicare Medicaid and social security if I recall correctly. Today all of those things are widely accepted. You yourself are collecting social security that I'm currently paying for. Do you think I will ever see social security? What are doing is drawing a check out of other people's money. Your health care is being payed for by me. Your money was already spent on your parents generation, friend-o. You're doing exactly what you fear others might do to you. So its good for the goose but not the gander.

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I don't think you have any idea of what you are talking about.

Yes, Bush ran up the deficit. Obamao is pushing it to critical levels.


Either condone both, or bitch about both. You are cherry picking based

on what? Personal gain, with the hope of spending less on hc insurance?


There is a whole lot of "buyer's remorse" going on now, over Obamaocare.

And yes, our gov raided ss. bastards. That should NEVER have happened.

But Obamaocare is a worse pipe dream. We can't afford it to begin with,


And it is a big lie, a batch of false promises. Obamao himself delayed parts of it,

which he doesn't have the authority to do.


Why? because this bill will be destructive. And the dems are knowing it more and more,

and they don't want the hate dems to hit the fan until after the next election. That's exactly why.


I wasn't around, I think, when ss and medicare/aid came into being. So stfu about that. ss never ruined

other people's retirement systems. Again, stfu and listen - nobody here is complaining that YOU

want to get into Obamaocare and get a better premium on hc.




But this Obamaocare is not what it was supposed to be. Unions are realizing it. And they aren't reps oriented.

A lot of dems are backtracking at the fiasco this gigantic law is, and all it will really affect.


Here's a couple of good articles on it:





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By the way 1 result of the Iraq war is that they are still selling oil in US dollars and not euros. If you don't think that's important to our economy you're out of your mind. Afghanistan is another matter. I never saw any use for that in the first place.

And Democrats have been bitching about Bush's prescription medicine plan ever since he signed it. You? I mean that would be free shit for you and your kids right?


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Probably not me, at my age. But that's why people vote. I think everybody'd like to squirt out a few kids and have somebody else pick up the tab. It's understandable.

It might be a little ironic but if Obamacare forces somebody else to pay part of my care great.


My main bitch is that it makes people take a very valuable service for granted and think they're entitled to have it cheap or free.




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So, now, if Cysko has to buy me a new combine with a conservative, domineering gov, taking

his cookie money....


I'm all for it. Let him eat cake.


Yeah, that should be a great thing if all of us get screwed over, so this corrupt marixst regime

can please everybody with utopia for a little while. Wait a minute, how can we all have utopia

when we are all getting screwed over ?


What the...


Then the money runs out. And all hell breaks loose. Thanks for nothin, See Stalin starving

several millions out in the Ukraine. Socialist utopia is like a black hole in space. It just sucks

up initiative, all the money in existence, freedom of all, wealth of all....


But in the meantime, there's plenty of people who don't care if others are screwed over,

as long as they get a benefit ! Free stuff ! Subsidized assistance for stuff !

They get theirs, who cares?


Like Venzuela...a lot of people cheered Chavez. But the money ran out. Now their entire country is

screwed over, crime has skyrocketed, and the gov has clamped down on civil liberties and disarmed

the citizenry. Buyers remorse all too late. It's history. Happens every time.


Why people in this country think this one time, here, that it is impossible, or at least won't happen ? Come on, man.

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So, now, if Cysko has to buy me a new combine with a conservative, domineering gov, taking

his cookie money....


I'm all for it. Let him eat cake.


Yeah, that should be a great thing if all of us get screwed over, so this corrupt marixst regime

can please everybody with utopia for a little while. Wait a minute, how can we all have utopia

when we are all getting screwed over ?


What the...


Then the money runs out. And all hell breaks loose. Thanks for nothin, See Stalin starving

several millions out in the Ukraine. Socialist utopia is like a black hole in space. It just sucks

up initiative, all the money in existence, freedom of all, wealth of all....


Like Venzuela...a lot of people cheered Chavez. But the money ran out. Now their entire country is

screwed over, crime has skyrocketed, and the gov has clamped down on civil liberties and disarmed

the citizenry. Buyers remorse all too late. It's history. Happens every time.


Why people in this country think this one time, here, that it is impossible, or at least won't ? Come on, man.



check this out too! http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/10/04/us-swiss-pay-idUSBRE9930O620131004



Swiss to vote on 2,500 franc basic income for every adult


the-swiss-banking-secret.png Whoopie!

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