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Marxist pig ObaMao slaps our WWII heroes in the face over leftwing arrogant politics


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Now, some of those aged, WWII heroes... are being threatened with arrest.


This is filthy crap. And it is all on ObaMao. Maybe tens of thousands of us should go


and appear with them. Let Obamao arrest everybody.


Oh, yeah, he has FEMA camps. And he'd use them.


This really is getting me honked off.



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Not all on both. The Reps have been passing bills, trying to negotiate.


Obamao has his feet stomped onto the noses of the dems in Congress,


and won't let them negotiate over Obamaocare at all.


Seriously? Thousands and thousands and thousands of pages of Obamaocare,


and they can't negotiate on ONE PAGE?


It's on the dems. They overreached, and now they won't face facts over the gigantic overreach and admit


they shouldn't have passed it as is.

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"top of the.."


isn't the subject of the thread, Chris.


And, the National Park Service SAID OBAMAO ORDERED THE CLOSING.


Please try to keep up.


Meanwhile, they? put up bigger fences, signs, and armed guards now.


Obamao, apparently, is willing to have his nbp party gun down aged, retired veterans


trying to enter their memorial. Obamaonazis.

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House Republicans chose to use a shutdown to prevent obamacare, the shutdown forces non-essential gov't facilities to close, memorials and national parks are considered non-essential, but its obama's fault? I don't know if fox news/republicans think the average person is an idiot or that they really don't understand how a gov't shutdown works.

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The heavy handed anti gun campaign, the heavy handed interference/influence on all kids in education..


(that's why they HATE vouchers and private schools),. the heavy handed interference in our energy


(refusing to ok the pipeline, Obamao saying "energy prices will necessarily skyrocket"....


his war on coal companies.... his and holder's refusal to accept the LAW about marriage, and immigration,


his stupidass support of the "Muslim Brotherhood"....


I'd say, yes, he and his ilk are going for broke in a hateful lib marxist style revolution.


All that's missing, is overruling our Constitution, and disbanding/minimalizing any interference

by Congress or the Judicial system.


And even at that, he and Kerry signed the UN arms agreement, favored the Kyoto Protocol,

and I believe they signed the seas treaty.


Sounds like "ObaMao" to me. @@

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Marxist pig Obamao ordered the parks shut down, and the WWII memorial wired shut, etc....


but look here, in Drudge:


Military keeps Camp David open; Halts NFL, baseball coverage to troops overseas...
Autumn 'leaf season' in jeopardy...


WH asks for shutdown sob stories...


REALLY? He causes the crisis, then asks for stories to USE the crisis. This is corrupt marxist, alinski

methology plain and simple. Guess what ELSE this corrupt regime will do, to create crises, to be

able to use them for political gain?


Hyper inflation? Perhaps, widespread racial violence? Inviting drug cartels and terrorists to cross the border?


Why, he and holder will probably send free guns to mexico, untracked, to blame American gun owners

and try to get gun control !!


Oh, wait. They already did that....

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Seriously? Trying to close..the OCEAN? One National Park service employee
admitted, that they were ordered to close everything down as miserably as possible.
That's where Obamao's appointees come into play. Following the "dear leader" orders.
It's openly all about painting an emotional picture, so the woodys and the hecks and all
will emotionally support this marxist pig in our WH. Actually, there are two of them...
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Say, Obamao hates our military veterans....


but his disstick heading up the NP service....


okayed the dem's immigration rally...on the close grounds,...


that the WWII veterans were closed out of.


It's all a farce, this whole dem Obamao thing.



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