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The Saul Alinski method towards control of society - Health Care


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In Saul Alinsky’s book, Rules for Radicals, which many observers cite as Barack Obama’s political bible, Alinsky says…

“Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.”

In other words, if you can’t beat adversaries on the facts, insult them. Alinsky contends…

“It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule.”

Barack Obama’s White House has taken this concept to an art form, and there are few who have ever played Alinsky’s cards better than team Obama.

Perhaps that’s why Alinsky’s son has frequently accorded community organizer Obama the high praise of being his father’s greatest disciple. Unfortunately, the President isn’t the only one in his circle of advisors who is an accomplished Alinsky follower.

As reported Thursday by Politico,

“White House senior adviser Dan Pfeiffer verbally assaulted House Republicans likening them to suicide bombers, kidnappers and arsonists.


’What we're not for is negotiating with people with a bomb strapped to their chest… We're not going to do that.’”

Pfeiffer also offered up analogies comparing Republicans to kidnappers and arsonists…

“He referred to a list of Republican add-ons to a debt-limit bill as ‘ransom demands,’ and said ‘it's not a negotiation if I show up at your house and say give me everything inside or I'm going to burn it down.’”

The problem with the administration’s spin is that those Republicans who call for the defunding of ObamaCare were acting on behalf of the majority of Americans, including you and me!

That says to me that the White House is, in essence calling patriotic Americans like us “terrorists, arsonists, and kidnappers.” Of course, it should not come as any surprise that President Obama looks at the conservative side of the nation with disdain and even a visceral animus.

++To Barack Obama, we are not the loyal opposition: We are his enemies.

We are those people who have stood in staunch opposition to his agenda to “fundamentally transform” our nation. We are the ones who still believe in American exceptionalism, the liberties granted to us by the Constitution, and the sacred nature of God-given life.

My goodness – we actually dare to oppose tyrannical oppression, overreaching government, and reckless spending!

Just hours after the Senate vote yesterday, the President took to his bully pulpit and maligned us yet again, saying …

“Americans have worked too hard to see extremists in Congress cause a crisis.”

Mr. President, we are the Americans who are working hard to defend the Constitution and save this nation from socialized medicine! Your ultraliberal extremists in Congress are the ones who fraudulently foisted ObamaCare on the nation!

Al Gore, a great proponent of ObamaCare – even as irrelevant as he has become of late – actually dared yesterday to call our opposition to ObamaCare “political terrorism.”

Now, the majority of Americans – and that includes you and me –are terrorists according to the liberal calculus! Twice in the last week, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid called conservatives, “anarchists.”

Once this kind of venomous ridicule reaches its intended intensity, adversaries are marginalized and eventually dehumanized by tyrants operating under Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals.”

This is the left’s strategy: Demonize those of us who dare to oppose their radical agenda. Then, force that agenda down the majority’s collective throats using any underhanded strategy necessary.

++Forget the politics – ObamaCare must go if we are to survive!

It’s now all on the record: Members of the United States Senate ignored the will of a majority of Americans and pushed ObamaCare a big step closer to full implementation yesterday.

Harry Reid stripped the “defund ObamaCare” language from the Continuing Resolution (CR) and added full funding back in. Then the Senate voted along party lines to pass the amended CR in a 54-44 vote.

The members of the Senate will be held accountable for their votes. Liberty Counsel Action will score both of these votes in our upcoming Congressional voter guides.

“If they funded ObamaCare, they own it.”

Over the next couple of days, the House of Representatives will craft their response to the Senate bill. That elected body must also be encouraged to once again do the right thing for the citizens who put them in office.

Members of the House of Representatives must once again hear and heed our voices – the voices of a majority of American citizens firmly petitioning our elected leaders to Delay, Defund, and Defeat ObamaCare.

ObamaCare is a national disgrace and MUST be stopped from being fully implemented! We are acting on principle and refuse to be dissuaded by political maneuvering.

Today, I urge you to fax (or once again fax) representatives in the House and encourage them to do the right thing on behalf of the American people. Go here to take immediate action:


++Lets kill ObamaCare before it kills us!

ObamaCare is badly failing the “real world” test. President Obama blatantly lied about what the bill will and will not do.

We have exposed the deceit, the loopholes, the costs, and the socialist goal of killing insurance companies, driving up costs, and eventually placing every American under the government-run system.

Together, we can STOP this outrageous government takeover of the world’s most advanced healthcare industry. Together, we can save America from being turned into just another second-class socialist state!

We must keep the pressure on right up to the final hour of this ongoing battle!
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I'm not following that. I think you must be missing the point, Cysko.

Obamaocare is costing a lot of Americans their fulltime hours. and HIGHER premiums,

and jobs. And, Obamaocare - the lowest premium is well over 2000 bucks a month.


Really? I pay 600, for outstanding coverage. But we worked our entire lives toward

that end, you know. I think you are inferring that Obamaocare is free. Guess again. Read up on it.


It's a phoney, broken promises fiasco that was a political bragging point from the gitgo.

It's a giant monstrosity, that even they admit will cause about 6-8 millions to LOSE their current insurance.

And Obamaocare won't be cheaper, but quite the opposite. EXcept for the really inner city gimme poor dem voters.


And that, is the whole point of it. Permanent political power.

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No, I was not insinuating that at all. I know you are not one of those inner city leeches.


It's just that the subject of the thread has to do with Saul Alinski, and those inner folks are low information


happy to be manipulated for free stuff.


If that figure is wrong, I stand corrected. And I do hope you can get lower med insurance. I'm not sure


about the accuracy of that quote. So, you could have ASKED me if that was what I meant, before going berserk.

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I'll be one of the millions that "lose" my precious insurance and I really couldn't be happier about it. Why? Because ill keep the 500 a month I put into it, ill get the 500 a month my employer puts into it and all told that should increase my paycheck by around 700 a month. Not exactly peanuts. Plus ill have vision and dental again. If the private insurance companies want me to fret about that they're barking up the wrong tree.

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Look, when economies have trouble, companies react. They cut $$$ for R&D, layoff employees,

cut frills, cut charitable contributions, they put expansions of their business on hold...


Now, this overreach disaster, Obamaocare, is setting the stage for companies to also cut

hours from full time, and end their insurance programs. And, the authors designed Obamaocare

to do just that.


The more some companies cut the serious amount of $$$$$$$$ it takes to provide insurance,

the more other companies will be looking to follow suit.


A lot of companies don't have the ability to cost price their services/products, to compete with other

companies who have dramatically lowered their costs by giving up their employees to Obamaocare.


Which, Obamaocare not only encourages, but demands, depending on what insurance those companies



It's a giant mistake, based on alleged good intentions. You know what they say. "The road to hell is paved with

good intentions" ?


When, there you go. That road to hell is Obamaocare, and most everything else on this corrupt regime's

list of power accrual moves.

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