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Sounds like brown shirt to me


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Back in the day, you were never allowed to criticize hitler.

Now, all this citizen did, was to criticize "common core" coming into

our schools, and wanted to ask a question. The board was not allowing questions

verbally, but instead, they insisted they be written and submitted. And some submitters

said their questions were reworded, and the answers were to the false questions.


Then, another person was handing out flyers on th sidewalk outside. And that person

was threatened with arrest if they didn't stop. What ObaMao wants, his dishonest

minions will do nearly anything, apparently, to defend his getting it.


So, this guy was interupted by a "security guard", who apparently is an off duty policeman.


And got that guy into handcuffs, and labeled a false charge of pushing him to boot.


Well - guess what. All charges have been dropped. There was no pushing. It was a poltical

cover move for Obamao and co. ...by a black security guard with his pro Obamao nose

out of joint. Criticize what the president marxist pig wants, and they will get you, screw with you,

lie about you, and ruin you. Common core is right out of Bill Ayer's playbook.


So, would anybody think that this stupid, dishonest policejerk would do the same thing,

to a conservative black woman? I think not. That seems to imply racist action to me.


And, btw, how is it, that we don't know the name of this ignorant, dishonest policeman anyways?


I hope the guy getting grabbed by this jerk "policeman" gets a huge win in court.


The left is out of control - they are playing "Simon says" with the rest of America that

doesn't go with their stupid ass agenda.






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How does it sound like he didn't wait his turn? that's bs. There's nothing there to suggest that.


Common Core = Obamao and the left's intrusion into the education system.


Read up, Woody, before you counter all posts with jibberish.

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It gets worse.


The liberal scum female school board member called 911, to report


fear of a "disturbance".


It seems she and others only got upset when the guy brought up their salaries.


Filing a false police report would be in order. And, False arrest by the cowardly


unnamed "policeman". And, abusing the 911 system. But liberals think rules and law don't


apply to them. That's how badly they want to further their agenda.



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I don't really care too much about the content of the question, but what I heard was a guy being asked to remain quiet, his turn will come, the question that wants to ask is on the agenda, and he just wouldn't shut up, after being asked multiple times. Could it have been handled better? Probably. Is the guy a jackass? Probably.

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I dont blame a guy with the guts to stand up and help out a "scripted" question / answer period by


bringing some context that others in the room seemed to agree with but may not have given a voice to, or even know how to express?


getting "strong armed" out of the meeting like that is more disturbing if you feel your liberty is threatened.


This guy (Robert Small) didnt do anything out of civil disobedience imo....


Now take the Black Panthers and the voting polls for instance?

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No, Chris. Open questions weren't allowed at the meeting. The board insisted that all questions be submitted in writing.

And some who did submit them in writing, realized that the board was changing the questions to their liking,

and answering them accordingly. That set the stage for the audience to start getting upset with the dishonesty.

The board didn't want complaints about Common Core. That's all. And a person out on the sidewalk, was distributing

leaflets complaining about Common Core, and that person was threatened with arrest, if they didn't stop. They did.


It's a liberal/marxist kind of movement - and they don't want it questioned or complained about. This kind of

movement wants the power to control. Control the educational system, get at the kids to effect long term pro-lib

change to society), controlling health care across the board (see Obamaocare), Controlling our religious institutions,

(see Obamaocare forcing churches etc, to fund abortion coverage/etc insurance in violation of their own beliefs),

controlling families' finances (see Obamaocare, taxes on medical devices, fines for not joining Obamaocare and not having

insurance, see "skyrocketing energy prices", higher premiums...).....


controlling our food (see Bloomberg and Moochelle Obamao's dictums on food)...


and controlling families' security - (see gun control, liberal schools overreach on gun pictures, toy guns used

by kids in THEIR OWN YARDS ON THEIR OWN TIME).... and the instigation of race controversy where there shouldn't

be any.


(see Obamao on white policeman in Boston, Zimmerman trial, Holder's refusal to prosecute the NBP party,

Obamao's speeches, IRS harrassment of white Tea Party groups, other conservative groups....


It's all real, and it helps paint a very dangerous picture. Oh yeah, Kerry and Obamao signed the UN gun law.


Oh, yeah, and some major dems, have admitted that death panels will be necessary in Obamaocare....

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No, Chris. Open questions weren't allowed at the meeting. The board insisted that all questions be submitted in writing.

And some who did submit them in writing, realized that the board was changing the questions to their liking,

and answering them accordingly. That set the stage for the audience to start getting upset with the dishonesty.

The board didn't want complaints about Common Core. That's all. And a person out on the sidewalk, was distributing

leaflets complaining about Common Core, and that person was threatened with arrest, if they didn't stop. They did.


It's a liberal/marxist kind of movement - and they don't want it questioned or complained about. This kind of

movement wants the power to control. Control the educational system, get at the kids to effect long term pro-lib

change to society), controlling health care across the board (see Obamaocare), Controlling our religious institutions,

(see Obamaocare forcing churches etc, to fund abortion coverage/etc insurance in violation of their own beliefs),

controlling families' finances (see Obamaocare, taxes on medical devices, fines for not joining Obamaocare and not having

insurance, see "skyrocketing energy prices", higher premiums...).....


controlling our food (see Bloomberg and Moochelle Obamao's dictums on food)...


and controlling families' security - (see gun control, liberal schools overreach on gun pictures, toy guns used

by kids in THEIR OWN YARDS ON THEIR OWN TIME).... and the instigation of race controversy where there shouldn't

be any.


(see Obamao on white policeman in Boston, Zimmerman trial, Holder's refusal to prosecute the NBP party,

Obamao's speeches, IRS harrassment of white Tea Party groups, other conservative groups....


It's all real, and it helps paint a very dangerous picture. Oh yeah, Kerry and Obamao signed the UN gun law.


Oh, yeah, and some major dems, have admitted that death panels will be necessary in Obamaocare....

OK, I'm curious now. You have some very strong opinions and views about how Obama is ruining your country - what are you doing about it? I mean, if it's as bad as you're saying ( and I doubt it is, but don't have anywhere near enough information to contradict your statements, we have our own shit to deal with over here), you'd presumably be doing something to speak out about it all? Outside of this place that is.

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What am I doing? I'm drying peppers and sliced tomatoes, and stuff. I'm going to be canning, making some jam.

I'm going to start hunting again, and make and can some onion relish. I'm going to work on growing some stuff,

like lettuce, etc, over the winter. Getting more firewood.


I'm starting a grassroots Westside Steve for President

movement, and I'm going to make a bug out vehicle out of our combine. Sure, it only goes 20 mph, but it would

roll completely over any Obamao Nsa blockade. And, our neighborhood emergency defense plan, is to

hide in our woods, in tents, and surround our woods with skunks every three feet. Our friends and us have

built tunnels from all our basements, to others - we're all connected, except for the stupid neighbors we don't like.


The freakin, dangerous and stinky Obamao Nsa satellites

don't have a chance of tracking us down. And, we also plan to grease the surrounding roads so they can't get

to us in the first place. And, if they do get past that, they will have to wade through our 5'deep, 20 wide trenches

of dairy cow poop.


And, I called speaker Boener sp? and told them to save our Constitution, and make root beer the drink of the land,

squirrel and dumplings the recipe of the land, and arrest anybody who tries to whiz on our rights.


But, don't tell anybody. And I hope the doofy NSA doesn't read this.

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Another woodypeckerhead personal attack, and


your post has, as most always, nothing of content about the SUBJECT OF THE THREAD.


Meanwhile, woodypeckerhead, you are the only one on on the internet that would think


my post above was serious.


I really think there is something wrong with you.

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What am I doing? I'm drying peppers and sliced tomatoes, and stuff. I'm going to be canning, making some jam.

I'm going to start hunting again, and make and can some onion relish. I'm going to work on growing some stuff,

like lettuce, etc, over the winter. Getting more firewood.


I'm starting a grassroots Westside Steve for President

movement, and I'm going to make a bug out vehicle out of our combine. Sure, it only goes 20 mph, but it would

roll completely over any Obamao Nsa blockade. And, our neighborhood emergency defense plan, is to

hide in our woods, in tents, and surround our woods with skunks every three feet. Our friends and us have

built tunnels from all our basements, to others - we're all connected, except for the stupid neighbors we don't like.


The freakin, dangerous and stinky Obamao Nsa satellites

don't have a chance of tracking us down. And, we also plan to grease the surrounding roads so they can't get

to us in the first place. And, if they do get past that, they will have to wade through our 5'deep, 20 wide trenches

of dairy cow poop.


And, I called speaker Boener sp? and told them to save our Constitution, and make root beer the drink of the land,

squirrel and dumplings the recipe of the land, and arrest anybody who tries to whiz on our rights.


But, don't tell anybody. And I hope the doofy NSA doesn't read this.

OK, you made me laugh :P what I meant was more in terms of the political campaigning/lobbying side of things, but that was entertaining enough!

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OK, you made me laugh :P what I meant was more in terms of the political campaigning/lobbying side of things, but that was entertaining enough! Chris


Actually, to be honest, all I can do is sign onto the petitions that go to the dingbats in

Congress and hope that makes a difference.

I worked on the Bush campaign twice. But I couldn't bring myself to work on the McCain and Romney campaigns.

Hopefully, I can be inspired to work on the campaign of a good nominee again. I really, really respect Thume of S. Dakota.

He probably won't run, but I think the stakes are high. He'd win. He's my favorite pick to run for pres.

And, I'm drying cornbread corn we grew in our garden, more tomatoes, and a bunch of organic cabbage.

And more semi hot Hungarian peppers. And our friends down the road grew the 80 lbs of potatoes we bought.... He and I will be digging those pretty soon...

Should make for some great squirrel stew later on in winter....@@

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