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Sept. 11, 2013. 73 percent of deaths of our soldiers happened under Obamao rule


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Again, I remember the local "newspaper" printing the deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan every day.

When ObaMao was elected, they stopped. Obamao changed the rules for engagement,

and caused a lot of deaths in that alone.


On the evening of Sept 10, Obamao gave a speech on Syria. In one sentence,

he said Syria was a threat to our national security. Some sentences later, he said

it was not a threat, even to our military. He is a coward, afraid to make a decision,


and too corrupt to have any ability to truly lead. Libs on this board said Obamao would

bring us all together, in a post-racial America. They said he would make peace in the world,

especially the Muslim world, because he had an inside understanding of them.


He was said to be profoundly brilliant, enter in a new age.


All we have from him is what we said. Floundering, leftist agenda, raised our national

debt hugely (remember when he said Bush was unpatriotic for having the debt HE had?


Remember when he said he supported the 2nd Amendment? It goes on and on.


He is a liar, a fraud, a marxist, a globalist, a statist, and a coward.




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Just out of curiosity, do you have some kind of auto-correct on, so when you accidentally typa 'Obama' it gets changed to 'Obamao' ? I mean, it must get a bit tiring trying to make the same point in the same way, day after day, post after post.

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Sorry, Chris. No annoyance meant. It's just that I sum up my understanding of him in respelling his name.


Somehow, spelling his name correctly seems unfitting for such a waste of humanity. For me, the fun has never worn off. ggg

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