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Blooperberg's "Mayors against illegal guns" losing members


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Of course it is. Bloomberg's leftist ulterior motive has become known to all but the most

dumbass of Americans.


It was like the Soviets talking about "democracy". Sounds good, until you realize it's a farce

for propaganda's sake.




What Bloomberg's FORMER members of MAIG are saying...


"I was never an active member. They're not just against illegal guns, they're against all guns."

- Mayor Bob Scott, Sioux City, Iowa

“It was a mistake really…They swindle you in and then put your name on the list.”

- Mayor Keith Hoffman, East Berlin, Pennsylvania

"I am withdrawing because I believe the MAIG is attempting to erode all gun ownership, not just illegal guns. Additionally, I have learned that the MAIG may be working on issues which conflict with legal gun ownership. It appears the MAIG has misrepresented itself to the Mayors of America and its citizens. This is gun control, not crime prevention."

- Former Mayor Patricia Shontz, Madeira Beach, Florida

"I became a member of Mayors Against Illegal Guns based on my belief that this group would help in the fight against criminal gun use. After all, who isn't for making our communities safer by getting illegal guns off the streets and out of the hands of the wrong people? After careful consideration and after listening to the concerns of many of my constituents I have come to the conclusion that some of your organization's statements and actions can be construed as infringing on the rights of legitimate gun owners. Because of this, I request that you remove my name from your web site and from your membership lists."

- Former Mayor Royce Pollard, Vancouver, Washington

"I do think the merit of having legal ownership is important. I don't think we should ever lose that in this country. If the Mayors Against Illegal Guns is slipping over into that, then it really disturbs me deeply."

- Former Mayor Dave Munson, Sioux Falls, South Dakota

"I simply cannot be part of an organization that chooses this course of action instead of cooperatively working with those that have proven over a lifetime of work their true intentions."

- Mayor Donnalee Lozeau, Nashua, New Hampshire

"I am withdrawing because you are attempting to erode all gun ownership, not just illegal guns. I have learned that the coalition may be working on issues which conflict with legal gun ownership, and that some actions on your behalf are dubious...Regrettably, it has become continuously clear to me that you are using this coalition of mayors to advance a hidden agenda of bringing lawsuits against members of the firearms industry and spreading anti-gun propaganda."

- Former Mayor Marlene Anielski, Walton Hills, Ohio

"Sometime ago, I attended a meeting with many city officials from throughout the United States. At this meeting there was a table with the title "Mayors Against Illegal Guns." Not wanting illegal guns, I signed the form not knowing what kind of spin would ensue. As it turned out, I was against the 2nd amendment, etc. I have since been removed from the "Mayors Against Illegal Guns" movement. On our city website I have a letter to all stating my position. I'm not against the NRA, guns or hunting and never will be."

- Mayor John D. Link, Edgewood, Kentucky

"It is simply unconscionable that this coalition, under your [Michael Bloomberg's] leadership, would call for a repeal of the Shelby/Tiahrt amendment that helps to safeguard criminal investigations and the lives of law enforcement officers, witnesses and others by restricting access to firearms trace data solely to law enforcement. How anyone, least of all a public official, could be willing to sacrifice such a law enforcement lifeline in order to gain an edge in suing an industry they have political differences with is repugnant to me. The fact that your campaign against this protective language consisted of overheated rhetoric, deception and falsehoods is disturbing."

- Mayor Harry Moore, Oldmans Township, New Jersey

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