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Student runs for class president, gets racist hate texts, is victim


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yep. A victim of rasist text messages. Sent to him. Poor guy. We should all vote for him.


Oh, wait. He sent those text messages to himself. "Oh, Lord, please help me be victimized,

so I can use it to get what I want..."


Well, works for Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and the like.






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It's news because of all the phony claims of poor little boy Trayvon Martin being hunted and chased down, and killed

simply because he was black.


Which, is a complete and total lie. It's news because even the gov has historically given blacks preference

in reverse discrimination mode. Like they thought that would "equalize" everybody after a while.


All it did, was to help create a dependent, entitled, slothy subculture. As usual, libs don't want to talk about things

that don't fit their hateful, antagonistic false narrative.


No surprise here. This isn't the first time, either. It's happened before. Intentionally victimizing themselves for political/whatever gain.


It's indicative of the jaw-flappy of the Sharptons, Jacksons, and Obamaos manipulation of the black dependent subcultural community.

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So they found a story with elements that could help support an idea/agenda their readers already agree with, and then posted it as news. This gave they've web traffic as droves of readers clicked on just to say "Ha! I knew it!" and then leave. There's no news here at all, nothing important, just a website using its readers for views. You played right into their hand.

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No. It's yet another indication that being a victim "works" for blacks in the subculture we talk about when you aren't


screwing up conversations and subjects. It's those "victims" Obamao and the rest of his corrupt regime pander to,

and go out of their way to encourage.


Major part of Obamao's base.

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They're posting what you want to hear to gain web traffic. It isn't news. You just want to hear your own view points read back to you. Wrong or not, with the whole story or not.


It is what the majority of your "sources" are. Then I post here why they are incorrect, or what's missing, or whatever and you go on and on about how I'm "not staying on topic". Fuck off. It is just what you don't want to hear.


Grow a sack you little shit stain. Your ideals aren't the golden rule. You aren't right. They're outdated and being phased out, and not because society and govt is just so corrupt now. You're a little bitch that can't deal with change. You blame everything wrong on others and groups you don't like. Grow up you immature fuck.

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Well, little johnny woodypeckerhead is just looking to be mean and nasty.

Here, you ignorant little asswipe, right in the article, is the actual source.


You whining to Fairhooker, Diehard, or me or that face you see when you talk out of your arse?

You have to be the most stupid, worthless little sissy to ever exist on this board.


The only other twit as dumbass as you was mz the pussy the pussy the pussy.


New Jersey. It's a state in the United States, dumbass woodypeckerhead. For once, read the freakin article.



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