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The blacks beat up white 3 year old


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Idk what happened to you Cysko, idk why this is such a touchy issue, but you've fallen to Bunker levels in my book recently. I'm sure you don't care, and idc that you don't care. I'm just saying.


Sadbrownsfan leaves out of this board. Luckily school is about to start and I should be on here less, hopefully.


How all of this race talk became what the political board is, idk. When the vast majority of the board acts like they do, I guess it isn't surprising...

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Idk what happened to you Cysko, idk why this is such a touchy issue, but you've fallen to Bunker levels in my book recently. I'm sure you don't care, and idc that you don't care. I'm just saying.


Sadbrownsfan leaves out of this board. Luckily school is about to start and I should be on here less, hopefully.


How all of this race talk became what the political board is, idk. When the vast majority of the board acts like they do, I guess it isn't surprising...

You can feel free to fuck yourself whenever you like. You don't know how to tell the difference between hate and anger/contempt. I'm hardly the only one in this country who feels angry and contemptuous at the decline of the black community. Look around you. You don't have a realistic picture of the world, I think you think all black people are as friendly as your buddy lance or whatever. I'd invite you down to cmha king Kennedy at woodland and 55th to get a more realistic picture.


Is there good, nice, moral, upstanding excellent and commendable black citizens in thus country? Absolutely and without question. However its only a fraction of a minority. There's many more doing the exact opposite of the right thing. Why are there all these stories to every one Zimmerman story? Can you apologize and explain that away?

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This was a joke, but it's clearly gone over everyone's heads. Figured using the term "The blacks" would have been a big enough signal, mocking the not so thinly veiled racism that's been rampant with the last few threads. That being said, I'd hardly call this shit racist. It's just kids picking on smaller kids. Pretty sure most people here have done it.

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This was a joke, but it's clearly gone over everyone's heads. Figured using the term "The blacks" would have been a big enough signal, mocking the not so thinly veiled racism that's been rampant with the last few posts. That being said, I'd hardly call this shit racist. It's just kids picking on smaller kids. Pretty sure most people here have done it.

Yeah, totally funny vapor. If you don't think the parents here that are clearly not putting a stop to it have racist motives you're naive, and possibly pretty stupid.

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Yeah, totally funny vapor. If you don't think the parents here that are clearly not putting a stop to it have racist motives you're naive, and possibly pretty stupid.


Parents? What parents? The person filming sounds like he was 12 years old. Pretty sure if any parents were around to see it, an ass whooping would be in order. Why the fuck is a three year old wandering around a neighborhood full of little shits unattended?

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