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I guess there's no reason to bother people with learning to read and write or teaching literature or theater or music or art. And why bother to teach math and science to everyone? Just pick those with IQs over a certain point the rest of the population should just be assigned to menial labor.


The world would still be happy, maybe even happier, without all the parlor tricks that math science and technology have provided as long as we still had literature art music etc. And even something to believe in whether or not it's based on science.


Happiness is more than an iPad or a trip to the moon.


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Like what?


What science is there to help support creationism? I know there are "Christian science" groups that act like they have some scientific study... but it is usually BS.



well how about the archeological digs going on (for years) in Israel? as a scientific endeavor..?..


or are you still "sceptical"?

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You don't allow points to be made to you, and your reading comprehension is poor, as well as your maturity.


But, despite that this is a complete and seperate subject from the SUBJECT of the THREAD, I'll help you out again,


but it won't help if you, as most always, refuse to read them. But asked for stuff, so here's a few sites you can check out...


but you probly won't, as usual. And everybody knows why, cept you, I think. The last one is the best one.






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Hahaha... Omg Cal... you're Retarded. You still don't understand the concept of a reputable source, do you? Seriously you should just get laughed out of town now.


"Atheists say the Bible says this, but it doesn't so ha!" Who cares? How does that prove anything to do with creationism?


Or the "science" that's in the bible that we didn't discover until much later. All I see are vague and obscure phrases that can be twisted into "matter is made up of atoms"... between that and the fact the bible has been translated and edited so many times... you've got to be kidding.


Pointing out random bits of the bible that aren't 100 inaccurate doesn't make the rest of it true. You really think the Earth flooded for 40 days and nights? You think God made everything in 6 days and the Earth is 6000 years old? You've got to be kidding me. If so then you've hit a new low.


I always check out your links when you are trying to disprove me. The majority of the time there is something blatantly false or flawed in the logic. I see that all over the place in these links (I think the last link got messed up FYI).


Saying "hey, if you look at this obscure and vague passage, and pretend the invisible forces are gravitational forces, then the bible wasn't completely wrong about everything" doesn't prove anything, let alone creationism....

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That's why it's a waste of time to talk to you, Woodypeckerhead.

You wanted explanation, I gave you some. I'm not going to try to find an

atheist site that says your atheist views are wrong. You're are still the butt of this board -

ignorant, really stupid, you can't keep up with any conversation, and you post like

you are a maladjusted second grade kid with anger and stupid issues.

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And what % would put on it?

No idea Woodrow.

Before I made a definitive guess, because that's about it, I'd want to see the missing links between hundreds and hundreds of different species.

So somebody's guess is that all of them came from one microbe, or pair of microbes, right?

And still the answer to where those microbes came from is basically who the f*** knows?


And I'm going to assume that in 1000 years we will look back and laugh at the science of this generation just as we do that the science of the generation a thousand years before us.


And just for the hell of it let's assume that you are 100 percent correct and that here in 2013 we have reached the very apex of scientific knowledge.

And if so I would ask you: so what?



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So we may know 98% of the story, and it may be accepted by virtually everyone that matters....


...but its not 100%, so who knows which is right?


is 98%...but its not 100%, so who knows which is right... is this a concession to creation?


and it may be accepted by virtually everyone that matters.... yep pretty IMPRESSIVE growth totals for those foolish Christians eh?


hows yours and vapors group doing?


how about that "peaceful" group - the muslims / islamists huh?





World Religion DatabaseAccording to World Religion Database we have the following from 1970 - 2010:

World Religion Database, 1970–2010[48] Religion 1970 population (millions) 2010 population (millions) % change since 1970/year (40 yrs)


unaffiliated (inc. atheists, agnostics, religious but not affiliated) 708.1 813.6 0.37%

Christians 1229 2260.4 2.10%

Muslims 577.2 1553.8 4.23%

Hindus 463.2 948.6 2.62%

Buddhists 235.1 494.9 2.76%

Chinese Folk Religionists 228.8 436.3 2.27%

Ethnoreligiounists 168.9 242.5 1.09%

New religionists 39.4 63 1.50%

Sikhs 10.7 23.9 3.08%

Jews 15.0 14.8 -0.03

Spiritists 4.7 13.7 4.79%

Daoists 1.7 8.4 9.85%

Bahá'ís 2.7 7.3 4.26%

Confucians 4.8 6.4 0.83%

Jains 2.6 5.3 2.60%

Shintoists 4.2 2.8 -0.83%

Zoroastrians 0.1 0.2 2.50%

World total 3696.2 6895.9 2.16%


BTW Steves "tangent" makes perfect sense to the rest of us, evolution is not the standard of our origin. It is a theory - nothing more


So why the hatred for the faith community? didnt get enough cookies in camp?

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Do we need to go into the whole definition of a scientific theory again?


Are you actually putting creationism and evolution on equal footing?


How fast is the board falling down hill... Jesus Christ


Are there really peiple here ready to advocate for creationism over evolution? Cuz damn, that would be hilarious.

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