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20 yr old black thug murders, robs 99 yr old white woman


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More and more horrific. She died of multiple injuries.


I wish these thugs would be sent to gitmo, and waterboarded 24/7 til they die.


This is a sign of bad things to come, with other of the same things happening now.




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More and more horrific. She died of multiple injuries.


I wish these thugs would be sent to gitmo, and waterboarded 24/7 til they die.


This is a sign of bad things to come, with other of the same things happening now.






And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. Jesus - Matthew 24:12


speaking of todays times and events... end times

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No, what's stupid is your determination to mock and distort any subject of any thread because

most of the time, you have nothing to add.


So, you sit back and try to be "funny" like Dom Deluise. Major fail.



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What does this have to do with politics?

Why is it on the conservative political site?


Is it just "We are old white people, black people are scary, here's why..."


Dude you're a fucking idiot. Do you say this shit just to argue. Really showing your age and how immature you are.

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Dude you're a fucking idiot. Do you say this shit just to argue. Really showing your age and how immature you are.

No, this shit is getting fucking old on this board. This story has nothing to do with politics. None of these recent stories do. This board is now a "black people are bad" circle jerk. It is fucking ridiculous and sad. Hell, you've got Mr. T/Bunker up there steps away from the whole "kill all gays" thing that got him "banned" before, it is just with blacks this time.

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No, what's stupid is your determination to mock and distort any subject of any thread because

most of the time, you have nothing to add.


So, you sit back and try to be "funny" like Dom Deluise. Major fail.




oh my bad


Black culture



Reverse racism




I'm not racist

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No, this shit is getting fucking old on this board. This story has nothing to do with politics. None of these recent stories do. This board is now a "black people are bad" circle jerk. It is fucking ridiculous and sad. Hell, you've got Mr. T/Bunker up there steps away from the whole "kill all gays" thing that got him "banned" before, it is just with blacks this time.

Then do us all a favor...go find yourself a big

cock and go choke to death on it.

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woody - I am ok with you having the last word... but your BB reputation precedes you I guess?


and I know your penchant for attacking anything Christian....


but the way I figure , I got my response in quoting scripture on a fairly pertinent subject of some real hate here (op violence)


so - go ahead and keep expounding on the scientific supremacy and your intellectual pursuits...


I guarentee that when you reach the ripe old age some of us are, you might think and feel differently too? but I aint holding my breath either :D

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No... ^that^ is stupid

Woody minus the whole thought of praying to an invisible man in the sky (trust me, I know why you would be skeptical,) wouldn't you want your child to grow up with Christian beliefs and morals? People who follow what they believe Jesus wanted them to do generally speaking treat others well and volunteer to help the poor. Tell me what is wrong with that. Again, I must emphasize I'm talking strictly morals here. It's not stupid, and this is coming from a non-Christian.

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Nothing is wrong with that. It is a great way to live your life. Taking the Bible as a historical account is crazy though. Referencing the end times seriously when discussing modern events is crazy. Praying about things instead of doing solves nothing. Etc etc.


If someone wants to do that in their own homes, great. But when we're talking about policy makers and the involvement of the general public, religion and superstition have no place.

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All sorts of folks in life act on their belief systems. If they are elected, so be it.


Woody, you're saying that people in public office are not allowed to act on their beliefs,

if you don't share those beliefs.


Get over it. That's life, which you haven't lived much of yet.

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I don't want someone in public office wasting their time holding prayer vigils to ask the great invisible man in the sky for rain...


I don't want someone in public office wasting taxpayer money on teaching creationism in public school


I don't want someone in public office seriously using "end times" in some way when determining public policy







That all should be very obvious...

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Nothing is wrong with that. It is a great way to live your life. Taking the Bible as a historical account is crazy though. Referencing the end times seriously when discussing modern events is crazy. Praying about things instead of doing solves nothing. Etc etc.


If someone wants to do that in their own homes, great. But when we're talking about policy makers and the involvement of the general public, religion and superstition have no place.

This was a nation founded on religious principles and just because they are different than what you believe they should not be taken out of public view. Pray, and then take action. The prayer, even if heard by nobody can give some people the mental strength they need to push through difficult times. Why do you see so many athletes praying when somebody gets hurt? Of course God won't come down and magically heal that man, but it gives them the mental strength to move on to the next down, at bat, free throw, etc without being distracted. I wish this were more of a Christian country because they are good beliefs and morals and although I am not a Christian (keep this in mind) I see absolutely nothing wrong with prayer being public. This goes for those in public office as well.


One thing we can agree on is not teaching creationism in schools. I believe there is a balance between how much religion is necessary in this country without going as far as to let it invade public schools. If you want your child to learn creationism and pray in school then send them to a private school like St. Ed's. There's nothing wrong with that.


To summarize my feelings in a couple words:

Everyone has his/her belief and it is not your right to mock one's beliefs or to say another's are correct/incorrect. This also goes for public officials. People need to stop getting so damned offended over religion and see it as a tool necessary for some people to tackle the everyday trials thrown at him/her.


Take what you will from this post. I need to leave now so I don't have the time to go back, rearrange, and edit it so forgive me for a bit of rambling.

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Morals and values aren't exclusive to religion


If prayer makes you feel good, that's great, but public officials should be taking real actions to solve problems.


These officials can be religious if they like, it just shouldn't greatly influence what they do. They are there to serve the people and take action to improve our country. Prayer as a main action won't do that. Referencing end times won't do that

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Actually, I think evolution and creationism should both be taught. Teach about it. Let the students and families decide


what they think about things.

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