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Preseason Game 3

The Cysko Kid

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The third preseason game tends to be different from the other three preseason games. There is some limited game planning involved and the starters tend to see greater than a half of play time. While this game isn't quite a finished product, it will definately demonstrate the course a team is on to open the season. I suspect the Colts are a play-off calibre team, and while I think the Browns will be improved this year...they probably won't be improved enough to take down most play-off contenders. While it is true, that teams simplify their game plans so as not to tip their hands for the opening game...you still have to practice the harder stuff and the third game is where you try some of it out. If you can't get simple stuff down, well, there isn't much hope for a more complicated offensive system.


In all, from what little I've seen of the Browns on the NFL Network, it appears that Cleveland is definately ahead of Pittsburgh. Pittsuburgh's new grand stud offensive line (touted by another regular Steelers fan poster here) is kind of MIA. There's no injury excuse to point to on the offensive line...though if they continue to play that way Roethlisberger will soon be lost for the season (and without him any hopes of a winning season will evaporate). It also seemed that everytime Pittsburgh managed a big play someone on the offensive line was flagged for holding. Also, to open the regular season, it appeared we had some talent/depth at running back, now the Steelers are grasping at straws. The only good thing I can see for Pittsburgh right now is Jarvis Jones appears to be an upgrade from the broken-down Harrison. Jones now looks to be the starter going into the season and I thought he'd sit behind gawd-aweful Jason Worilds this year.


According to Grossi, Jarvis Jones spent the night in the Hospital with a Chest Injury (another Bruised Lung?).

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According to Grossi, Jarvis Jones spent the night in the Hospital with a Chest Injury (another Bruised Lung?).


He fell on the ball following an interception (later waived off due to a penalty). He is listed as having an unspecified Chest Injury, and they are reporting is that all tests came back negative.

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Things I noticed (although I just watched the first half)...Weeden tooks snaps from the center which we know he won't be doing much of, call that gametime practice on a weakness. I didn't notice very many if any snaps from the shotgun. The other thing I noticed was Trich not hitting the holes with much enthusiasm almost if they told him to NOT GET HURT. Plus the final thing I will say is that they ran from one back and I formations mostly with only 2 receiver sets.


If I were to put a tag on it I would say Chud and Norv ran exclusively the plays that they felt would be the weakest that the team needed the most work on. At least at game speed. The pocket broke down quite a bit as well. Maybe that was on purpose to get Weeden accostomed to pressure?


Just a couple of offensive observations. The defense played generally well but once again it seemed like Skrine was on Wayne all night ala Gamespeed practice as we know Haden is good. I'm just fishing in a barrell here but it seemed like a totally different game then they showed weeks one and two.

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