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Why Johnny and Joan can't add


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Check out the Harris poll numbers here http://www.harrisinteractive.com/NewsRoom/HarrisPolls/tabid/447/ctl/ReadCustom%20Default/mid/1508/ArticleId/754/Default.aspx



16% of people polled said the school library should not have any books discussing evolution... lol.

26% of people over the age of 66 said no to books about evolution

The more educated you were, the less you voted to ban books about evolution

The more conservative you were, the more you voted to ban books about evolution


45% said no to books with references to sex, 48% said no to references to violence.... but 62% said no to books with bad words in them, haha. Discuss beating the shit out of people all you want, but no swear words!


41% said no to books with witchcraft, hahaha.. ok

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How is this not on the subject of this thread. Fucking excuse me if it isn't exactly about the one thing you posted. It was a link in your own source to a poll ABOUT BOOK CENSORSHIP. Seems pretty on topic to me.


Are you mad because you are one of those crazy people groups? Do you not think evolution is real? Do you think books with witchcraft in them should be banned in school? Which crazy group do you belong to?


I mean, all of your threads and posts make it apparent you belong to a lot of crazy people groups, but I guess these are potential new ones.

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The subject at hand, is r/x rated reading material, instead of learning material.

Add to this, btw, the report about common cause that revealed a new math teaching -

3-4 can equal eight as long as you can show how you got the answer. It's a news item.


Then, add to that, the reports of how so many of American youth are lagging in math and science.


That is why I posted this, that's why I referred to adding in the title, the subject of the thread.

You seem to always change the subject of a thread so you can ridicule what you bring up.


I guess people ridicule stuff to make themselves feel superior to whatever subject they can dish out crap on.


I belong to the groups: The NRA and the Farm Bureau. Again, attacking instead of discussing the subject of threads.

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Anyone that wants to ban books related to evolution from school deserves to be ridiculed.


As for this R rated book, it does seem pretty racy for high school. Even though it is just a book. I'm not sure why they'd need to pick this as a class book over others. Parents will get pissed about little things like this no matter what though. Probably shouldn't have used the book to begin with.

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Cal can you provide the link to the "new math teaching" would like to see in what context they are referring that 3-4=8?


Any time there is a recommended reading list there will one or two that will push the boundary on what is allowed to be read in HS/Grade school. The book above definitely pushes that boundary(likely goes over) but I would rather see kids old enough to handle those types of subjects(the recommended age over 16+) reading works by Nobel Prize winning author than a lot of the junk that is aimed at teens(Twilight etc).


A list of 11 of the most controversial books http://www.divinecaroline.com/entertainment/breaking-free-bans-eleven-controversial-books

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It's pandering to students who get answers wrong. Why, it's fine.

It wasn't addition though, my bad, it was multiplication:




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Cal, I've taking A LOT of math classes in my life, and I still am. I have to say that makes perfect sense and is pretty much how all of my math classes have worked since middle school. If you go through a long ass problem, get 12 of the 13 steps correct, but on one step you make a small calculation mistake, you still get the majority of the credit. It isn't like that one mistake will get you 0% on the problem. It is more important for a student to understand what is going on in math vs just memorizing some tables...


So many people just suck at math so much that she probably just wanted to use a basic example. That came across to anti-Obama people (or whatever) as "In Obama's America kids learn that 3x4 equals whatever they want! No consequences! We won't teach them anything! Muahahaha!"

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Well, I understand what you are saying Woody, but


in my day, well after George Washington, @@, if you screw up a step,

you got half credit for the question, as well as only a half credit for all the right steps,

and putting down the wrong answer for whatever reason.


Sometimes, a certain prof would simply mark the whole thing wrong. But they are

talking about the calc being the whole point. Which is, imho, saying that getting

the right answer isn't important. So, getting the entire question "correct", when you

write down the wrong answer is the point as I take it. And I don't agree with it.


Add this also to the Common Core of not teaching cursive writing anymore...and

it appears that they are pandering to those who don't write cursive in the subculture

of those who also don't speak at least semi legit English.

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Who uses cursive? That time could better be spent teaching math and science.


Where does it say you get the entire question correct even if you right down the wrong answer?


This really just seems like a bunch of anti Obama people freaking out about how upper level math classes are already taught

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Pretty much everybody uses cursive when they sign a check, yes?


Trust me, you buy a house someday, and sign a plethora of sets of papers,...


they won't let you just print your name each time. Printing is fairly a standard to a degree.


Cursive is more like a fingerprint, a good bit. IOW's, there isn't anywhere near enough individual


style in printing, as there obviously is in cursive.

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But ten years from now, you write a check, and some kids won't accept it


because they work there, and have to call a manager because they can't read cursive...


I don't know....


ANd, btw, the new math is cool. The only change is the new de-emphasis on correct answers,

That simply makes no sense, outside of endearing themselves to students for future votes, culturally.

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Cal, I've taking A LOT of math classes in my life, and I still am. I have to say that makes perfect sense and is pretty much how all of my math classes have worked since middle school. If you go through a long ass problem, get 12 of the 13 steps correct, but on one step you make a small calculation mistake, you still get the majority of the credit. It isn't like that one mistake will get you 0% on the problem. It is more important for a student to understand what is going on in math vs just memorizing some tables...


So many people just suck at math so much that she probably just wanted to use a basic example. That came across to anti-Obama people (or whatever) as "In Obama's America kids learn that 3x4 equals whatever they want! No consequences! We won't teach them anything! Muahahaha!"

I can do all of the steps in fabricating a new crown for a patient flawlessly, but guess what happens if I delivered an A3 shade instead of an A2 (easy mistake)? I dont get "credit" for any of the work I did when the patient doesnt like the look of the crown. No credit = no $$


How much does my patient give a shit if I did everything else right? (none)

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I can do all of the steps in fabricating a new crown for a patient flawlessly, but guess what happens if I delivered an A3 shade instead of an A2 (easy mistake)? I dont get "credit" for any of the work I did when the patient doesnt like the look of the crown. No credit = no $$


How much does my patient give a shit if I did everything else right? (none)

Well no shit. Nothing here is saying that in real life exact numbers no longer matter. That would be stupid. This sounds like an initiative to get kids to actually understand math and what's going in with each problem solving step. To get students to think for themselves and analyze things. That's pretty much how it worked in the advance classes.


Not just memorizing a table. Not just using a calculator. Getting the answer right cuz you memorized it but you are unable to show work, that doesn't deserve points.


We need a more math and science literate society. I think that would start with some basic understanding of math

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What's your point? Our country isn't that great at math. If you are going to learn any science or more advanced math I would say starting with understanding the problem solving steps in basic math is a good idea...


Should we adding reading comprehension to that list too DieHard?

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We need a more literate society across the board. It seems our math and science skills are on par with the rest of the world when you eliminate the failures of the poorest two groups.

but lest we blame poverty and opportunity remember that India looks pretty rough from here yet turns out and amazingly educated population. We don't seem to have the necessary work ethic here and honestly I'm not sure there's anything we can do to change that from the outside.


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I went to school in the suburbs... there are plenty of people "in this group" that know nothing about math or science.


They will group up to become the future climate change skeptics, or evolution skeptics... whatever we will be debating at that point

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Well no shit. Nothing here is saying that in real life exact numbers no longer matter. That would be stupid. This sounds like an initiative to get kids to actually understand math and what's going in with each problem solving step. To get students to think for themselves and analyze things. That's pretty much how it worked in the advance classes.


Not just memorizing a table. Not just using a calculator. Getting the answer right cuz you memorized it but you are unable to show work, that doesn't deserve points.


We need a more math and science literate society. I think that would start with some basic understanding of math

Has nothing to do with a table or calculator. It's about personal responsibility.


When you get the answer wrong, instead of asking "why didn't I get an A, that's not fair?" It's "can you show me why I got this wrong?" And let the teacher, you know, teach the student.


If its a simple mistake, as you're suggesting, I guarantee the student doesn't make it again. Unless he/she keeps getting rewarded with 90% credit for everything (still an A now apparently) then where is the incentive for the student to give a shit and learn the material?

If it's a more significant mistake, then it gives the teacher an opportunity to correct it early on, and the student actually understands the material as you suggest.

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